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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 27 OCTOBER 2024 4 ALMANAC My essentials RICHARD SALIBA artist I commenced my training in drawing and painting in 1960 at the age of 18 when I started attending the Government School of Art in Valletta. We had some great teachers then amongst whom I recall Vincent Apap, George Borg, Carmelo Mangion and Esprit Barthet. 1. Books 2. Film 3. Internet/TV 4. Music 5. Place PIANO concerto no. 2 by Russian composer Sergei Rahmaninov and The Gym- nopedies by the French com- poser and pianist Eric Satie. These compositions inspire me greatly in finding the right mood when I am painting and searching for that poetry that I try to infuse in my work. MY favourite places in Mal- ta are those around Buskett, Mtahleb, Bahrija which in- spire me greatly in my paint- ings. They are, moreover, amongst the few places that still unspoilt, where one can breathe the pure air of the Maltese countryside. MY favourite place remains the city of Rome, the city I first visited when I was a teenager. The amazing remains of an- tiquity and the marvels of the baroque age with its palaces, architecture and museums are a never-ending inspiration and a joy to all lovers of art and good taste. ONE of the books that I really enjoyed reading was entitled: Gabriele D'Annunzio, Poet, Se- ducer, and Preacher of War by Lucy Hughes Hallet. D'Annun- zio is recognised as one of It- aly's foremost poets of the last century. This was not his only achievement; he was a widely respected politician who had a great following. He used his fame to sell his work, seduce women, and promote his extreme na- tionalism. In 1915 D'Annunzio's incendiary oratory helped drive Italy to enter the First World War, in which he achieved heroic status as an aviator. A film that I greatly enjoyed seeing was Giuseppe Torna- tore's film 'Malena'. This film about a beautiful women's or- deal in war time Sicily, during which her husband was on the battlefield during the last war, is truly an ode to one of Italy's iconic filmstars, Monica Bel- lucci, who contributes little in dialogue but compensates in no small way with her haunt- ing beauty. The music by En- nio Morricone contributes in no small manner in making the film a poetic experience that one will not easily forget. I find Jon Mallia's podcast to be greatly irreverent and subversive but also highly entertaining, something that we needed in our insu- lar and politicised country. Compiled by Laura Calleja suggestions by email This page is supported by Arts Council Malta 4 5 1 2 3