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MaltaToday 15 January 2025 MIDWEEK

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WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT WEDNESDAY EDITION €1.00 WEDNESDAY • 15 JANUARY 2025 • ISSUE 923 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY JAMES DEBONO Vitals: Azzopardi submits reports he says were withheld from magisterial inquiry Former MP and lawyer Jason Azzopardi claims three due diligence reports regarding investors in the Vitals hospital deal had been withheld by Malta Enterprise from the magisterial inquiry into the hospitals concession PAGE 4 Maltese most dissatisfied in Europe with state of the environment in rural areas Although 50% of Maltese rate the state of the environment and landscape in rural areas positively, on this aspect they are the most dissatisfied people in Europe, a Eurobarometer survey shows A recent Eurobarometer survey reveals that Maltese citizens are the most dissat- isfied in the EU with the state of the envi- ronment and the landscape in rural areas. The survey, which focused on agricul- ture and rural living, found that 49% of respondents in Malta rated the state of the environment in rural areas negative- ly. This dissatisfaction is starkly different from the rest of the EU, where 85% of respondents expressed a positive judge- ment on the state of the environment and landscape in rural areas. Only 11% of Maltese respondents rated the environment in rural areas as "very good," while 39% considered it "fairly good." However, 37% felt it was in a "fair- ly bad" state, and 12% rated it "very bad." This is in stark contrast to the EU-wide trend, where an absolute majority in all other 26 member states rated their rural environments positively. PAGE 5 Jason Azzopardi

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