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23 Sport maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 8 JANUARY 2014 OPINION Football angel keeper Alex Stepney Eusebio applauded the save and in doing so gave us all a reminder of what the game is all about: sportsmanship. That moment defined the great man and set an example for us all to follow. He is one of the greats who will not only be remembered for his goals or playing style, but also for that immaculate attitude on the pitch. Even as he retired from the game he kept on spreading the good word and worked as an ambassador for sports and football and truth be told the world needs more people like the humble Black Panther. The 71 year old is now at last re united with his fellow footballer George Best and I am sure a discussion over the great 1968 final is well underway in the clouds. Mark Strijbosch ONE of football's best ever places has taken his place as a forward in Heaven's starting line up. Portugal's footballing icon Eusebio passed away over the weekend after going into cardiac arrest, leaving behind a football legacy. Eusebio, nicknamed the Black Panther was the top scorer in the 1966 World Cup as he helped Portugal to third place in England and also starred for his club Benfica in the Champions League final of 1968 where his side faced Manchester United. As you would expect tributes have poured in from around the world and applauses were heard from stands and players during the weekend's matches. Jose Mourinho lead the tributes hailing Eusebio's influence in their home nation adding that he is "irreplaceable". Mourinho also added that he served his nation supremely and that his legacy makes him immortal. Eusebio was a leader and a gentleman off and on the pitch and provided one of the best ever moments in football history in the 1968 final. When his thunderous strike was kept out by Manchester United goal On thin ice The FA Cup always provides us with some good juice to whet our appetites and it is fair to say that no one expected that walloping this weekend. Big Sam's small West Ham were the subject of a five nil away massacre to the hands of Championship side Nottingham Forrest. Fortunately for Sam somehow the headlines this morning read "Sam Allardyce Backed" but it would be very easy to swap the B for an S in his case, as not only did they get stuffed in the Cup, but their league position is also perilous. West Ham United have been un- Eusébio da Silva Ferreira der performing thus far and occupy 19th place with only three wins under their belt. Making matters worse for Big Sam he is yet to see anything of substance from his £15 million pound signing Andy Carroll, who has been out injured since the beginning of the season after he picked up a heal injury. The silver lining for the Irons is that their main man has just joined up with the first squad for training and a return is imminent. With West Ham struggling for goals his return will provide a massive boost for the club after they had to offer a contract to Carlton Cole who was deemed surplus to requirements and released by the club after last season. The FA Cup also saw Manchester United crash out to Swansea as Wilfred Bony headed home a late winner at Old Trafford. United's home form and general inconsistency is beginning to worry many fans as it seems like David Moyes has not yet managed to get a grip of his squad and get them playing with any notable style. They enjoyed the lion's share of possession in the cup this weekend however a lack of flair and over all creativity lead to Swansea's progression in an area where many felt United could have thrived after seeing such poor league form. The silver lining is that bottom placed Sunderland await in the League Cup semi final with a mouth watering final against Manchester City seemingly on the cards. Now in the New Year you do feel it is about time we started seeing some positive results from David Moyes as he has not yet manage to win most of the patient fans over. Had this been any other top club my fear is that he would have already been sacked as Villas Boas was at Chelsea, but fortunately for him and his club, this is Manchester United and patience is on his side as the club looks to press on with long term success. Pursuits Across 1. Travelling by bicycle (7) 5. Psalmbook (7) 9. Physician (7) 10. Rise to one's feet (5) 11. Thievery (5) 12. To hit a ball high (3) 13. Lengthier (6) 14. Conditional release (6) 15. Bring civil action against (3) 17. Woman who conducts others to their seats (9) 21. Explosive sound (3) 23. Merchant (6) 24. Christian festival (6) 27. Be in debt (3) 28. Pertaining to people (5) 29. Banish (5) 30. Dispossess (7) 31. Third day of the week (7) 32. High temperature (3,4) Sudoku Sudoku rules are extremely easy: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 9x9 box. Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Wednesday Last week's solution Chess Today's Weather 8 8 WEATHER Partly cloudy becoming locally partly to rather cloudy VISIBILITY: Good WIND: 7 Mainly Northerly force 3 to 4 locally force 3, backing West to Northwest. SEA: Slight to moderate locally moderate at first SWELL: Low East Northeast locally low Northwest at first 6 7 5 6 4 3 5 2 1 4 A 3 2 1 A B C D E F G H White to play and mate in four moves B Rg3+ Qd8+ Qg8+ Qe6# C D Kf8 Kf7 Kf6 E F G H PARTLY CLOUDY 17ºC / 11ºC UV INDEX: 2 SEA TEMP: 18 °C Down 1. Fortresses (7) 2. Capable of being cured (7) 3. Person who delivers ice (6) 4. Women in general (6,3) 5. Scottish musician (5) 6. Theoretical (8) 7. Teashop (7) 8. Decreased (7) 16. Remaining part (9) 18. Person who tends sheep (8) 19. Scholar (7) 20. Christen (7) 21. Pledge (7) 22. Gift (7) 25. Three-legged support (6) 26. Hazy (5)

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