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THIS WEEK maltatoday, SUNDAY, 9 FEBRUARY 2014 39 THIS WEEK Mu-Danzas Boleras – a unique dance show and a tribute to Sharon Sapienza TEATRU Manoel is presenting the second major dance show of the cur- rent theatre season at the Manoel with Mu-Danzas Boleras 1812-2012 on February 15 and 16 at 20:00. Mu-Danzas Boleras was the idea and creation of Sharon Sapienza, who very sadly passed away sudden- ly exactly a year ago. Sapienza was an accomplished dancer and had built an impressive career both as a performer and producer in Spain and internationally. Mu-Danzas Bo- leras was her last project which she was planning on bringing to Malta. The show is being produced as a tribute to her. Choreographed by Francisco Ve- lasco, Mu-Danzas Boleras is a show which allows the audience to im- merse itself into the essence of the Bolero School of Dance by means of re-staging the Escuela Bolera rep- ertoire. This is revived by means of a modern narrative framework which makes it fresh and exciting to watch. The dances are lively, refined and a pleasure to watch. There are eye-catching colourful traditional costumes and one also notes at the same time the classical connection because the dancers wear ballet shoes while from the more popular world of folk dancing there is the use of the castanets. The dynamism of Mu-Danzas Bo- leras offers the audience a journey which enriches it because it provides a look into a world quite different from the regular kind of flamenco audiences are used to. It is to redress this fact, namely because although it is not as well-known as flamenco, this technically very demanding dance is also characteristically very Spanish too. Tickets for the show are €25 and 10 and can be bought from www.teatru-, bookings@teatru- or 21 246389 Italian duo at the Manoel AN Italian duo will perform works on the flute and piano by composers from the 19th century up to the 21st century at the Sala Isouard of the Manoel Theatre on Tuesday, Febru- ary 11 at 20:00. Flautist Chiara Pavan and pianist Eugenia Canale will perform works by Ibert (Jeux), Dutilleux (Sonatine), Messiaen (Le Merle Noir), Berlioz (Trio op. 25 L'Enfance de Christ), Sa- tie (Choses vues à droite et à gauche) and Poulenc (Sonata). The duo Pavan-Canale was formed in 2009 when they embarked on a journey to research complex works which have often been neglected in repertoires for flute and piano. The two performers won numer- ous national and international com- petitions, including first prize of the Nuovi Orizzonti of Arezzo, second prize at the International Competi- tion of Assisi and the 2010 edition of the Premio Nazionale delle Arti (chamber music category). Tickets are €10. Booking is open at the Manoel Theatre either on- line from bookings@teatrumanoel. or from the box office, tel. 21 246389, from Monday to Friday be- tween 10:00 to 13:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00 and on Saturday from 10:00 to 13:00

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