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MALTATODAY 20 October 2024

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4 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 20 OCTOBER 2024 NEWS JULIANA ZAMMIT ANNOUNCEMENT OF A CALL FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS UNDER Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 The Ministry responsible for European Funds announces the launch of a call for the following project proposals as indicated hereunder: • Intervention 78.1.1: Knowledge exchange and dissemination of information: Support for Vocational training and skills acquisition actions • Intervention 78.2.1: Knowledge exchange and dissemination of information: Support for the use of Advisory Services (Business Plans) The call will close on 16 th December 2024 at noon. The application form for the submission of project proposals and supporting documentation can be downloaded on and sent by email on . Prospective applicants are encouraged to refer to the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan and the Guidance Notes to confirm whether their proposals are eligible for funding through these calls. Further information on these calls and on the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan may be obtained from Any query should be sent by email on A dedicated information session is being organised on Tuesday 5 th November 2024 at 11:00 for both interventions at The Oaks Business Centre. Farsons Street, Hamrun (Managing Authority Offices). Registration for the information session can be done by scanning the below QR code or calling SEM on 2779 7300. ANNOUNCEMENT OF A CALL FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS UNDER Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 The Ministry responsible for European Funds announces the launch of a call for the following project proposals as indicated hereunder: • Intervention 78.1.1: Knowledge exchange and dissemination of information: Support for Vocational training and skills acquisition actions • Intervention 78.2.1: Knowledge exchange and dissemination of information: Support for the use of Advisory Services (Business Plans) The call will close on 16 th December 2024 at noon. The application form for the submission of project proposals and supporting documentation can be downloaded on and sent by email on . Prospective applicants are encouraged to refer to the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan and the Guidance Notes to confirm whether their proposals are eligible for funding through these calls. Further information on these calls and on the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan may be obtained from Any query should be sent by email on A dedicated information session is being organised on Tuesday 5 th November 2024 at 11:00 for both interventions at The Oaks Business Centre. Farsons Street, Hamrun (Managing Authority Offices). Registration for the information session can be done by scanning the below QR code or calling SEM on 2779 7300. PN appeals for full transparency in secret prison meetings investigation THE Nationalist Party appeals for full transparency in the in- vestigation of secret meetings organised by a prison official for inmate Yorgen Fenech in- side her office. Home Affairs spokesper- son Darren Carabott said this was yet another instance of "sweeping things under the carpet" by the Labour govern- ment. Carabott was reacting to rev- elations that a police investiga- tion found that a former pris- on official who allowed people into her Corradino office to meet with Yorgen Fenech was not "criminally liable." The official, Svetlana Mus- cat, has since been removed from her job at the prison. Fenech is awaiting trial over the murder of Daphne Carua- na Galizia. Carabott asked: "The ques- tion is obvious: if, according to the Ministry for Home Affairs she did nothing wrong, then why was she transferred to an- other entity?" Carabott said that while the government is claiming that the former ONE TV employee did nothing wrong and thus no criminal proceedings will be taken against her, "at the same time it is confirming that she was transferred from the Cor- rectional Facility to another entity." He appealed for more trans- parency on the outcome of the investigation. "It was the PN that applied political and public pressure regarding this case, urging that serious action be tak- en over these allegations," he said."However, the Labour government appears deter- mined to continue protecting those who have let the public down." The PN commended the workers and officials at Cor- radino Correctional Facility "who wish to see seriousness, meritocracy, and transparency in their workplace." Police investigation of secret meetings organised by prison official raises more doubts, PN says PN home affairs spokesperson Darren Carabott CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The reply suggests 'govern- ment' did meet the developer, but it did not address Malta- Today's specific questions as to whether Camilleri met the Prime Minister; who was pres- ent for this meeting and what was discussed in it. On 8 October, Cabinet ap- proved kick-starting a partial review of the North Harbour local plan, specifically the Villa Rosa site. The information be- came public a day later when the Cabinet decision was leaked to Times of Malta. Sources close to the govern- ment have told MaltaToday that during the Cabinet meet- ing Abela indicated he had met the developer and suggested the Opposition leader did likewise. Questions to Grech about the meeting with Camilleri were ignored with a spokesperson re- plying that the "PN and Bernard Grech are not privy to Cabinet discussions, or any decision made by Cabinet". On the party's stance regard- ing the proposed local plan changes, the PN spokesperson added: "It is unacceptable to amend only part of a local plan; the entire local plan must be re- vised holistically... any changes must genuinely safeguard the environment and the quality of life for residents." The objectives of the proposed changes to the local plan were issued by the Planning Author- ity on Tuesday 15 October. If approved, one of the chang- es would allow Camilleri to take advantage of a policy permitting hotels to exceed height limits, as foreseen in the Villa Rosa appli- cation for the 35-storey devel- opment submitted in 2022. The OPM spokesperson in- sisted that the publication of the objectives was only the first stage of a review procedure es- tablished at law that includes a wide consultation process. "The partial local plan review process shall continue to fol- low all the relevant procedural stages in strict conformity with the law, ultimately to ensure a well-informed final policy de- cision," the OPM spokesperson said. Developer Anton Camilleri al- so refused to answer whether he personally requested the local plan changes or held meetings with Abela, Grech, and any oth- er ministers or Opposition MPs to discuss these changes. A spokesperson for Camilleri informed MaltaToday that his client "will not be comment- ing further on this issue for the time being" following a previous statement in which Camilleri welcomed the proposed chang- es to the local plan, while com- mitting to reduce the height of the proposed 35-storey develop- ment. ANALYSIS CENTRE PULLOUT Silence on Villa Rosa meetings

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