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Events 44 maltatoday, Sunday, 6 april 2014 "It is going to be a two-month emo- tional ride that will test the mind as well as the body. Away from our comfort zones and exposed to con- stant cold, we are prepared for an experience that will humble us in a way we've never experienced before." This is how four Maltese climbers describe the experience they are about to start when they leave Malta this week to climb Mount Everest. Douglas Barbaro Sant, Matthew Xerri, Gregory Attard and Raphael Fenech Adami will be climbing the North East ridge of Mount Everest during a two-month expedition dur- ing which the four climbers will also be raising funds for Dar tal-Provi- denza in Siġġiewi. Dressed in their newly arrived bright orange down suits, three team members recently visited Ex- press Trailers' Head Office where they were presented with a sponsor- ship in aid of their challenge. The orange down suits are in fact being sponsored by Express Trailers and will feature the company's logo em- broidered on them. The team will also be carrying the Express Trailers flag on top of Mount Everest. "We are going to keep a close look on these guys as we watch them ac- complish what should be one of their most challenging personal feats ev- er. We feel very proud that Express Trailers has actively contributed to making this feat possible and will be present with them in spirit since they will be carrying our flag to the sum- mit," said Franco Azzopardi, Chair- man and CEO of Express Group. "Our interest in this challenge stems from two objectives pre- sented to us by the team. We are in the business of 'delivering', often against the odds. This team's quest to deliver our flag to the summit of the Everest is a test of physical and mental fortitude, and a demonstra- tion of near-perfect logistical plan- ning. The other objective to raise funds for charity is a noble gesture of altruism which resonates with our Emanuel Vella Charity Fund initiatives. I wish these four Maltese climbers the best of conditions and a safe return." added Franco Azzo- pardi. Matthew Xerri, one of the team members explained "we have been training very hard, during the past 6 months, in preparation for this gru- elling task. "Only one fourth of the climbers who visit Everest each year choose this route. The rest climb the moun- tain from the South. There is also no evacuation from the Northeast ridge as no helicopters can land on the mountain. Therefore we are re- ally going to be put to the test!" "The success of this adventure de- pends also on how logistically pre- pared and organised the team will be. As the trusted leader in transport and logistics, associating ourselves with this expedition was a natural move for us," concluded Franco Az- zopardi. To follow the team in this expedi- tion, follow https://www.facebook. com/maltaeverest14 Donations can be made to BOV Ac- count number: 4002207852-0 | Ever- est 2014 | Valletta. More information about this expedition on www.ever- Express Trailers' flag to fly atop Mount Everest Vodafone attempts to achieve another first through Everest14 DOING things for the first time keeps the world interesting. It helps people progress and discov- er, but they have to be prepared to step over the edge. This is what four Maltese climbers, Douglas Barbaro Sant, Dr. Raphael Fenech Adami, Dr. Gregory Attard and Matthew Xerri are setting out to do with the support of Vodafone Malta. They will attempt to climb the North ridge of Mount Everest, the world 's highest mountain at 8850 metres. This will be the first time that Maltese climbers will be at- tempting to conquer the North ridge of Mount Everest, after the Challenge8000 Team conquered the South ridge in May 2010. "We are delighted to be part of this exciting venture and are sup- porting the team by providing them with the latest Vodafone devices and technology to update the general public on their at- tempt at being the first Maltese to climb the North ridge to the high- est point on earth," said Sandro Pisano Head of Marketing, Voda- fone Malta. The Everest14 team will be led by Dr. Gregory Attard and assisted by a team of professional sherpas. Speaking on behalf of the team, Dr. Gregory Attard said, "Sum- mit day is what distinguishes the Northeast ridge from the South side. Albeit a bit shorter, it's a bit more demanding due to the rock climbing involved at altitude. "We must exercise our men- tal capacit y to its utmost to keep an oxygen deprived brain con- centrated on the tasks at hand. Clothing, hydration, food, ropes, oxygen reserve and pace; all must be checked during the hours of climbing before the summit. "The amount of time spent at the summit depends on the time the summit is reached, weather con- ditions and the oxygen reserves. Once at a safer altitude, we will start dismantling the camps and carry everything back down again in an effort to keep the mountain as clean as possible." To keep track of the climbers, Vodafone will provide them with four Android devices which will be used to take video journals and photos which will then be up- loaded regularly on the Vodafone Facebook page. The climbers are also looking to collect €1 for every foot they climb, for a total of €30,000 to give to Dar tal-Providenza. Donations can be made to BOV Account number: 4002207852-0 | Everest 2014 | Valletta. To keep up to date on the climb, visit Vodafone's Facebook page on fonemalta or the Everest14 website on 'A Week In The Life' is the brain- child of DLS Productions and Ben Darmanin. It aims to give aspiring Musical Theatre performers an idea of what its like to spend a week in the shoes of a performer in training. Participants have a jam packed time- table, working from 9am to 6pm full of classes in various dance styles, act- ing improvisation, solo singing, and most importantly the integration of acting and singing. Students will be working with leading coaches in the industry such as Mary Hammond, Karen Rabinowitz, Vivienne Saxton and Kerrie Dearlove. During the week they will be ex- posed to a variety of disciplines, some of which they may not as yet be familiar with. The aim is to get as much exposure as possible to what is required in the industry. Every participant will be given one on one singing coaching by vocal coach Kevin Fountain who will also be coming to Malta in advance of 'A Week In The Life' in order to give some preliminary workshops to the participants. During their week in London the participants will have the opportu- nity to watch some West End shows and gain exclusive backstage access to one of London's longest running mu- sicals Les Miserables. Noel Zarb and Lucienne Camill- eri from DLS Pro- ductions said, "This is a fantastic oppor- tunity for our members who will be exposed to every facet of the industry – this will in turn translate itself into our shows and the train- ing we provide to the students here in Malta. We hope that this will be the start of a long term collaboration with the tutors and hopefully look forward to welcoming them to Malta in the near future." More informa- tion about this event can be found at inthelife, on Facebook (DLS Produc- tions) and on Twitter @dlsdrama London masterclass for aspiring theatre performers

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