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MaltaToday 16 October 2024 MIDWEEK

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12 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 16 OCTOBER 2024 NEWS F Solution to last week's crossword The answers to today's crossword will be published in next week's Midweek edition Weather Fine but locally partly to rather cloudy and with sea fog patches Visibility Good locally moderate or poor in fog Wind West to Northwest force 3 or 4, gradually becoming variable force 2 or 3 by late morning TOMORROW Crossword WEATHER SUNNY 36 0 / 25 0 TODAY SUNNY 35 / 25 0 FEELS LIKE 38 FEELS LIKE 38 0 i � ACROSS-----------� 1) Struggle r air 5) It goes through the roof 10) Pierce with a knife 14) Chip in a pot? 15) Holiday pie ingredient 16) Call to mind 17) Small biter 18) Absinthe flavoring 19) God of love 20) Brought up pickled fish? 23) Thaws a eezer 25) For this reason 26) Batters in Baltimore 27) Amount in grandma's recipe 29) Acknowledge the villain's entrance 30) It's guaranteed to remove wrinkles 31) Guevara grills Kasparov's equipment? NOW EAR THIS 23 24 26 29 50 53 58 61 7 38) Chew the t 39) Swarm 41) Key West shows? 45) Collection of sacred songs 48) Bring together 49) Second Amendment words 50) James Bond's depressing drink? 53)_Van Dyke 54) Like many teenagers' rooms 55) Haitian's head 58) Dueling sword 59) One of classic TV's Hux tables 60) "Terrible" czar 61) Loch _ monster 62) First vertebra 63) Transmit, as a text 8 9 13 DOWN 1) Prevent om speaking 2) Massachusetts cape 3) Celebrities' vorite sea od? 4) He broke Ty Cobb's record 5) Thinly distributed 6) Dogmata 7) They turn litmus paper red 8) Charge alternative 9) Reflex-testing site 10) Like a Stephen King reader, o en 11) Comic actor's asset 12) Immediately 13) He wasn't the dummy of the act 21) "You've got mail" co. 22) Thick-skinned jungle beast 23) Play-_ 24) Rocker Clapton 27) They're ahead of jrs. 28) Organized criminals 30) Make angry 32) Male bovine 33) Stuff one's ce 34) Franken and Capone 35) Mythical island 36) What hunting dogs do 37) Have an opinion 40) Bride's title 41) Like a sneak attack 42) Needing more time on the vine 43) Sister's daughters 44) Vampires may take them to heart 45) Old Iran 46) Greek woodland deities 47) Former White House spokesman Fleischer 49) Metabolism type 51) Urban organization of song 52) Leave a solid state? 56) Convert into leather 57) Author's last word? 3rd January ACROSS 1) Struggle for air 5) It goes through the roof 10) Pierce with a knife 14) Chip in a pot? 15) Holiday pie ingredient 16) Call to mind 17) Small biter 18) Absinthe flavouring 19) God of love 20) Brought up pickled fish? 23) Thaws a freezer 25) For this reason 26) Batters in Baltimore 27) Amount in grandma's recipe 29) Acknowledge the villain's entrance 30) It's guaranteed to remove wrinkles 31) Guevara grills Kasparov's equipment? 38) Chew the fat 39) Swarm 41) Key West shows? 45) Collection of sacred songs 48) Bring together 49) Second Amendment words 50) James Bond's depressing drink? 53) ___ Van Dyke 54) Like many teenagers' rooms 55) Haitian's head 58) Dueling sword 59) One of classic TV's Huxta- bles 60) "Terrible" czar 61) Loch ___ monster 62) First vertebra 63) Transmit, as a text DOWN 1) Prevent from speaking 2) Massachusetts cape 3) Celebrities' favorite sea- food? 4) He broke Ty Cobb's record 5) Thinly distributed 6) Dogmata 7) They turn litmus paper red 8) Charge alternative 9) Reflex-testing site 10) Like a Stephen King read- er, often 11) Comic actor's asset 12) Immediately 13) He wasn't the dummy of the act 21) "You've got mail" co. 22) Thick-skinned jungle beast 23) Play - ___ 24) Rocker Clapton 27) They're ahead of jrs. 28) Organised criminals 30) Make angry 32) Male bovine 33) Stuff one's face 34) Franken and Capone 35) Mythical island 36) What hunting dogs do 37) Have an opinion 40) Bride's title 41) Like a sneak attack 42) Needing more time on the vine 43) Sister's daughters 44) Vampires may take them to heart 45) Old Iran 46) Greek woodland deities 47) Former White House spokesman Fleischer 49) Metabolism type 51) Urban organisation of song 52) Leave a solid state? 56) Convert into leather 57) Author's last word? � � ACROSS----------- 1) Animal with a striped rear 6) Insect feeler 10) Sorrow l sigh 14) Pneumonia type 15) Malaria symptom 16) Passed-down knowledge 1 7) Lady between Hillary and Michelle 18) Better sa _ sorry 19) Sleeping? 20) Reo, r one 23) Partner of only 24) Pride or lust, say 25) James Cameron film 27) In on the latest trends 30) Little row 33) Hope l singer's tape 34) Hearty draughts 36) Cenozoic and Big Band 38) Textile fiber 41) Secondhand store section OLD SCHOOL 10 2K 3A 4P 51 1l 0 B 1l A u R � R v I T A 5\: � � p L E 1 0 7 L 7k E 44) All finished, as dinner 45) Thailand's rmer name 46) Words with "record" or "trap" 47) More than dislike 49) Ski lift 51) Cover with turf 52) Play iskily 54) Pen point 56) Monetary unit of Romania 57) "Stairway to Heaven," e.g. 64) Choir recess 66) To the sheltered side 67) Vietnam capital 68) They shall inherit the earth 69) Minimal amount 70) Dazzling display 71) "So what_ is new?" 72) Musical notation 73) "I like your_!" G u 0 R E N A I N I A T E A N 0 T C L A s T y L E D E R G A I T E DOWN 1) Paella 2) "What clapping?" 3) Lie a 4) The City 5) Natives 6) Hors 7) Turkish 8) Oahu 9) Group 10) Beginning 11) Surgeries 12) Venue 13) Commemorative 21) Remove, 22) Difficult 26) New 27) One 28) Russian 29) Places 31) Hawk 32) Implicitly 35) It's better 37) Thickish 39) Really 40) Mild 42) Bit of 43) Dweller 48) Cream-filled 50) Entrepreneur's 52) It's attractive 53) Parry 55) Flower 58) Shaving 59) Mends, 60) Act the 61) "For 62) Furnace 63) Windy 65)_ out JAMES DEBONO THE Mosta local council is ea- ger to revive old plans to erect an obelisk in Pjazza Rotunda, as envisioned by church archi- tect Giorgio Grognet de Vassé. Grognet, who modelled the Mosta church on a neoclassical design inspired by the Panthe- on in Rome, included an obe- lisk in his original plan for the square, similar to the one in front of the Pantheon. "The obelisk was indeed part of Architect Grognet's plan for the Mosta square and was meant to feature prominent- ly in his design. However, the plan was later shelved, and the idea of having an obelisk raised in front of the Rotun- da never materialized," Mosta mayor Joseph Gatt told Malt- aToday. In a show of continuity with the previous Labour-led coun- cil, the architect chosen for the obelisk project is former mayor Chris Grech. The current mayor explained that the previous council had recently established "a board of experts" to assess the feasibility of installing an obelisk in the square. "With a location now select- ed, the present council is re- viewing whether this plan still aligns with our overall vision for the square. If so, we will explore securing the necessary funding to make it happen," Gatt said. When asked how the pro- posed obelisk fits into the council's vision for Pjazza Ro- tunda - given the recent con- troversy surrounding the pe- destrianization of the square - the mayor replied that the council is currently organis- ing a series of 'town hall'-style meetings with Mosta residents to discuss ongoing traffic man- agement and vehicle access to the square. "While the council will soon present its proposals for the square, the location earmarked for the obelisk by the board of experts does little to alter our broader plans," Gatt said. Photomontages suggest the obelisk would be located on the paved area between St. Mary's Pharmacy and APS Bank. According to plans submitted by the former mayor on be- half of the council, the obelisk would rise to 15.4m, approxi- mately the height of a four-sto- ry building. This would make it the second tallest structure in the square, after the Rotunda dome itself. The project is still in its ear- liest stages and the Superin- tendence for Cultural Heritage still has to express itself on the matter. The resurrection of past mon- uments and plans is a contro- versial issue among heritage experts who tend to value au- thenticity and the preserva- tion of a site's historical record rather than conjuring hypo- thetical or imagined pasts. The Mosta local council is eager to revive old plans to erect an obelisk in Pjazza Rotunda Council wants to erect 15-metre high obelisk in Mosta square

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