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MT 9 Feb 2014

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 9 FEBRUARY 2014 6 News MIRIAM DALLI THE soft roll-out of new elec- tronic identity cards will start as of next Wednesday 12 February, three years after MITA – the gov- ernment's IT agency – announced the roll-out would start towards mid-2012. The last rollout of ID cards took place 11 years ago. Although very similar to the old ID card, the new ID card has a new feature: it comes equipped with a chip containing two certificates recognised worldwide. The first is the authentication certificate – marking that the ID card is not a fake – the second is the signature certificate as the applicant signs directly on an electronic pad which transfers the data onto the card. Thanks to the chip, the card- holder is also provided with a pin number to access government services available online. With the new ID card, there is also an effort to reduce red tape as the Kartanzjan (pensioners' card) will be incorporated in the e-ID. Godwin Grima, former head of civil service appointed by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to head a five-man task force, explained that the soft roll-out will be on a "need basis". "This means that, for now, the new ID card will be given to those who apply because theirs has been lost, stolen, they got married or changed address or they're apply- ing for their first ID card," Grima said. An average of 1,500 such requests are received every week. The mass roll-out will take place at a lat- er stage, giving the government enough time to decide on what would be the best way to imple- ment the necessary changes. Although the roll-out of new ID cards has been in the pipeline for years, it was repeatedly postponed due to general elections. "There was a consensus that the roll-out does not take place on the eve of an election," Grima said, admitting that lack of financial re- sources and human resources had also been a problem. The section responsible of the ID cards has been moved from Evans Building in Valletta to Gattard House in Blata l-Bajda. The move, a spokesperson for Home Affairs said, was to facilitate parking and access to the general public. The €7.7 million project is being funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in line with the EU's digital agenda. In 2012, the European Commis- sion proposed new rules to secure electronic transactions in Europe. The proposed regulation will en- sure people and businesses can use their own national electronic iden- tification schemes (e-IDs) to access public services in other EU coun- tries where e-IDs are available. The Commission said the pro- posed regulation also creates an in- ternal market for e-signatures and related online trust services across borders, by ensuring these services will work across borders and have the same legal status as traditional paper-based processes. According to a 2012 report that appeared by EurActiv, despite the EU's efforts to increase the security of e-signatures and the confidence in the emergence of virtual identi- ties, citizens and governments have been slow to adopt electronic IDs. "Even if chip-embedded passports are becoming the norm across Eu- rope, e-ID cards have been adopted in only in a handful of countries – Belgium, Estonia, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. But there is no common system of mutual rec- ognition among states using elec- tronic IDs," EurActiv reported. JAMES DEBONO THE Malta Environment and Plan- ning Authority's Natural Heritage Panel is objecting to the develop- ment of two brand new kiosks be- ing proposed on Bahar ic-Caghaq coast outside development zones. The two applications represent the fourth attempt to develop a ki- osk in the area as three other ap- plications for the same purpose have been refused in the past two decades. Two separate applications have been presented by the same appli- cant for the development of two kiosks on public land a few meters away from each other. The application states that al- though the applicant is not the owner of the site, he has notified the government of his intention to apply and "the owner has granted consent to such a proposal". In 1994 MEPA had turned down an application presented by the same applicant to sanction a kiosk which was already selling ice cream and sweets in the same area of the present applications. An appeal against the same deci- sion was turned down in 1996. In the appeal, the developers' law- yer Dr Joe Brincat had alleged dis- crimination citing the fact that the kiosk already exists near the park- ing area next to Reno's Bar. This ki- osk is located 170 meters from the proposed kiosk. In its decision, MEPA had argued that bathers are already well served by this kiosk and considering the small size of the area there was no need for a second kiosk. The kiosk was also deemed to in- terrupt the view of the sea. A concrete platform in the same area was removed by a direct action after an appeal against the enforce- ment action presented by the same applicant was rejected. In its decision, the appeal board than chaired by Kevin Aquilina concluded that MEPA had not dis- criminated against the applicant and that the application had been turned down as it was in breach of structure plan policies. A second application on the same site pre- sented by the same applicant was rejected in 1998. An application by another pro- spective kiosk owner in the same area was turned down in 2000. - Provision of Application Services – T003/14 Issued on: 31 January 2014 / Closing on: 12 March 2014 A clarification meeting will be held at MITA Gattard House, National Road, Blata l-Bajda on Tuesday 18 February 2014 at 10.00am (CET ). Economic operators interested in participating in these call for tenders are to note that a workshop is being organised at the Centre for Development Research and Training (CDRT ), San Salvatore Bastion, Sa Maison Road, Floriana on Friday, 14th February at 9.00am (CET ). During this workshop, economic operators will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with compiling and submitting a tender online. More information is available in the tender document. Invitation to TENDER MITA NOTIFIES THAT OFFERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR: For further information, contact the Contracts Management Department The above tenders are obtainable from the Electronic Public Procurement System ( 2123 4710 Two new kiosks proposed on coast road JAMES DEBONO THE Circolo San Guiseppe Band club of Kalkara is proposing a brand new fireworks factory at Il-Fulija in a pristine area in Siggiewi. The development is set to be spread over 9,814 square meter site, which lies outside development zones. The proposed development includes three gates; two escape gates, wind turbines and various stores and work- shops. The application was presented in September 2012 and is still being processed by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority. Two weeks ago an application was also presented for an extension of the St Philip's fireworks complex in Zeb- bug, which also lies outside develop- ment boundaries. MEPA had already approved an extension to the fireworks factory in 2003 despite a clear recommendation for a refusal by a case officer. MEPA had already sanctioned a number of il- legal rooms in 1999. Another controversial application currently being evaluated by MEPA is the extension of a fireworks fac- tory in a pristine area in Gharghur. The development lies on the ground water protection zone. A controversial application to de- velop a fireworks factory in Ghaxaq by the San Gabriel Band Club has been postponed after the develop- ers have requested a suspension in view of the new policy on fireworks which is expected to come in place in the next months. The new policy on fireworks – currently being drafted by a com- mittee chaired by Labour MP and pyrotechnics association lawyer Michael Falzon – is set to facilitate the approval of firework factories in ODZ areas. Over the past few years, MEPA has refused permits for ODZ fire- works factories in Tal-Isqof in Ra- bat, in Tal-Ghajn Mellieha and in Tas-Sanap in Gozo. A final decision on the Mellieha fireworks factory is set to be taken by MEPA's Review Tribunal in the next months. The site for the proposed fireworks factory Brand new fireworks factory proposed in Siggiewi New ID card comes with a chip and a pin number The designated area of the proposed kiosks

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