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MaltaToday 11 December 2024 MIDWEEK

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WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT WEDNESDAY EDITION €1.00 WEDNESDAY • 11 DECEMBER 2024 • ISSUE 920 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY KARL AZZOPARDI MATTHEW FARRUGIA Victim's identity in Gzira murder still unknown PAGE 3 PAGES 2 - 3 SYRIA: A NEW ERA As regime comes crashing down Syrians detail hope for new chapter in country's history FOR half a century, the Assad family ruled over Syria with an iron fist, but it only took a week for the regime to come crashing down. Many in the country are hopeful for Syria's next chapter. But the rebels who stormed into Damascus have a complicated past and offer an unpre- dictable future. MaltaToday spoke to Syrian refu- gee Ahmed who lives in Malta, and Ghassan Rababah who is currently in Damascus, to try an understand what faith awaits the middle-eastern coun- try and its people. On Sunday, after 13 years of civil war that fractured the country, the regime was toppled. Rebel fighters declared Damascus "liberated" in a video state- ment on state television, sending Syr- ian President Bashar al-Assad fleeing to Russia. THE identity of Malta's fifth homicide vic- tim this year is still unknown, as investigators scramble to determine the facts on this grue- some murder. Sources who spoke with MaltaToday have confirmed that the victim is a man with dis- tinctive tattoos. Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday

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