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51 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 22 DECEMBER 2013 PHOTOGRAPHY BY RAY ATTARD FOOTBALL Tarxien and Sliema settle for goalless draw Vittoriosa fight back to defeat Qormi Tarxien Rainbows .......0 Sliema Wanderers ......0 TARXIEN Rainbows and Sliema Wanderers shared the points as they ended the match in a goalless draw. This result means Sliema fall further behind in the standings with Hibernians having a game in hand while Tarxien earned a point after three consecutive defeats. Tarxien had the first real attempt on goal on the 11th minute. Off a pass by Karl Pulo, Jorge Santos Silva had his shot deflected by goalkeeper Henry Bonello. On the 15th minute mark, Jorge Santos Silva had another shot blocked, this time Alessandro Rapino clearing the ball to safety. The match was halted for approximately five minutes when Sliema midfielder Mark Scerri and Tarxien defender Andrew Agius had a headto-head collision. Both players had to be substituted. Tarxien were unlucky again to score when Jorge Santos Silva had his freekick blocked by goalkeeper Henry Bonello four minutes before the first half ended. In the second half Sliema tried to put some pressure on Tarxien. On the 69th minute, off a cross by Stanley Ohawuchi, Pape Gueye headed the ball just wide. Tarxien went close to scoring when Ronaille Calheira Seara had his shot go just wide. Sliema had their best scoring opportunity on the 83rd minute when off a freekick by Trevor Cilia, a header by Stefano Bianciardi from close range was saved by goalkeeper Nicholas Vella. Assistant Referees: Ingmar Spiteri, Peter Abela. Fourth Official: Philip Farrugia Yellow Cards: Bonnici, Alcantara, Sadowski, Barbetti, Pulo, Muchardi, Ronaille, Woods, Ohawuchi, Potezica, Cilia, Gatt Baldacchino BOV Player of the Match: Jorge Santos Silva TARXIEN RAINBOWS: Nicholas Vella, Steven Sadowski, Fernando Lopez Alcantara, Andrew Agius (31' Luke Zahra), Marko Potezica, Ronaille Calheira Seara (90' Everton Souza Santos), Miguel Ciantar, Carlos Menendez Hevia, Karl Pulo, Steven Bonnici, Jorge Santos Silva. Subs not used: Anthony Curmi, Ian Cutajar, Nigel Vella I, Matthew Cassar, Nigel Vella II. Asst. Coach: Steven Vella Qormi ....................1 Vittoriosa Stars ......2 SLIEMA WANDERERS: Henry Bonello, Alex Muscat, Alessandro Rapino (58' Pape Gueye), John Mintoff, Mark Scerri (31' Matias Muchardi), Stanley Ohawuchi, Clifford Gatt Baldacchino, Ivan Woods (78' Jacob Borg), Trevor Cilia, Paltemio Barbetti, Stefano Biancardi. Subs not used: Glenn Zammit, Axl Xuereb, Gabriel Aquilina, Beppe Muscat. Coach: Alfonso Greco Referee: Kevin Azzopardi. VITTORIOSA Stars fought back from being a goal down to defeat Qormi 2-1. Even though Vittoriosa had to play for over an hour with tenmen, they managed to register an important victory after a long run of defeats. Vittoriosa were very close to scoring on the 17th minute when Gilbert Martin's shot went just over the cross bar. After 29 minutes of play, Qormi managed to take the lead thanks to a penalty. Jose Filipe Aguiar brought Abudulai Issaka down inside the area and the referee immediately pointed to the penalty spot and sent Aguiar off. Roderick Bajada beat goalkeeper Sean Cini from the penalty spot. Vittoriosa managed to score the equaliser on the 52nd minute. Off a cross by Oscar Guerrero, Gilbert Martin's powerful shot was not saved by goalkeeper Matthew Farrugia and in ended up at the back of the net. The shock came to Qormi just two minutes later when Vittoriosa took the lead. Off a freekick by Oscar Guerrero, Marceko Pereira hit the woodwork with his shot from close range. The ball went on to hit a defender and from the rebound Pereira beat the Qormi goalkeeper with his shot. On the 67th minute, Qormi came close to scoring when Clive Spiteri cleared a shot by Leighton Grech off the goal line. Both teams continued to create chances in front of goal, but Vittoriosa held on to secure the important three points. QORMI Matthew Farrugia, Alfred Effiong, Roderick Sammut, Giuseppe Bellucci, Leighton Grech (82' Duncan Pisani), Roderick Bajada (69' Triston Caruana), Joao Gabriel da Silva, Emerson Vella (73' Gianluca Nucera), Owen Bugeja, Jonathan Bondin, Abudulai Issaka. Subs not used: Steve Sultana, Karl Sciortino, Federico Santaguida, Dylan Pirotta. Coach: Josef Manuseto VITTORIOSA STARS Sean Cini, Ousmane Sidibe, Adam Spiteri, Marcelo Pereira, Clive Spiteri, Jose Filipe Aguiar, Gilbert Martin (73' Mark Barbara), Malcolm Buttigieg, Oscar Alvarado Guerrero, Seydou Bamba (33' Francicso Arriagada Mella), Samir Arab (84' Ryan Mifsud). Subs not used: Laurence Cauchi, Justin Camilleri, Kurt Ellul. Coach: Oliver Spiteri Referee: Trustin Farrugia Cann Assistant Referees: Roberto Vella, Thomas Debono Fourth Official: Malcolm Spiteri Yellow Cards: Sidibe, Bellucci, Gabriel, Arriagada Red Cards: 29' Jose Filipe Aguiar Scorers: 29' Roderick Bajada pen (Q); 52' Gilbert Martin (V); 54' Marcelo Pereira (V) BOV Player of the Match: Oscar Guerrero Today's matches BOV Premier League Floriana - Rabat Ajax Hibernians - Birkirkara BOV First Division Lija Athletic - Msida S.J. St. andrews - Gudja U. Pieta H. - Birzebbugia Hamrun S. - St. Georges 14:00 16:00 14:00 16:15 14:00 16:15

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