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MALTATODAY 12 January 2025

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PAGE 4 'A hell that is unbearable' FIVE YEARS OF ROBERT NICOLE MEILAK Gaza orphanage director describes the plight of Palestinian children struggling to survive YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 12 JANUARY 2025 • ISSUE 1314 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Road safety Adri Adrian Galea, Director General of an Galea, Director General of the Insurance Association, warns the Insurance Association, warns enforcement on Maltese roads enforcement on Maltese roads remains inadequate remains inadequate INTERVIEW INTERVIEW MT2 MT2 maltatoday Simon Busuttil, David Casa and Matthew Caruana Galizia on 'fragile court system' PAGES 2 - 3 Former minister and MaltaToday coloumnist Michael Falzon laid to rest PAGE 8 17 Black Goodbye Perit Hazem Saeed Al-Naizi is the director of an orphanage in Gaza Examining Robert Abela's changing fortunes in MaltaToday's trust barometer, James Debono explores the ups and downs of a Prime Minister who excelled in crisis management, as seen during the pandemic and the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but who remains overshadowed by his disgraced predecessor. SEE PAGES 5-7 €1.95 HAZEM Saeed Al-Naizi, the di- rector of the Mabarat Al-Rahma orphanage, paints a devastating picture of the Gaza Strip. People sleep in tents and live in fear and hunger as they battle the spread of diseases and the bitter winter cold. With no fuel and electricity, access to communication services and the internet is difficult. "Thousands of children and women have lost their lives, homes, and hospitals. Schools have been demolished, roads have been destroyed, and people have been forced to flee in search of safety from death," he told Malt- aToday. "The environment is unsafe, with polluted water, chaos, and an increase in incidents of theft and murder. The people of Gaza are living in a real hell – a hell that is unbearable."

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