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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 13 APRIL 2014 4 News MIRIAM DALLI IT is not exactly clear what Joseph Cuschieri was told, but whatever Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said must have been enough to convince the incumbent MEP to change his mind and run for the European Par- liament elections. Earlier in the week, Cuschieri – who ceded his seat in the House for Muscat's co-option to Opposition leader in 2008 before running for MEP in 2009 – declared he would not run for MEP, claiming other can- didates were being favoured by the party machine. Just 72 hours later, Cuschieri had changed his mind. Now he adamant that his U-turn has in no way affected his credibil- ity. "It's a closed chapter," he says, brushing off the suggestion of a farce in the making. It took months of speculation before Labour's head of the EP del- egation publicly declared he had no interest in contesting the May elec- tions. He chose the low-end Xejk TV, a digital channel, to announce he was calling it a day and accuse Labour of "unfairness", even going as far as say- ing that the party machine wanted him "on the losers' side". Now it appears that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has convinced him otherwise. But refusing to divulge the details of a private meeting the two have had since his declaration, Cuschieri said Muscat had under- stood his "concerns" and that a "so- lution" was found. "It's now time to start writing a new chapter. We talked about the prob- lem and a solution was found. I thank the Prime Minister for the excellent relationship we enjoy… It's now time to work for another Labour victory," Cuschieri said. Cuschieri gave up his parliamentary seat in 2008 for Muscat's co-option, a sacrifice that gave him much steam for his MEP candidature in 2009, being elected as Malta's sixth MEP under new rules for the European Parliament's enlargement. But it was only until 2011, when all EU member states ratified the enlargement, that Cuschieri took his seat in Brussels. In between those two years, Cusch- ieri – who is still an employee of the Labour Party, which he declare in his MEP's financial declaration – criti- cised both government and his party of not having supported his mission to convince other member states to finally ratify the EP extension. Like Greece, whom he boldly suggested should not be granted any bailout cash from Malta until they ratify the EP's enlargement. But now Cuschieri says he is "sat- isfied" by Muscat's reaction during a meeting the two have held, saying that it is the party always that comes first. "I was always loyal to the party and it's natural that disagreements arise. This is not a party that kicks you out if you air your disagree- ments. Labour is a democratic par- ty," he said. "I'm aware that my comments against the party will not be easily forgotten… you cannot please every- body in life." He refused to go into details on why he felt he had been pushed to the "losers' side" by Labour, but also conceded that the party had a lot of campaigning yet to do. He categorically denied being of- fered something in return by Muscat to submit his candidature, and rebut- ted suggestions that the incident had affected his political credibility. "I don't think credibility has anything to do with it. A person is not credible when they are dishonest." MIRIAM DALLI RESIDENTS of Bastion Street in Senglea were being kept up all night due to maintenance works on two oil rigs being carried out at the docks. Alternattiva Demokratika leaders Arnold Cassola and Carmel Ca- copardo yesterday raised questions about which authority had allowed the works to be carried out in a resi- dential area. The works are being carried out by Palumbo Shipyards. Cassola and Cacopardo, also can- didates for the European Parliament elections, said that while the dock- yard had to be able to do its work, this could not carried out at the det- riment of residents' health. "Works going on day and night are having an impact on residents' health. Who approved for two oil rigs in a residential areas? Residents are not even sleeping due to the on- going noise," Cassola said. He said that throughout its years of operation, this was not the first time that the shipyard had been the cause of residents' irritation, both as a result of noise generated as well as a result of the impacts of grit blast- ing. Cacopardo added that it was the dockyard's obligation to con- sider the minimal impact on resi- dents. "Unfortunately it is obvious that the Environment Directorate within MEPA is insensitive when it comes to the needs of residents. This, clearly is a conclusion which one draws not just with reference to Senglea. "Last week we witnessed how the same Environment Directorate rec- ommended to the MEPA Board that the activity of oil rig maintenance be permitted at the Marsaxlokk Port, along the Freeport quays. Although the MEPA Board approved the per- mit for these activities at the Freep- ort it was with satisfaction that we noted the representative of envi- ronmental NGOs was supported by the representatives of Parliament in voting against the permit." AD said it was unclear who had issued the permits for the mainte- nance of two oil rigs so close to a residential area. "This type of activity is not com- patible with the area and it should not be tolerated. Moreover, we have to start seriously considering the impacts work have before a project is improved. Impact levels must be manageable," Cacopardo said. Works on one of the oil rigs started at least four days ago, while works on the second one started even be- fore. The continuous humming of ma- chinery is irritating residents, who complained of lack of sleep even for their children. Cassola said the conclusion one derived was that the Environment Directorate within MEPA was in- sensitive towards the needs of resi- dents. "This, clearly is a conclusion which one draws not just with refer- ence to Senglea. Last week we wit- nessed how the same Environment Directorate recommended to the MEPA board that the activity of oil rig maintenance be permitted at the Marsaxlokk Port, along the Freeport quays," he said. 'My credibility is not affected' Sleepless nights in Senglea due to repair work on oil rigs Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri on candidature U-turn Alternattiva Demokratika wants government 'to disassociate itself' from maintenance work on oil rigs in Senglea Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri, who is also a Labour Party employee, claimed the party machine wanted him "on the losers' side" – now Joseph Muscat has convinced him to run for MEP. 'This type of activity is not compatible with the area and it should not be tolerated' Carmel Cacopardo AD chairperson Arnold Cassola and deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo (second and third from left)

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