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Events 37 maltatoday, Sunday, 6 July 2014 Island Caterers have recently re- launched their online portal at The website incorporates fresh design created by Alert featuring photography of their mouth-water- ing catering taken by Steve Galea. This portal is a showcase of the array of services offered by Island Caterers, their portfolio of ven- ues as well as the perfect guide for couples planning their wedding through Island Caterers', also re- cently launched, Wedding Planner Guide. Having served around 5 million guests during some 10,000 func- tions that have ranged from gala dinners for Heads of State to lavish weddings, to personalized office functions and private parties, Is- land Caterers are considered to be one of the best caterers in Malta. With almost 20 years of expe- rience in private, corporate and contract catering, as well as events planning, they're backed up by a team made up of people who have been part of the company for over a decade, and who over the years, have developed a sixth sense for getting it right. For more information visit www. On Sunday 6 July 1614, a fleet of sixty Ottoman galleys approached Saint Thomas Bay and landed a horde of corsairs, who proceeded to attack Żejtun. The Old Parish Church of Saint Catherine, now known as Saint Gregory's, was laid to waste. The residents of Ħal Ġwann and Bisqallin, now known as 'ir-Raħal ta' Fuq' and 'ir-Raħal ta' Isfel', led by Clemente Tabone gathered under the carob trees of Bulebel. There they resisted the invaders until the cavalry of the Order of Saint John arrived from Valletta. The invaders retreated back to their galleys but then proceeded north and attacked Mellieħa. To commemorate the 400th an- niversary of this historic event, the Żejtun Local Council in conjunc- tion with the Ministry of Justice and Local Government, the Għaqda Folklor, Storja, Arti u Ariġjanat taż-Żejtun, Show of Arms, the Par- ish Church of Saint Catherine V.M. and other local organisations will present a dramatized 'Son et Lum- iere' with folk song and dance on Sunday 6 July at 20:30. Based on historic research, the 'Son et Lumiere' recounts the vicis- situdes of the locals from the early 15th century till 1614, two hundred eventful years that witnessed a deep social and cultural change. Records discovered by historians of late Medieval Malta, Godfrey Wettinger, Charles Dalli and Rev. Can. Joe Abela have contributed to a lively and well-documented script for a highly interesting historic video light show utilising the old parish church as background, sup- ported by folk singing, dance and drama in local dialect form. The Old Parish Church of Saint Catherine itself is a living docu- ment of those eventful years. Be- sides providing services as a parish church it doubled as a vital lookout post for any enemy movements in the approaches of the southeast harbours, namely Marsaxlokk, Saint Thomas Bay, and Marsas- cala. The historic accounts of Bishop Senator De Mello in 1436, Sicil- ian notarial deeds recounting lo- cal commercial exchanges and the change in local surnames, the far-reaching effects of the Order of Saint John in Malta after 1530, the visit of Pietro Dusina in 1575 and the 1614 invasion itself are viv- idly dramatized, at times in humor- ous fashion. Although informative in content, all is presented in an entertaining manner. All this takes place on Sunday, 6 July at 20:30 in front of the Old Par- ish Church. Entrance is free and all are invited to attend. Middlesea Insurance has launched the MotorMax Road Safety Com- petition, a competition that re- wards safe driving habits. The competition is part of the launch of Motor Max Insurance, Malta's very first intelligent insur- ance which enables the company to customize insurance premiums based on driving habits for young drivers aged between 18 and 30. The product and competition also form part of Middlesea's com- mitment to increase awareness of responsible road usage amongst the young generation. A total of 33 participants have in- stalled a telematics device on their car and for a whole month between 27 June and 26 July will be compet- ing based on their driving habits. As part of the competition, par- ticipants stand to lose points if they exceed speed limits or if they use the car excessively during the night. A portion of the points awarded is also related to social media, in order to increase aware- ness of this socially responsible product. The winner of the competition will win three years of free motor insurance, the person who places second will win two years of free motor insurance and the second runner up will win one year of free motor insurance. Alfredo Munoz, Middlesea In- surance President and CEO said that the competition will help to nurture safe driving ambassadors, who will motivate their peers to also put safety first when driving. "This is one of the initiatives we are taking in order to educate driv- ers as well as pedestrians on road safety. We have already sponsored nationwide advertising campaigns as well as educational activities in schools. Apart from this, we are making insurance more accessible to the young generation." "Getting a driving license, buy- ing a car and paying for fuel are already major expenses for most young drivers. Insurance need not be another burden, so they won't be charged higher premiums simply because of their age," added Fern- ando Docampo, Assistant General Manager at Middlesea Insurance. Tonio Darmanin, presenter of Paq Paq, who is synonymous with motoring in Malta also attended the launch event. "I am delighted about the intro- duction of this product and I am looking forward to seeing how these young drivers interact with this latest technology. "I'm sure that the participants will enjoy it and learn some im- portant skills in the process of the competition. For some motoring is a passion, and for others just a dai- ly necessity, but in any case safety should always come first" he said. More information about the competition and the product can be accessed via the website www. The 400th anniversary of the last corsair attack Middlesea Insurance launches the MotorMax Road Safety Competition Learn and win at the MCA Trade Fair stand Between Thursday 26 June and Sunday 6 July, the public is be- ing invited to visit Stand 61 at the MFCC Malta Trade Fair, in order to obtain information about the services of Malta Communications Authority (MCA). Moreover, visi- tors are being encouraged to par- ticipate in a quiz wherein the prize for the winner is a Samsung Galaxy Tab Disney Edition. During the opening of this stand, MCA was honoured by a visit from the President of Malta, H.E. Mrs Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, where she was informed about the vari- ous activities that are being organ- ized at this stand, including also a special area for kids with anima- tors who are present every day. MCA's primary aim is to ensure that the public is well informed about its rights which are related to the communications' sector, the offers that are available on the market, and also the consumer tools which can be used in order to make better choices. In fact, in this stand, the public will have the opportunity to meet MCA advisors and to discuss any related matters of interest or con- cern. Among the benefits available, one can mention the 180 services which enables people to find out, free of charge, whether a telephone number belongs to the same serv- ice provider in order to benefit from free calls or special tariffs when calling numbers that belong to one's service provider. Another service is the TEL- ECOSTS.COM, which consists of a price-comparison portal that is managed by the service providers and is regularly updated with new offers. On the MCA stand, the public will also be able to apply for the two free ICT courses which are being offered whereby the first course is designed for individuals who intend to start using the in- ternet, whereas the other is slightly more advanced and designed for those who already have a basic knowledge of computers but wish to strengthen their ICT skills and competences, particularly for use at the workplace. Meanwhile, on this Trade Fair stand, parents are urged to get in- formed about the BeSmartOnline! project, which is co-funded by the European Union through the Safer Internet Programme, and has the objective to empower and protect children and teens online from risks associated with online activ- ity, through numerous awareness raising initiatives and by fighting illegal and harmful content and behaviour online. More information can be ac- cessed through Facebook Page - Malta Communications Authority or through the MCA website http:// Island Caterers re- launch online portal

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