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23 Sport maltatoday, TUESDAY, 5 NOVEMBER 2013 OPINION Wenger's title cry anything away from his goal and his moment, as his form has been terrific of late, but Liverpool defenders need to know just how poor they were for both goals. Ball watching was the crime for both goals and that is why in my opinion Liverpool are not title contenders, and nor will they be for a while. It looks all well and easy for now, but bear in mind that 28 Premier League games remain and the road is long and bumpy. While Arsenal are good pretenders so far, the Manchester clubs are slowly chalking up the points. Manchester United are recovering from a painful start while rivals Man City sent a shockwave which was certainly felt in North London. A unique 7-0 victory over Norwich gave them the healthiest goal difference in the league and as two seasons ago proved: goals are everything. Mark Strijbosch NOW this can be heard all the way from North London. After 10 games Arsenal are still top of the league, a full five points clear of the following pack. They are on form, the team to beat and have set a good early pace. Their 2-0 win over Liverpool on Saturday spoke volumes and at last Wenger has a reason to smile. Arsenal make a habit of making a good start to the season, but many fans argue that this year sounds different. Manchester United are still in eight, while Chelsea have been very inconsistent early on. Beating Liverpool sent out the right message and the manner of the win spoke volumes. Liverpool, who many believed were early title pretenders looked out of shape. Both Arsenal goals, as brilliant as they were were a little too easy for my liking. For Carzola's initial header, the ball is allowed to bounce once in the Liverpool box and there is no Liverpool player near him. Aaron Ramsey's strike is worse to look at with Scouse eyes. The ball bounces three times before he makes contact with it and he has the easy task of shooting it in. I am not trying to take Arsenal celebrate as Aaron Ramsey's goal clinched a 2-0 win over Liverpool Stevie G Liverpool fans: look away. Am I the only one thinking it is time to start phasing Gerrard out of the starting 11? The club captain is a legend hands down, however if the Arsenal game proved anything it is that he is slowing down. The game passed him buy and Liverpool looked a man down for most of the game. I still think Gerrard has a lot to contribute, only I do feel that playing on a weekly basis might be a game too much for him. He is also a regular for his country, leading the Lions out on most games. This is a key part of his career. At 33 years old his next steps are crucial. They can either prolong his career, or end it prematurely. To still be a regular at his age is remarkable in such a fast paced game, however maybe it would be best if Brendan Rodgers picked him for less games. He will still be a great influence from the bench, either as a sub or as pure inspiration, however this means he can play until he is in his late 30s. We have seen Sir Alex take a similar path with Ryan Giggs, and at 39 he is now acting as a player coach for the club under David Moyes. He is still a regular in the side however he might miss the odd game for a rest, which is the key for a man his age. Playing in the centre of midfield is a demand for both him and Gerrard and I feel Sir Alex and Moyes have acted to preserve his brilliance for longer, rather than watch him fade out. The goalie club A goal on the 13th second is special enough, but when it is scored by a goalkeeper, the odds go off the roof. Asmir Begovic became the fifth goalkeeper to score in the Premier League after he punted Stoke to the lead for the fastest goal of the season so far. He joins Peter Schmeichel, Tim Howard, Paul Robinson and Brad Friedel in the exclusive goalkeeper club and to his credit he remained fully grounded despite the accolade. He argued it was just a bit of bad luck on his counter part Boruc, whose side fought back for the draw. We had an eventful weekend with seven Man City goals, a goal from a goalie and a screamer from Ramsey. Arsenal lead the race, but just wait for those slumbering Manchester clubs to get going and good old Jose to get his teeth stuck into Chelsea. Pursuits Across 1. In solitary confinement (13) 8. Aged (7) 10. Volatile petroleum distillate (7) 12. Glacial epoch (3,3) 13. Fail to notice (8) 15. Herb doctor (9) 18. Shut (5) 21. Pry (5) 22. The act of one who surveys (9) 27. Shell of a nut (8) 29. State in the W United States (6) 30. Disentangle (7) 31. White ant (7) 33. Paid announcement (13) Sudoku Sudoku rules are extremely easy: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 9x9 box. Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Wednesday Last week's solution Chess Today's Weather 8 8 WEATHER: 7 6 7 5 6 VISIBILITY: 4 WIND: 3 5 2 1 4 A 3 2 1 A B C D E F G H White to play and mate in four moves B Qb4+ Qxc5+ Qxd6+ Rc8# C D E F Qc5 (Kf6) Rd6 Ke8 G H CLOUDY 23ºC / 19ºC UV INDEX: 5 SEA: SWELL: Partly to rather cloudy becoming cloudy with thundery showers Generally good except in showers. South Southwest force 6 locally force 7 veering Northwest and decreasing to force 4 to 5 locally force 6 to 7 overnight Moderate becoming rough to very rough Low Southwest at first, becoming low to moderate. Down 2. Pertaining to a nucleus (7) 3. Metal-bearing mineral (3) 4. Likenesses (6) 5. As before (5) 6. Disappear (6) 7. Equipment for fishing (6) 9. Sewing instrument (6) 11. Lets head fall wearily (4) 14. Hard sweetmeat (5) 16. Long period of time (3) 17. Heavy footwear (5) 19. Male child (3) 20. Take vengeance for (6) 21. Wicked (6) 23. Unpleasant to regard (4) 24. Inhabitant of Iran (7) 25. Eats grass (6) 26. Shooting star (6) 28. Exhausted (5) 32. Outer edge (3)

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