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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 2 APRIL 2014 3 News 5 -2 0 A P R I L 2 0 1 4 G O Z O F A I T H & T R A D I T I O N W E L C O M E T O T H E G O Z O E A S T E R E X P E R I E N C E Further information and copies of the programme may be obtained from or phone 22915452/3 MINISTRY FOR GOZO Presidency: 'a celebration of a country that believes in inclusivity' President-designate Marie Louise Coleiro Preca chooses children, elderly and persons with disability to accompany her during her swearing-in ceremony YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY MIRIAM DALLI THREE hundred children, eld- erly persons and persons with disabilit y will be Marie Louise Coleiro Preca's special guests during Friday's swearing-in ceremony at the President's Palace in Valletta. Pledging to be the "social conscience" of Maltese societ y, Malta's youngest and second female President also chose for mass to be held at the Dar tal- Providenza in Siggiewi. "Presidency is not about cel- ebrating an individual but the celebration of a sovereign country," Coleiro Preca said, adding that even the mass will be set up so as to ref lect inclu- sivit y. A marquee has been set up at Dar tal-Providenza, where mass will be held. It is expect- ed that around 1,000 people, including the home's residents, will be present. As she walks her way through Republic Street to the Presi- dent's Palace, Coleiro Preca will be accompanied by rough- ly 400 children. The walk will start from the Palazzo Ferreria – which served as her ministe- rial office for the past year – towards St George's square. A group of around 300 per- sons will be following the swearing-in ceremony live – straight from the Palace's court yard – and will be meet- ing Coleiro Preca right after she takes her oath. Accompanied by Prime Min- ister Joseph Muscat, Oppo- sition leader Simon Busuttil and Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Arnold Cassola, the new President will salute the public from the palace's balcony. Vulnerable persons have been placed at the heart of this six- hour activit y, a message that Coleiro Preca will not abandon her personal pledge of being the voice of the weakest. "I chose to walk through Re- public Street with the children because they represent our present and the future; the eld- erly will be at the President's Palace because we are here thanks to them," she said. A Maltese f lag that will be blessed during the mass will be raised at San Anton Palace. "The actual ceremony is very short, but the activities organ- ised are a symbol of unit y. I wanted this day to be a ref lec- tion of a population that be- lieves in and celebrates inclu- sivit y." Coleiro Preca's first official visit will be to Gozo. PAGE 1 "Let us unite our forces and tell Europe that we want to give these children a better future, but we cannot do it alone. We need help to be able to do so." Turning to her now former col- leagues in parliament, she pleaded for them to "give space and vis- ibility to our children, give them a voice. The system is stifling the voice of children. Listen to them, and do not be afraid to change sys- tems". Admitting that she could not put her thoughts on paper before her last speech in Parliament, Coleiro Preca told both sides of the House and the large crowd gathered in the Strangers' Gallery that she would instead "speak from the heart". Thanking her constituents of the sixth electoral district, who elected her to parliament in four consecu- tive elections, a visibly emotional Coleiro Preca said that she would "be a catalyst of unity of this great people". Promising to be a catalyst for unity, love, tolerance and under- standing, Coleiro Preca said, "we, as a nation must be capable of re- specting each other despite our differences". Stressing that Malta was no long- er a homogenous Catholic country, the President-designate pointed out that despite the diversity, "We are all Maltese and we should look at what unites us. This is what I want to convey to the people". "If we do not understand who we are we we'll end up not know- ing who our neighbours are, creat- ing bigger challenges for ourselves along the way," she added. "I love my country dearly and you have given me an opportunity to dedicate all my time to the coun- try." In her concluding remarks, with tears in her eyes, Coleiro Preca thanked the former parliamentary secretary Franco Mercieca who served under her, her staff and collaborators at the social solidar- ity ministry and bringing a smile to their faces, excused herself for driving her crazy because of her "hyperactivity". She also thanked the Opposition for supporting her nomination and admitted that she was "touched" by the unprecedented move by the PN to support a government nominee as President. A role model for young women Describing yesterday's vote as an "historic moment," Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said Coleiro Preca will be one of the best Presidents the country has ever had. Pointing out that she would be the first woman in 32 years to oc- cupy one of the state's top five posts, Muscat said he believes that "Marie Louise's nomination sends a strong message of change to the country." He said her appointment would "shatter a glass ceiling" not only because she is a woman but also because of the commitment and courage she showed throughout her political and personal life. Underlining his belief that Co- leiro Preca would become a role model for young women, Muscat praised her courage to "marry af- ter becoming a mother," sending a signal that stereotypes were being broken as society was changing. "This will be a presidency with an purpose, a presidency that will pro- vide parliament, government and the people with moral compass," Muscat added. Admitting that during his time in parliament and in government he had had a number of disagree- ments with Coleiro Preca, Muscat said that he was sure she would stand up for her beliefs and bring "inconvenient truths" to his gov- ernment's attention. Insisting that her democratic cre- dentials were superior to anything else, Muscat said that the country has "lost a pillar. The government has lost one of its key ministers and the Labour Party has lost a vote- catcher…however the country has gained, what I would dare say, one of the best presidents the country ever had". A President for all Last month, Nationalist MPs broke with tradition and decided to vote in favour of the motion pro- posing Coleiro Preca to become Malta's ninth President. Addressing parliament yesterday evening, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said he had no doubts that Marie Louise Coleiro Preca would rise to the occasion and ensure that the "Presidency will belong to all of us, not to one part of the country or the other". Busuttil said the President "should be a symbol of unity" and the Opposition was doing its bit voting in favour of the nomination, "so that the Presidency would re- ally be for all". "I have faith that Coleiro Preca will fulfil these expectations," Busuttil said, stressing the Op- position's "pride" and sincerity in supporting her nomination. However, Busuttil took a swipe at Muscat by insisting that he re- gretted the manner in which the President had been selected, say- ing that government showed no respect for the Opposition. He called on the government to follow suit and "seek the Opposi- tion's consensus instead of taking it for granted". On Muscat's intentions to enhance the presidency's pow- ers, Busuttil said that the prime minister did not have such pow- ers and such a reform could only happen through a Constitutional change which would need Parlia- ment's approval. "Every change in the President's role – and we are not against such changes – can only happen through Constitutional reform," he said. Parliament shows appreciation to George Abela Earlier in yesterday's sitting, while tabling the motion in appre- ciation of the outgoing President, Muscat thanked George Abela for his commitment and energy. Muscat said Abela's nomination by former prime minister Law- rence Gonzi five years ago proved to be a wise one and hailed the outgoing President's "impartial- ity, wisdom and energy". He also praised him for his inspirational work, which included raising over €15 million for charity. In a veiled reference to Abela's refusal to sign the civil unions bill, Muscat said, "George Abela took all his decisions in the coun- try's best interest". On his part, Busuttil said that Abela's nomination in 2009 proved to be a "successful experi- ment". Listing Abela's qualities, includ- ing his love for sport, his humour and his " joie de vivre," which rubbed off on the people, Busut- til joined Muscat in thanking the outgoing President. Prime Minister says Coleiro Preca will be one of Malta's 'best presidents'

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