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MALTATODAY 26 January 2025

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KURT SANSONE SEE STORY PAGES 2 - 3 YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 26 JANUARY 2025 • ISSUE 1316 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY LGBTIQ rights LGBTIQ LGBTIQ activist Alex Caruana activist Alex Caruana on how legal changes were on how legal changes were important and how important and how people need people need to to catch up now catch up now INTERVIEW INTERVIEW MT2 MT2 maltatoday Adrian Delia says he was within his rights to ask PQ concerning a client's issue PAGE 9 Series of past stalled projects has residents wary of new seafront plans PAGES 10 - 11 Ethics Birzebbuga €1.95 Yorgen Fenech's bail shocks Malta, ruffles feathers in government A judge's decision to grant Yor- gen Fenech bail has angered ministers who feel it was unwar- ranted at such a late stage in the criminal proceedings. Fenech is awaiting trial over ac- cusations that he masterminded the 2017 murder of Daphne Caru- ana Galizia. He denies the charges and has been in preventive deten- tion since his arrest in late 2019. The ruling by Judge Edwina Gri- ma on Friday created nationwide shock not least within Cabinet with ministers fearing backlash if Fenech breaches his bail condi- tions. "If anything happens, who would people blame? It's obvious that they will blame the government and it's unfair," a senior minister, who spoke on condition of ano- nymity, told MaltaToday. The sentiment was reflected by other Cabinet members who spoke to this newspaper. "The court has been repeatedly deny- ing him bail but now at this stage of proceedings the judge felt the guarantees provided by Yorgen Fenech were strong enough. It's incredible," another minister said. Fenech's case has deep political ramifications not least because he is accused of murdering a jour- nalist, who was on the cusp of uncovering a web of corruption involving people in power and businesspersons involved in the Electrogas power station deal. Fenech is a shareholder in Electro- gas and acted as the consortium's frontman. His Dubai company 17 Black had been listed as a target client of the Panama companies held by former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri and then energy minister Konrad Mizzi. Proceedings waiting for court expert Fenech does not yet have a date for his trial as criminal proceed- ings remain stuck in legal limbo despite the prosecution having closed its case. PAGE 6 The number of new dwellings approved on greenfield sites in 10 years was nearly equal to the total number of dwellings in Birkirkara and Qormi combined. But the percentage of new dwellings on these sites dropped to its lowest level since 2007. In 10 years, new dwellings on green sites equalled houses in B'kara and Qormi

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