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MT 30 March 2014

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 MARCH 2014 15 News COURT NOTICE The Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals notifies that the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the sale by judicial auction of the following property to be held in the corridors of the Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. Date, Judicial Sale No. and Time Property 3 rd April 2014 77/13 – 10.30am PP 1. Apartment internally marked number three (3), on the second floor including overlaying air space forming part of Block of Apartments' named 'Anvil Apartments', numbered four (4), in Triq il- Minfa!, Naxxar, free and unencumbered valued one hundred and ninety thousand Euros ("190,000) Included with the apartment there is the use of the common parts which include the outside stairs, outside door, entrance hall, the stairs to the roof, the lift and its shaft and water and drainage system. 2. Six Garages under the block of apartments named 'Anvil Apartments', numbered four (4), in Triq il- Minfa!, Naxxar internally marked; • Garage number two (2) of approx 73.47 meters squared valued forty five thousand Euros (" 45,000) • Garage number three (3) of approx 13.71 meters squared valued twenty three thousand Euros (" 23,000) • Garage number four (4) of approx 13.80 meters squared valued twenty three thousand Euros (" 23,000) • Garage number five (5), of approx 11.78 meters squared valued twenty thousand Euros (" 20,000) • Garage number six (6) of approx 15.74 meters squared valued twenty five thousand Euros (" 25,000) • Garage number seven (7) of approx 44.43 meters squared valued forty thousand Euros (" 40,000) Included with every garage there is the use of common parts which include the stairs from the front garden, outside doors, cars' lift and shaft for lift. 3 rd April 2014 64/13 – 11.00am EM Maisonette, number eighty-one (81), named 'Thuema House', formerly numbered six (6), in Triq il-Karmnu, #abbar, on two floors with an underlying garage belonging to third parties, with its own airspace, free and unencumbered and valued at one hundred thousand Euros ("100,000). 3 rd April 2014 44/12 – 11.30am EGL Apartment number one (1) in a block of apartments numbered ninety (90), named 'Galeone Flats', in Triq San Pietru, $al Kirkop, consisting of a sitting room, a combined dining room and kitchen, bathroom and two double bedrooms. The apartment measures around eighty square metres (80m 2 ) which is free and unencumbered and has been valued at seventy thousand Euros ("70,000). 3 rd April 2014 163/04 – 12.00pm 1. Flat internally market 1, Howard Flats, in Triq il-Korp tal-Prijunieri, Bugibba, subject to annual and perpetual ground rent of "27.95, valued at "163,056. 2. Garage numbered 29, in Triq San Antin, Marsa valued at " 41,929. 3. The undivided half of a garage number 19, in Triq iz-Zimelli, Hamrun, subject to annual and temporary ground rent of "6.98 for the remaining period of 150 years commenced from December 1933, this undivided half valued at "116,469. 4. Maisonette numbered 106, known as 'Marcar' in Triq ix-Xintill, Hal Tarxien, valued at "139,762. 8 th April 2014 13/13 – 10.30am PP 1. Apartment, internally marked number 3, Victoria Apartment, number 88, Capuchin's Street, San %wann, on the second floor presently valued on the market, free and unencumbered, valued seventy-five thousand Euros ("75,000). 2. Penthouse, with overlaying airspace, considered by the architect as a duplex unit, Victoria Apartment, number 88, Triq il-Kapu&&ini, San %wann, free and unencumbered, valued eighty thousand Euros ("80,000). The property also includes one fourth undivided share of the common parts of the said block. 8 th April 2014 165/04 – 12.00pm 1. The temporary utile dominium for the remaining period from 150 years commencing on December 1933 of tenements numbered 21 and 27 in Zimelli Street, Hamrun including a back yard accessible form both tenements as being subject to the annual and temporary ground rent together valued "260,890. 2. The temporary utile dominium for the remaining period from 150 years commencing on December 1933 of tenement numbered 23 in Zimelli Street, Hamrun as being subject to the annual and temporary ground rent together valued "111,810. 3. Tenement numbered 68, in Zimelli Street, Hamrun valued at "67,552. 4. Garage unofficially marked 1, Pioneer Road, St. Paul's Bay underlying flat internally market 1 forming part of a block of flats known as Howard Building Block A valued at "158,397. 5. Ground floor garage accessible from Paul Schembri Street, Tarxien and underlying garage situated in basement level from Triq ix- Xintill, Tarxien together valued at "97,834. 24 th April,2014 3/14 – 10.30am EGL The tenement 'Jampson', number twenty two (22), in Triq Antonio Micallef, Zejtun valued at two hundred and twenty two thousand and hundred euro ("222,100) and the tenement number two (2), in Triq San Fran'isk, #ejtun valued at fifty two thousand euro ("52,000). The Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals notifi es that the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the sale by judicial auction of the following property to be held in the corridors of the Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. 29 th April 2014 44/13 – 11.00am EM 1. Garage 282, Marshall Place, Triq il-Kampanella: property consisting of a garage for business purposes of around two hundred and sixty square metres (260m 2 ), free and unencumbered, at street level, having a narrow yard on the back. There are also toilets and a small store and a small spiral staircase leading to garage number 13 Chanel Drive. The property is valued at three hundred and fifty thousand Euros ("350,000). 2. Garage unofficially numbered 13, Chanel Drive, Triq il-%i(i, Fgura: property consisting in an 'L' shape with access from Chanel Drive, of around one hundred square metres (100m 2 ), free and unencumbered, at basement level. There is also a small toilet and a small shaft. The property is valued at one hundred and ten thousand Euros ("110,000). 3. Garage unofficially numbered 14, Chanel Drive, Triq il-%i(i, Fgura: property consisting of a one car garage at basement level of around twenty squares metres (20m 2 ), free and unencumbered. The property is valued at fifteen thousand Euros ("15,000). 4. Garage unofficially numbered 16, Chanel Drive, Triq il-%i(i, Fgura: property consisting in an 'L' shape with access from Chanel Drive of around one hundred and five square metres (105 m 2 ), free and unencumbered, having an open space at the back which joins with garage number 13 and also having a shaft. The property is valued at one hundred and ten thousand Euros ("110,000). 5. Garage unofficially numbered 36, Chanel Drive, Triq il-%i(i, Fgura: property consisting of a one car garage, underlying garage number 13, of around twenty squares metres (20m 2 ), free and unencumbered. The property is valued at fifteen thousand Euros ("15,000). Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card. Rudolph Marmara For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals COURT NOTICE The Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals notifies that the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the sale by judicial auction of the following property to be held in the corridors of the Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. Date, Judicial Sale No. and Time Property 3 rd April 2014 77/13 – 10.30am PP 1. Apartment internally marked number three (3), on the second floor including overlaying air space forming part of Block of Apartments' named 'Anvil Apartments', numbered four (4), in Triq il- Minfa!, Naxxar, free and unencumbered valued one hundred and ninety thousand Euros ("190,000) Included with the apartment there is the use of the common parts which include the outside stairs, outside door, entrance hall, the stairs to the roof, the lift and its shaft and water and drainage system. 2. Six Garages under the block of apartments named 'Anvil Apartments', numbered four (4), in Triq il- Minfa!, Naxxar internally marked; • Garage number two (2) of approx 73.47 meters squared valued forty five thousand Euros (" 45,000) • Garage number three (3) of approx 13.71 meters squared valued twenty three thousand Euros (" 23,000) • Garage number four (4) of approx 13.80 meters squared valued twenty three thousand Euros (" 23,000) • Garage number five (5), of approx 11.78 meters squared valued twenty thousand Euros (" 20,000) • Garage number six (6) of approx 15.74 meters squared valued twenty five thousand Euros (" 25,000) • Garage number seven (7) of approx 44.43 meters squared valued forty thousand Euros (" 40,000) Included with every garage there is the use of common parts which include the stairs from the front garden, outside doors, cars' lift and shaft for lift. 3 rd April 2014 64/13 – 11.00am EM Maisonette, number eighty-one (81), named 'Thuema House', formerly numbered six (6), in Triq il-Karmnu, #abbar, on two floors with an underlying garage belonging to third parties, with its own airspace, free and unencumbered and valued at one hundred thousand Euros ("100,000). 3 rd April 2014 44/12 – 11.30am EGL Apartment number one (1) in a block of apartments numbered ninety (90), named 'Galeone Flats', in Triq San Pietru, $al Kirkop, consisting of a sitting room, a combined dining room and kitchen, bathroom and two double bedrooms. The apartment measures around eighty square metres (80m 2 ) which is free and unencumbered and has been valued at seventy thousand Euros ("70,000). 3 rd April 2014 163/04 – 12.00pm 1. Flat internally market 1, Howard Flats, in Triq il-Korp tal-Prijunieri, Bugibba, subject to annual and perpetual ground rent of "27.95, valued at "163,056. 2. Garage numbered 29, in Triq San Antin, Marsa valued at " 41,929. 3. The undivided half of a garage number 19, in Triq iz-Zimelli, Hamrun, subject to annual and temporary ground rent of "6.98 for the remaining period of 150 years commenced from December 1933, this undivided half valued at "116,469. 4. Maisonette numbered 106, known as 'Marcar' in Triq ix-Xintill, Hal Tarxien, valued at "139,762. 8 th April 2014 13/13 – 10.30am PP 1. Apartment, internally marked number 3, Victoria Apartment, number 88, Capuchin's Street, San %wann, on the second floor presently valued on the market, free and unencumbered, valued seventy-five thousand Euros ("75,000). 2. Penthouse, with overlaying airspace, considered by the architect as a duplex unit, Victoria Apartment, number 88, Triq il-Kapu&&ini, San %wann, free and unencumbered, valued eighty thousand Euros ("80,000). The property also includes one fourth undivided share of the common parts of the said block. 8 th April 2014 165/04 – 12.00pm 1. The temporary utile dominium for the remaining period from 150 years commencing on December 1933 of tenements numbered 21 and 27 in Zimelli Street, Hamrun including a back yard accessible form both tenements as being subject to the annual and temporary ground rent together valued "260,890. 2. The temporary utile dominium for the remaining period from 150 years commencing on December 1933 of tenement numbered 23 in Zimelli Street, Hamrun as being subject to the annual and temporary ground rent together valued "111,810. 3. Tenement numbered 68, in Zimelli Street, Hamrun valued at "67,552. 4. Garage unofficially marked 1, Pioneer Road, St. Paul's Bay underlying flat internally market 1 forming part of a block of flats known as Howard Building Block A valued at "158,397. 5. Ground floor garage accessible from Paul Schembri Street, Tarxien and underlying garage situated in basement level from Triq ix- Xintill, Tarxien together valued at "97,834. 24 th April,2014 3/14 – 10.30am EGL The tenement 'Jampson', number twenty two (22), in Triq Antonio Micallef, Zejtun valued at two hundred and twenty two thousand and hundred euro ("222,100) and the tenement number two (2), in Triq San Fran'isk, #ejtun valued at fifty two thousand euro ("52,000). Fully licensed and full equipped wine bar in quaint village centre in Naxxar Call owner: 9943 8218 MEPA appeals' member files for ODZ permit JAMES DEBONO A member of MEPA's environment and planning review tribunal, archi- tect Robert Sarsero, has filed an ap- plication for a four-storey old peo- ple's home on outside development zones in Santa Lucija. The home for the elderly is being proposed on 4,472 square metres of ODZ land along Luqa Road, next to the Garnaw Valley reservoir. Sarsero filed the application on be- half of applicant Neville Schembri, a director and shareholder in Health- mark Care Services, a company providing home care and support services to seniors and persons who need help at home because of illness or disability. Sarsero, who was appointed chair- man of the Malta Freeport Corpo- ration by the present government, is one of three members of the new Environment and Planning Review Tribunal, a judicial body that hears appeals against decisions taken by the other MEPA boards. Previously, members of the tribu- nal were not allowed to present plan- ning applications but this policy was changed by the present administra- tion. Whenever board members de- clare a conflict of interest, they are to be replaced by substitute members. Roaring trade for petrol pump licences JAMES DEBONO A petrol pump owner is asking MEPA for permission to relocate a Valley Road, Msida petrol station to an out- side development zone in St Paul's Bay, over 2,736 square metres of pris- tine land along Triq is-Salini. The development, proposed by former Lorry Sant aide Piju Camilleri's family business Luqa Developments Ltd, is also proposing that the sta- tion comes with four car washes and a shop. MEPA is drafting a new policy to regulate the relocation of petrol sta- tions from urban areas to ODZ ar- eas. MaltaToday is informed that a number of petrol station licences have been sold over the past months. This is because the licences have in- creased in value amid speculation that the new policy allows for the construc- tion of larger petrol stations outside these development zones. As expected, a number of ODZ pet- rol stations have been proposed in the past months: another station was proposed on a triangular plot of land wedged between Triq is-Salini and Maghtab. Another petrol pump owner, Johann Gaffarena, was issued with a temporary permit to sell fuel from his petrol sta- tion after it had been sealed by MEPA in 2009: he recently applied to sanc- tion illegalities in his ODZ petrol sta- tion and to construct of six car-washes and a food and beverage outlet. To Let

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