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23 Sport maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2013 OPINION A period of transition account no one seems to understand this "period of transition". They argue that Sir Alex had the exact same squad, minus the unpopular Fellaini, and he made winning the league look easy. By contrast United now sit in ninth place, a whopping 13 points behind leaders Arsenal. On the pitch they have not looked so poor but the difference Moyes feels is that last season United were sneaking goals in games they should have lost. That difference is what makes Champions champions. Last season the main difference was to my eyes a level of confidence. Under Sir Alex United players knew that the could win games despite the odds being stacked agains them. At times this season United looked defeated from before the first whistle. Standards have dipped and Manchester United looked like Manchester United only once so far, and that was in that great 1-0 home win against leaders Arsenal – their last win in the league. Former United manager Ron Atkinson has said that his team can not afford a period of transition. The modern game is so fast that in weeks you can be swimming agains the current and within a season you risk looking like a mid table team. His claims come as he compares other teams who swap Mark Strijbosch DAVID Moyes has claimed that Manchester United fans have a good solid understanding of events at the club and he argues that the team is under a period of transition. Moyes, who replaced Sir Alex Ferguson following his resignation last season has come under heavy criticism for the form his team is in, particularly as they have only won one out of their last five games, which included back to back Old Trafford defeats for the first time in nine seasons. Life is not cosy and dandy for the new manager, however no one said it would ever be. Taking charge of sports biggest brands is no easy task, especially when you are brought in to replace a living legend. Many have moaned about Moyes' defensive approach and he has literally become the butt of all jokes, a personal favourite being that he spend 10 years trying to get Everton above Man United, and finally he has managed. Jokes aside United fans are fuming and judging by my Facebook David Moyes and change manager more than a kid does running shoes. He argues that the likes of Barcelona and Real Madrid, who are of the same brand power as Manchester United, never have any period of transition, yet it seems its business as usual season after season. I feel comparisons can not be helpful as it is a totally different financial and league structure in Spain, where only two teams compete for the same trophies yearly. It is only now that Atletico have risen to be considered serious threats. My main worry is not about United's performances because frankly United do not need to play well to win games. My worry is more about Moyes' lack of gen- eral confidence. Sir Alex used to have a magical air of confidence around him and in addressing the media the fans and players felt empowered by it. Moyes' style is more realistic and drab and in doing that even the United faithful have lost confidence. He does not claim United can win the league, he admits defeat and in any business that is wrong. Even the great Steve Jobs, who I am sure never even watched football argued that a managers job is to empower its employees and stakeholders and to do so must at times pitch an unrealistic image to force his team to achieve the impossible. That for me makes a good manager. In my eyes Moyes has lost the belief of the fans and this is something United fans are known for. They might not have ever played the best football, or had the best players last season, but they believed they were the best and as a result they were. That belief makes up for 80% of a players power. The belief that they are the best and they can be the best helps them push themselves that extra mile. The same theory works for your staff, fans and stakeholders. David Moyes lack of belief in my eyes is whats costing United dear points so early on in the season and its about time someone told him, oh how I wish he buys this newspaper. Pursuits Across 1. Six legged creatures (7) 5. Reaping-hooks (7) 9. Annoy (3) 10. Coral island (5) 11. Utterly stupid person (5) 12. Young goat (3) 13. Former county in SE England (6) 16. Breakfast food (6) 19. Showing unusual talent (4) 21. Skirt worn by ballerinas (4) 23. Brought forth by birth (4) 24. Somewhere else (9) 25. Pipe (4) 26. Lubricate (4) 27. Very strong wind (4) 28. Arm cover (6) 31. Explosions (6) 35. Doctor (3) 37. Covered with hair (5) 38. Lion sounds (5) 39. Period of history (3) 40. Prevent (7) 41. Blind system of writing (7) Sudoku Sudoku rules are extremely easy: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 9x9 box. Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Wednesday Last week's solution Chess Today's Weather 8 8 WEATHER Partly cloudy locally rather cloudy VISIBILITY: Good WIND: Northeast force 4 locally force 5 in the morning and becoming force 3 overnight SEA: 7 Moderate SWELL: Low Northeast 6 7 5 6 4 3 5 2 1 4 A 3 B Bc4 Qc5 (exf6+) Qxd5 Nh6,Qf7) 2 1 A B C D E F G H White to play and mate in four moves C D E F Bxc6 Bd5 (Qf7) Rb7 (c5, g6, G H PARTLY CLOUDY 18ºC / 12ºC UV INDEX: 2 SEA TEMP: 20 °C Down 1. Golf clubs (5) 2. Thick slices (5) 3. Task (5) 4. Silkworm fibre (4) 5. Slip (4) 6. Serious wrongdoing (5) 7. Unit of capacity (5) 8. Little (5) 14. Uncommon (7) 15. Compress (7) 16. Yielded (5) 17. German measles (7) 18. Performer of gymnastic feats (7) 20. The intestine (5) 22. Long-continued practice (5) 28. 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