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MT 30 March 2014

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47 maltatoday, Sunday, 30 March 2014 Events The Malta Council for Culture and the Arts moves to Casa Scaglia Staff members of the Malta Coun- cil for Culture and the Arts (MC- CA) have started relocating to new premises in Casa Scaglia in Mikiel Anton Vassalli Str, close to lower South Street, Valletta. The move is expected to be complete by 1 April. The new premises, which have been completely refurbished, boast an inner courtyard and splendid views of Valletta, giving the national arts body the importance it deserves. Casa Scaglia lies in the vicinity of Ad- miralty House, which currently still houses the Museum of Fine Arts. "The new premises will facilitate the Council's growth into new sec- tors as well as enabling better work- flow and cooperation between staff members in the execution of their revised duties that will be redesigned to satisfy the wider remit of the or- ganisation," said Albert Marshall, Chair of the MCCA. "All this will result in better serv- ice to artists and creatives, as well as the general public, while providing the cultural sector with an enhanced professional corporate image and a platform for the administration of the local cultural and creative indus- tries," he added. According to Victor F. Denaro from the Malta Historical Society, Casa Scaglia was built by Balì Fra Bernardino Scaglia, Prior of Capua. In 1588, he donated the property to the Chapel of Our Lady of Philer- mos in the Conventual Church. Fra Scaglia was appointed Admiral of the Order in 1582. He died in the Convent in 1600 at the age of 78 and the premises were sold, in 1606, to Comm. Fra Puccino Puccini. In 1764, Casa Scaglia was occupied by Balì Fra Claude de Saint Simon who had bought it; on his death, in the Con- vent in 1777, the premises reverted to the Treasury. In 1794, the Treasury sold the house to Comm. Fra Bartolomeo Mignanelli who donated this house to Teresa Palamida and disposed that the premises were to be enjoyed by her during her lifetime, in rec- ognition of the care, which she had taken of his household. After Teresa's death, the property was to pass to the Hospital for Incurable Women, of which Comm. Mignanelli was a Protector. When Teresa died, the British Government took posses- sion of the premises. Recently it was being used by Heritage Malta as an administration block to the Museum of Fine Arts. The MCCA may be contacted on 2339 7000 or by visiting Casa Scaglia, 16, Triq Mikiel Anton Vassalli, Val- letta, as from 1 April. HSBC Malta announces three new senior appointees Bay Street's Artisan Market celebrates fresh look THRee new senior level appoint- ees have been announced at HSBC Malta: Mandy Garner as Head of Human Resources, Joyce Grech as Chief Risk Officer and James Woodeson, as Head of Global Banking & Markets. With twenty years' experience in Human Resources, Ms Mandy Gar- ner moved to Malta from HSBC in Jersey Channel Islands, where she supported the international busi- ness and took a lead role on all HR issues across the Channel Islands and Isle of Man. Ms Garner pre- viously worked for Santander and the UK National Health Service and was educated in the UK, hold- ing an MA in Law and employee Relations and is also a Member of the Institute of Personnel and De- velopment. Ms Joyce Grech's career at HSBC spans over 17 years. After joining Midland Bank on its setting up operations in 1996, here in Malta, Ms Grech subsequently gained sig- nificant experience through vari- ous roles within HSBC Malta, as well as through an appointment at the HSBC London Head office, in Canary Wharf. Prior to her recent appointment, Ms Grech was Head of Customer Value Management within the Bank 's Retail Banking and Wealth Management Division. In her new role as HSBC Malta Chief Risk Officer, Ms Grech suc- ceeds Mr Stewart Luscott-evans, who took up the role of Chief Risk Officer for HSBC Spain. Mr James Woodeson was recent- ly appointed HSBC Malta's Head of Global Banking & Markets, succeeding Mr Chris Bond, who was appointed to a senior manage- ment position in HSBC South Af- rica. Mr Woodeson has garnered over twelve years' experience in senior positions in HSBC London and Hong Kong, within the Global Markets and Global Asset Manage- ment businesses. Prior to his ap- pointment in Malta, he was Head of Global Markets and subsidiary Board Director at HSBC Interna- tional Bank, Channel Islands & Isle of Man. In his new role, Mr Wood- eson is responsible for the Bank 's Balance Sheet Management, Trad- ing, Sales, Capital Markets, Finan- cial Institution and Multi-National Corporate client businesses. On congratulating the 3 new ap- pointees HSBC Malta's CeO, Mark Watkinson said that it is with pleasure that he welcomes the trio on board and into their newly ap- pointed roles. He also thanked their predecessors for their dedica- tion and commitment, as he wished them well in their new roles. Three new HSBC Malta senior appointees: (from left to right) Mandy Garner – Head of Human Resources; James Woodeson - Head of Global Banking & Markets, and Joyce Grech - Chief Risk Officer GasanMamo supports Mosta FC Youth Nursery with their annual penalty shoot-out GASANMAMO Insurance is once again supporting the Mosta Foot- ball Club Youth Nursery in their annual penalty shoot out. The main aim behind the event, which will take place on Sunday 6 April at the Mosta Football Ground, is to raise much needed funds for the Nursery. "At GasanMamo we strongly be- lieve in helping children develop through sports and at the same time, learn the values of giving and sharing, values that converge with our own," said Mark Mamo, General Manager at GasanMamo. All children that are registered with the nursery are eligible to take part in the penalty shoot- out. To further incentivise the chil- dren, a eurosport gift will be given to the child who collects the most money. The nursery encourages the public to attend the shootout and cheer the children on whilst helping them achieve their goal of raising funds for their nursery. The Artisan Market in Bay Street will be hosting a three- day celebration from Satur- day, 28 March to Monday, 31 March 2014, to launch its new look. In recent weeks, the shops and public areas of the Artisan Market on Level 0 of Bay Street Complex, St Julian's, have un- dergone a make-over and refur- bishment programme. The Artisan Market square has been upgraded with new Travertine marble f looring and increased lighting. New public toilets have been installed and customers can now also benefit from free Wi-Fi in the Artisan Square. Visitors can enjoy the wide se- lection of outlets including Café Pascucci, Dolce, Renaissance, Super Gold Jewellers, Tafal Ce- ramics, Zero Two, Misto, Little by Little –Chinese cuisine – as well as the new boutique, Mia!, which has expanded its brand offering to focus on the more mature woman with handbags from Pierre Cardin, GianMarco Venturi and Krizia Poi. During the three-day event, customers can benefit from a range of special offers from the outlets as well as enjoying free entertainment and children's animation, and free refresh- ments. According to a Bay Street representative, "The refurbish- ment of the Artisan Market forms part of our on-going re- furbishment plans which com- menced last year. We want to ensure that we continue to live up to our reputation as the only complex on the island that is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., offering our customers a comfortable and welcoming environment " For more information tel- ephone 2138 0600 or visit the Bay Street Facebook page www.

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