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MALTATODAY 24 November 2024

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KURT SANSONE PAGES 4 - 5 Cassola confirms party intentions Police sergeant allegedly leaked information to third parties PAGE 2 THREE men charged with drug trafficking following a cocaine bust at Malta Freeport are on the lower rungs of a multi-layered criminal organisation, MaltaToday has learnt. The men are linked to a cocaine shipment from Guayaquil in Ecuador to Malta that was intercepted by law enforcement agents at the Birżebbuġa port on 12 November. The 146kg of cocaine discovered inside a truck and a container has an estimated street value of €20 million, according to the police. Sources close to the investigation have told MaltaToday the three men are part of a crim- inal organisation that has an intricate web of operatives kept together by promises of gen- erous cash payments and fear of retribution by a "ruthless hidden hand". PAGES 2 - 3 Cocaine bust exposes multi-layered ruthless criminal organisation With polls indicating that 8% of the electorate intend to vote for third parties – currently split between ADPD and others – Arnold Cassola, the former Green Party chairperson and independent election candidate, is actively laying the groundwork for a new political force to be announced in the coming months YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2024 • ISSUE 1307 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Deregulation ReLeaf ReLeaf President Andrew President Andrew Bonello on cannabis Bonello on cannabis reform and further reform and further changes to the law changes to the law INTERVIEW INTERVIEWMT2 MT2 maltatoday Cultural watchdog requests 'historical justification' for 15-metre-high obelisk PAGE 9 Maltese fans reeling as San Marino close to World Cup qualification PAGE 19 Mosta square Football €1.95 The police intercepted 146kg of cocaine with a street value of €20 million at Malta Freeport, which was destined for the domestic market. Graphic: Karl Azzopardi/MaltaToday From Guayaquil to Birżebbuġa: Cocaine bust starts to unravel complex criminal web involving hauliers, a car dealer, port security and a ruthless hidden hand

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