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MaltaToday 23 October 2024 MIDWEEK

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6 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 23 OCTOBER 2024 CULTURE A successful weekend of jazz-packed events – a first for the new National Agency for the Performing Arts JAZZ Assemblea, a new initi- ative by NAPA was conceived to bringing together local jazz community and to honour the beginnings of this music scene in Malta. Last weekend Spazju Kreat- tiv was buzzing with musicians and music aficionados between the 10th and 13th of October 2024, where a number of jazz events under the Jazz Assem- blea programme took place for the first time. The multi-dis- ciplinary programme official- ly launched a few weeks prior with the opening of a photogra- phy exhibition curated by Ġużè Camilleri, telling the story of jazz beginnings on the island. This experience, also featuring a short 10-minute film about the late saxophonist Sammy Murgo in a dedicated section, is running until the 29th of Oc- tober. The programme culminat- ed in a series of events over 4 days revolving around this scene, consisting of live con- certs, workshops and film pre- miere. The series kicked off on Thursday night with a sold-out premiere of a docu-film, 'Strait Street to Abbey Road', about the life and career of Maltese drummer and percussionist, Tony Carr - a success story which was still largely untold. The film is produced by SUGU under the direction of Cedric Vella, based on a biography of Tony Carr by Ġużè Camilleri, and following great reviews, the film will be screened again on the 5th November, also at Spazju Kreattiv Cinema. Over 40 local jazz musicians across 10 acts took to the stage between Friday and Sunday, delighting audiences of all ag- es with original compositions, new takes on jazz standards and impressive solos. Each evening held four very dif- ferent jazz acts back to back, some of whom collaborated for the first time for this initiative. On Friday the premiere kicked off with Dominic Galea's jazz- tet where compositions by es- tablished composer Ray Agius were arranged – after which Ray Agius himself surprised the audience by performing a couple of numbers himself af- ter many years of not perform- ing. Saturday morning the venue was buzzing with activity, as saxophonist Carlo Muscat and drummer William Smith, led two music workshops, each about their respective instru- ments, to a group of eager bud- ding musicians who absorbed every word and peace of advice emerging from profession- al musicians. Malta School of Music's Little Big Band was also included, led by Alex Bez- zina and Philip Attard, giving a short but powerful perfor- mance. A wonderful proof that a promising generation of mu- sicians is definitely up and coming. A lunchtime concert rounded off the morning nice- ly, combining 4 established jazz musicians who perform off- shore regularly with a number of different jazz bands. Dominic Galea led a discus- sion panel with Mro Paul Ab- ela, Philip Fenech and Alex Grech, where the musicians reminisced about the jazz scene of the 70s and the 80s, a time where musicians used to play in hotels and get together at the infamous club - the BJs. They all discussed their begin- nings in the music scene, and the heavy influences the late Charles City Gatt had on their careers. The discussion was aimed at documenting the sto- ries of these musicians and the jazz scene in Malta. Three wonderful nights of jazz music in the company of well-respected musicians and singers such as Paul Giordi- maina, Nadine Axisa, George Curmi l-Pusè, Mariele Zam- mit, Kris Spiteri, Vinny Vella Jnr, Joe Bibi Camilleri, Oliver Degabriele, Angela Vella Zarb, Carlo Muscat to mention but a few, came to a wonderful close when Thomas Camilleri, who graciously hosted these eve- nings, invited the audience to a closing Jam session where a number of up-coming musi- cians had the opportunity to perform with music veterans. A number of musicians also do- nated CDs of their work which were given against a donation, and €227 were raised in aid of the Malta Community Chest fund. Dominic Galea, CEO of NAPA and the ideator behind this new initiative stated: 'I am thrilled this project has come to life as the first event being organised by NAPA, and is al- so a first in bringing local art- ists together in this setting and context. Many artists have ex- pressed how much this event, specifically for jazz was needed amongst the community, also because it looked at this genre from various angles, includ- ing the exhibition, discussion, music across generations of musicians as well as documen- tation. Many artists are already approaching me about future initiatives." This is the first of what is ex- pected to be a series of events of this nature by NAPA, bring- ing together the music com- munity, educating the young, researching, preserving and documenting music and stories for the future generations. Jazz Assemblea, a project by the National Agency for Per- forming Arts, was part of Spaz- ju Kreattiv Programme 2024- 2025, in collaboration with the Ministry for National Heritage, the Arts, and Local Government, with the support of the Malta Tourism Authori- ty (MTA) and APS Bank. Photos: Joe Smith

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