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52 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 10 NOVEMBER 2013 FOOTBALL Hibernians stay top after hard-fought victory PHOTOGRAPHY BY RAY ATTARD HIBERNIANS defeated Naxxar Lions 4-1. This victory leaves Hibernians at the top of the BOV Premier League standings. Naxxar took the lead on the 20th minute. A cross by Jerry Ani was intercepted by Duane Bonnici, the latter then went on to beat goalkeeper Mario Muscat with his shot. Hibernian's Jonathan Pearson then received two yellow cards on the 23rd and 25th minute to leave his side play with ten-men for the rest of the match. Hibernians managed to equalise on the 27th minute thanks to Jackson di Lima Siqueira. On the 32nd minute, Hibernians were awarded a penalty. Clayton Failla made no mistake to make the score 2-1. On the 83rd minute, Edison Luis dos Santos made it 3-1 for Hibernians after he beat goalkeeper Julian Azzopardi with his shot. On the 86th minute, off a cross by Andrew Cohen, Obinna Obiefule made it 4-1 thanks to a brilliant header. Birkirkara managed to register their fourth consecutive victory after they defeated Vittoriosa Stars 2-0. Jhonnattann Benites da Conceicao put Birkirkara ahead on the 23rd minute. On the 25th minute, Birkirkara doubled their lead. A shot by Shola Shodiya was not held by goalkeeper Sean Cini and off the rebound Jhonnattann Benites da Conceicao scored from close range. Sliema Wanderers are back to winning ways after they defeated Rabat Ajax 4-1. Sliema went ahead on the eighth minute. Off a freekick by Paltemio Barbetti, Stefano Bianciardi beat goalkeeper Pavle Velimirovic with his header. On the 58th minute, Sliema dou- Freephone: (+356) 800 737 70 cabs minivans vip transport bled their lead when off a cross by John Mintoff, Matias Muchardi beat the Rabat goalkeeper with his header. Rabat managed to get on the scoreboard after they scored on the 70th minute. Off a freekick by Dani Pelaez, Malcolm Licari headed the ball home. On the 82nd minute, Sliema scored another to make it 3-1. Abubakar Bello-Osagie headed the ball past goalkeeper Jonathan Azzopardi. In stoppage time, Sliema scored their fourth goal of the match thanks to Andrea Navarra to make the final score 4-1. Floriana defeated Qormi 3-0 to move up to seventh place. Floriana took the lead on the 15th minute thanks to a Igor Coronado. On the 70th minute, Qormi were reduced to ten men when Owen Bugeja was sent off after receiving two yellow cards. Floriana were awarded a penalty on the 79th minute. Gary Buir's perfect shot beat goalkeeper Steve Sultana. Floriana sealed their victory on the 84th minute thanks to Diogo Pinheiro de Sousa. BOV Premier League table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hibernians Birkirkara Valletta Sliema W. Mosta Naxxar L. Floriana Vittoriosa Stars Balzan Qormi Tarxien R. Rabat Ajax w w w. c a b s . c o m . m t 2138 9575 / 9921 5286 luxury coaches vintage buses P 11 11 10 11 10 11 11 11 10 11 10 11 Pts 29 26 24 21 15 14 9 9 8 8 8 4

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