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MT 10 November 2013

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48 Information Technology maltatoday, SUNDAY, 10 NOVEMBER 2013 The pros and cons of remote working FOR employers, numerous studies have found that telecommuting can increase productivity and lower costs. A study co-sponsored by Stanford University and Beijing University notes that remote workers for a Chinese call center worked more efficiently and took fewer breaks. IBM estimates it has cut real estate expenses by $50 million by offering remote work options, and Nortel estimates a savings of $100,000 per employee in relocation costs. For employees, the biggest advantage in remote working (noted in the Kelly Global Workfoce Index by 69% of US respondents, 69% of EMEA workers, and 63% of APAC respondents) was the fact that not having to go to an office every day minimises the time and money they spend commuting. The advantage of fewer interruptions was recognised by 49% of remote workers in the Americas, 48% of EMEA remote workers, and 44% of APAC remote workers. An average of 45% of all remote workers globally said that working at home gives them greater flexibility to deal with unexpected personal incidents. The challenges of managing a family, particularly for parents of young children, can be lessened by one or both parents being able to work from home. However, there are disadvantages. Some employers believe that remote work interferes with the spontaneous insight and innovation that happens in unplanned meetings and discussions in hallways and break rooms. Results from the Kelly Global Workforce Index indicate that many workers share similar concerns, with 54% of respondents in the Americas (55% in the EMEA and 57% in the APAC) saying they lose opportunities for collaboration and networking by not being in an office with other employees. Difficulty in establishing boundaries to separate their work life from their personal life was noted as a disadvantage by 32% of remote workers in the Americas, and 39% for remote workers in both EMEA and APAC. Many (37% Americas, 32% EMEA, and 40% APAC) also agreed that working remotely reduces their access to company information and involvement in team activities. Employers have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of remote work within their organisation, and decide for themselves what the proper balance is for their own company. In the meantime companies should continue to get input from employees about what they want from an employer so they can develop an attractive employer brand. If offering remote work strengthens that brand, attracts top talent, satisfies workers, and increases productivity and efficiency as a result, then everyone wins. Source: s-of-work ing-remot ely0101233 The challenges of managing a family, particularly for parents of young children, can be lessened by one or both parents being able to work from home Alert Solutions is the VAR for SAP in Malta. For more information on how SAP can help you organisation contact us at info@alertsolutions. President George Abela launches Paqpaqli Ghall-Istrina 2013 PRESIDENT of Malta George Abela officially launched the eight edition of Malta's annual popular motoring event, Paqpaqli GhallIstrina, which will be held on 8 December 2013 within the grounds of the Malta International Airport and Lufthansa Tecknik. Paqpaqli Għall-Istrina is organised by a team on behalf of The Malta Community Chest Fund together with Tonio Darmanin and the Malta Motorsport Federation. The aim behind this event is to raise funds for L-Istrina. This year the event will have major attractions including the mighty FireForce 3 Jet Car, the latest supercar release from Ferrari – the 458 Speciale, and the ultrafast Lexus LFA supercar, amongst others. President George Abela said that this event has grown significantly over the past few years with bigger and better attractions every year attracting more and more participants, their families and motoring enthusiasts. "Paqpaqli is an event which appeals to individuals and enthusiasts in equal measure. No one can deny that the Maltese have a great passion for anything that is car related. The passion extends also to motorsport, classic vehicles, luxury and exotic supercars among others," President Abela said. "On 8 December everyone will have the opportunity to see their dream cars in one venue, for a whole day, while at the same time helping L-Istrina to collect much needed funds. I have no words to thank vehicle owners who kindly participate in this annual event to provide a spectacle like no other in Malta and the thousands of visitors who every year visit the show. The response from vehicle owners so far is very strong indicating a strong turn out while international attractions will surely get enthusiasts excited. My appeal is to plan a day out on that day for the family," the President said. Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Stefan Buontempo said: "Sport should be the means by which we achieve social inclusion. It is our duty as sport enthusiasts to support events that aim to assist those in need. I thank the various sport organisations for their contribution to help organise charitable events while encouraging more organisations to take part in this noble cause. I thank our President George Abela and his team for their commitment to raise funds for The Malta Community Chest Fund." Speaking about the event, Tonio Darmanin said: "Paqpaqli GhallIstrina has become one of the highlights of Malta's motoring calendar and a key contributor towards funds for L-Istrina and The Malta Community Chest Fund. From its humble origins eight years ago, this event has become a massive gathering with hundreds of local car enthusiasts and clubs participating, and thousands of Maltese attending to raise funds towards this noble cause." Tonio Cini, the President of the Malta Motorsport Federation said: "Our member clubs have proudly supported this event year after year, as without their participation and enthusiasm, this event could have never achieved such success it has registered so far. The message is clear: we are against racing and over speeding in the roads and for that we have to thank MIA, together with other stakeholders, for opening the gates of the airport for our enthusiasts so that they could test the capabilities of their machines in a safer environment while contributing to L-Istrina charity event." Applications for static display are open. For more information one can email In addition the event will see various taxi-way sprints and an organised circuit track

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