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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 3 NOVEMBER 2024 4 ALMANAC My essentials DIANE PORTELLI Director and choreographer I'm a choreographer and director at Moveo Dance Company. I feel like I have two lives, constantly playing catch up and juggling, however I'm hyperactive so when I get time off, I'm constantly looking for things to do. I think I'm adventurous, open-minded and kind. I have very few friends who I treasure dearly and would do anything for. People think I am friendly and sociable as I'm loud and animated, however I'm actually very socially awkward and find it very difficult to approach people. 1. Books 2. Film 3. Internet/TV 4. Music 5. Place THIS is honestly the most difficult one to choose as I like so many bands and types of music. There is one song I always put on when I am go- ing through a hard time and that's Poison by Alice Cooper. Whenever I am down, I hate listening to mellow music, so I blast this song in the car and sing at the top of my lungs. His voice sounds aggressive and so do I when singing it and this is somehow therapeutic for me. I've even listened to it on a loop at times just to release tension and stress. MY happiest memories, grow- ing up are on the mountains. It is the perfect place as it's a mix of tranquillity and adren- aline. There is a particular place called Ortisei in Italy, where the skiing is amazing. It's a quaint mountain village with a 9km sledging track. I am not the type to sit on a beach and relax, I get restless and need to be doing some- thing all the time. Skiing is as calming as it is engaging. I am racing against myself and the elements in a beautiful setting. It is very relaxing for me as my body is active and my mind is free, taking in the picturesque landscape. I read a book called 'Woke: A Guide to Social Justice' by Tita- nia McGrath. It is a satirical take on a current trend where anyone feels they can become an activ- ist to the extent of being illiber- al liberals. I have an issue with anything that is taken to an ex- treme. I feel people are scared of addressing or discussing issues openly out of fear of getting can- celled, and this is stifling much needed discourse and conversa- tion in the world. People are per- manently offended, and this type of satire created a much-needed disruption that is just as funny as it is true. THE Joker. I watch TV to es- cape reality which is probably why I love fantasy and su- perheroes. Having said that I prefer a darker, more layered approach to the genre and it's exactly what The Joker does. There is a complexity in char- acter which is very alluring, and visually striking. Joaquin Phoenix is so choreograph- ic and intricate in the way he moves and expresses himself that it makes me sympathise with one of the most horrific villains in DC comics. This is somewhat ironic considering I have a phobia of clowns. TO be honest images are what catch my eyes the most online. There was a photogra- pher who published a series of photos of people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, and each image spoke a thousand words. I felt so many emo- tions seeing children being separated from their parents, men leaving to fight to protect their country. It triggered as much anger as it did sorrow. I felt overwhelmed, helpless and most of all privileged. It seems so unfair that different people are dealt such a dif- ferent hand in life and some- times there is nothing we can do to prevent it. Compiled by Laura Calleja suggestions by email This page is supported by Arts Council Malta 4 5 1 2 3