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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 22 MAY 2011 37 RECIPE OF THE WEEK Chocolate Chocolate making today bears very little resemblance to the origi- nal xocotlatl that the Spanish co- lonialists discovered from the Az- tecs. Christopher Columbus discov- ered the cocoa bean in the New World where local tribes had built a culture of worship around the holy bean, though it wasn't until Cortez discovered the monetary and nutritional value of chocolate, 17 years later that chocolate came to Europe. The Aztecs brewed their own par- ty drink that they called xocotlatl – a bitter-tasting drink made from roasted ground cocoa beans with peppery spices and hot peppers. Though not to the taste of Span- ish conquerors, they were intrigued by the monetary value of the cocoa bean, which was used as payment for slaves and was thus known as the "gold of the New World". The Spanish monks then en- hanced the drink with sugar and vanilla with some describing the drink as delicious and nutritional and the clergy banning the drink as it was lust arousing. The myths that chocolate caused pleasure were around even then and have lived on to this day. The effects of chocolate have been studied extensively and it has been concluded that the brain treats chocolate as a drug with pharma- cological actions occurring in the brain. Chocolate contains cannabinoids, the compounds responsible for the high of marijuana, though the con- centration is too low to cause an ef- fect. The compounds which do have an effect are caffeine, tyramine and tryptophan, which convert into feel-good chemicals dopamine and serotonin. Today a number of different types of chocolate are available. Cocoa powder: This unsweet- ened powder is pulverized, partially defatted chocolate liquor. Cocoa powder gives an intense chocolate taste and is available in "Dutch- processed" (alkalized) or natural varieties. Unsweetened chocolate: Also known as "bitter" or "baking" choc- olate. This is pure chocolate liquor, composed solely of ground cocoa beans. Although it looks and smells like chocolate, it has a bitter taste and is not meant for consumption on its own – it is best used in cook- ing, when it can be combined with sugar to make it more palatable. Dark chocolate: Chocolate that contains chocolate liquor, sugar, co- coa butter, vanilla and leicithin (an emulsifier). There are no milk solids added in dark chocolate. The cocoa content of commercial dark choco- late bars can range from 30% (sweet dark) to 70- 80% for extremely dark bars. Bittersweet chocolate and semi-sweet chocolate also fall into the "dark chocolate" category. Bittersweet chocolate: Chocolate contains at least 35% cocoa solids. Most bittersweet bars contain at least 50% chocolate liquor, with some bars pushing 70-80% choco- late liquor. This chocolate often has a deeper, more bitter flavour than sweet dark or semi-sweet bars. Semi-sweet chocolate: This is primarily an American term, popu- larised by Nestle Toll House semi- sweet chocolate chips. Semi-sweet chocolate contains at least 35% co- coa solids, and is generally assumed to be darker than sweet dark choco- late, but sweeter than bittersweet. However, the lack of regulations regarding sugar content means that these classifications are relative and not consistent across brands. Sweet dark chocolate: is "dark chocolate" in the sense that it does not contain milk solids, but it still has a high percentage of sugar and is much sweeter than other types of dark chocolate. Many brands of sweet dark chocolate have only 20- 40% cocoa solids. Milk chocolate: In addition to containing cocoa butter and choco- late liquor, milk chocolate contains either condensed milk or dry milk solids. Milk chocolate must con- tain at least 10% chocolate liquor, 3.39% butterfat, and 12% milk sol- ids. Milk chocolates are typically much sweeter than dark choco- late, and have a lighter colour and a less pronounced chocolate taste. Milk chocolate is more difficult to temper properly and more prone to overheating. White chocolate: White choco- late gets its name from the cocoa butter it contains, but does not con- tain chocolate liquor or any other cocoa products. As a result, it has no pronounced chocolate taste, but commonly tastes like vanilla or oth- er added flavourings. By law, white chocolate must contain a minimum 20% cocoa butter, 14% milk solids, and a maximum of 55% sugar. maltatoday, SUNDAY, 9 FEBRUARY 2014 FINE FOOD OF THE WEEK Make her swoon with pleasure Chilli chocolate truffles Ingredients For the truffle mixture • 200g melting chocolate, 60% cocoa solids • 200ml heavy cream • 50g butter • 1 tsp chilli (less if you don't like a kick) • ½ tsp orange zest Toppings • Cocoa powder • Toasted almonds • Coconut flakes • Dark melting chocolate, 60% cocoa solids, melted • White melting chocolate, melted Method 1. Chop the chocolate and place in a large bowl. 2. Heat the cream and butter in a small saucepan until the butter melts and the cream is at simmering point. Do not allow to boil. 3. Remove from the heat and tip the chocolate into the cream. 4. Stir the mixture until smooth. 5. Add the chilli and orange zest and mix well. Alterna- tively add bourbon, rum soaked raisins, Grand Manier or coconut. 6. Place the fridge for 1 hour until the truffle mixture hardens. 7. Prepare the toppings in separate bowls. You can use one of the toppings or a mixture. Chocolate releases chemicals in the brain that create a feel good factor

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