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MT 10 November 2013

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36 FOOD RESTO OF THE WEEK jar takes a look Rachel Zammit Cuta brings a recipe, wine d at a restaurant an e week. and delicacy of th ur comments on Write to us with yo it your own recipes m restaurants or sub to rzammitcutajar@ Ali Baba Ali Baba is a cultural gateway, opening doors to the world of Lebanon, with a feast of colours, textures and aromas that transport the diner to a different world. Lebanese food traditionally uses very little animal fat, with butter and oil only used for a few desserts, making it the ideal eatery for the health conscious looking for a delicious meal. Ali Baba has always had a repu- Lebanese heaven on a plate tation among the true foodies in Malta. The restaurant used to be just a hole in the wall in Gzira – not much to look at, in a less than desirable part of town – but the dining experience has always been worth a little bit of discomfort. A refurb last year got some foodies a bit jittery – 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' – thinking maybe prices would go up and food quality go down, but a year in and the restaurant is pretty much as Ali Baba has recently undergone a complete refurb, bringing the décor in line with the quality of food you can expect Take home some Lebanese goodies after the meal Lebanese gharajjes – flat breads stuffed with juicy minced lamb or chicken good as it used be, just in a prettier environment which can never be cause for complaint. Owner Abdul Rahman Harb believes that the ultimate dining experience lies in the choice of quality ingredients, cooked simply to release natural flavours. You can expect a variety of meze style starters that are great fun to share. Start with the dips served with flat bread – hummous bi tahini and the best smokey baba ganoush you've ever tasted. My favourite part of Lebanese food will always be the starters – one bite of so many different flavours – falafel, weraq el enab, kibbeh, gharajjes stuffed with spicy lamb and some even stuffed with chicken. Though the thought of offal is awful to many, at Ali Baba, you really have to try it before you can say you don't like it. Though I wouldn't usually pick offal dishes off of any menu, at Ali Baba the stewed kidneys and livers are cooked to perfection and chicken livers that seem closer to foie gras than to actual chicken liver. The star of the show by far has to be the lamb, butchered by Abdul Rahman Harb himself, every morsel is tender and tasty. If you are brave enough, try the raw lamb in salt and pepper – we eat raw fish and raw beef, so why not raw lamb – its definitely worth the risk. Round off the meal with a piece of baklava heaven. Small bites of filo pastry filled with nuts and honey and wash it all down with some award winning Lebanese red wines. Once you've eaten your fill, why not take something home with you. There are a myriad of Lebanese ingredients on offer – pomegranate syrup, dates and ghee – as well as some easily transportable dishes. On more than one occasion I have tasted the unmistakeable flavour of the Ali Baba baba ganoush around the table at some foodie friend's house! Though Ali Baba makes you think of the story of the 40 thieves you can be sure it will be you that feels like a thief when leaving the restaurant. Although the prices have increased a little bit since the refurb, the restaurant has always been known for great quality at really reasonable prices and despite the fancier surroundings the prices have remained reasonable. Address: 9, Fredrick C Ponsonby Street, Gzira Tel: 21340119 WINE OF THE WEEK Fazi Battaglia - Passo del Lupo Rosso Conero DOC Riserva 2008 Rosso Conero is a wine appellation in the central part of the Marche region of Italy just south of Ancona on the slopes of Monte Conero. The red wine made here is based on the Montepulciano grape which must comprise 85% of the wine. If another grape is used, it is commonly Sangiovese. Rosso Conero is a full-bodied wine that is well suited to robust dishes such as game stews. If the wine has been matured for longer than two years and has a minimum alcohol level of 12.5% then it can be labelled as Rosso Conero Riserva Step of the Lupo is born from vineyards situated on the slopes of the Conero Mount, in the province of Ancona. The agricultural lands derive from the chipping of the mount and introduce a composition, a permeability and an exceptionally favorable microclimate to the production of great grapes from red wine, thanks also to the vicinity of the sea and the protection of the same Mount. The name from the Greeks for the plants of corbezzolo marine the taken Conero that grow to you. Imported by Charles Grech & Co. Ltd, Valley Road, B'Kara T: 2144-4400 Charles Grech & Co. Ltd., Valley Road, B'Kara Tel: 2144 4400

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