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MW 9 July 2014

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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 9 JULY 2014 16 Events ON Friday 27 June, staff at Banif Bank (Malta) plc dressed down from their formal business attire and wore casual clothing to work. Donations collected during the event were then presented to Christine Calle- ja, from Business Development Unit, who will be going to Naples to work with the Sisters of Mother Theresa in the coming weeks. "Casual Fridays will happen every last Friday of the month", said Madeleine Sammut Dacoutros, Manager, People Management and Development Unit at Banif. "The collection will be topped up by a contribution from the Bank and forwarded to an employee direct- ly involved in an NGO or a charitable cause." Christine Calleja said, "I am really thankful to Banif for organising this event and to all my colleagues who have contributed with their donations. "My team and I are looking forward to this experience and we will all try our utmost to make this a summer to be re- membered for the children in Naples." GONE are the days when the first thing you would do when going on holiday is to switch off your roam- ing and data in fear of the prohibi- tive bill you would receive on your return. Gone are the days when you can't stream that One Direction concert to your friends and family at home, or the view from the top of the Eif- fel Tower. What's the fun of sending out your favourite holiday moments after you get back? Vodafone Trav- eller plan has changed the way we travel. It keeps us connected any- where and every where. A shopping trip to the UK with friends, a holiday in New York or a friend's wedding in India; what- ever the reason, wherever in the world you can rely on Vodafone to feel at home when abroad. Starting from as little as €1.50 per day when travelling to the UK or Italy, all Vodafone customers who subscribe to Vodafone Travel- ler get a bundle of minutes in calls to Malta, SMS and internet on their mobile as well as unlimited incoming calls. The daily bundle allowance var- ies according to the local plan they are subscribed to. The new Voda- fone Traveller is also available in many more countries including the USA, South Africa, Thailand and Libya. Applying is easy by calling 247 for free if you are on a Vodafone RED plan or any other Pay Month- ly plan or by sending a free SMS to 16200 with the word TRAVEL if you are on a Prepaid plan. If you are on the RED Lite plan you can send a free SMS to 16200 with the word TRAVELLER. More information is available by calling 247 for free from a Voda- fone line or 9999 9247 from any other line. Alternatively you can visit w w eller for all details on Vodafone Traveller. Vodafone lets customers feel at home when abroad GasanMamo assists Girls to get into Rugby, helping the sport grow in Malta YOU might not hear about women's rugby very much, but the MRFU is constantly pushing the sport amongst girls in Malta. Rugby is one of the fast- est growing sports on our island and in recent years, more and more wom- en are joining in. "The earlier we can get women in- volved with rugby the better," said Stefan De Marco, Falcons Coach for Girls Rugby. "Myself, as an ex-league player and Peter Bradley as an ex-national player thought that it would be a great idea to start coaching rugby to girls and back in 2010 started classes at Our Lady Immaculate in Hamrun. "The response we got from the girls was phenomenal and the number of girls that are willing to practise the sport continues to grow drastically." "Seeing the way Rugby has evolved in Malta as sponsors makes us very proud," said Mark Mamo, General Manager at GasanMamo. "At Gasan- Mamo, we support such unique and important initiatives and we see the introduction of girls rugby as an im- portant progression in order to keep taking the sport forward." Girls Youth Rugby started in Malta in 2010, when MRFU contracted for- eign coaches as community coaches to aid some local rugby clubs with building up a youth's nursery. Such Coaches used to visit schools in differ- ent localities and give out some after school sessions, instilling a huge in- terest amongst female youths in this sport. Today, girls' schools are registered to play in the KMS inter schools tour- naments. With the idea to instil the fun aspect of the sport, the result is that some girls' schools manage to win quite an amount of games when competing with boys' schools at TAG RUGBY level. These girls also compete in the vari- ous mixed MRFU Tag Tournaments and at the International Tag Festival were international stars visit Malta each year to promote the sport. "Apart from the fact that Rugby gives a fun element and a true social sport aspect to girls, it also helps them at an academic level and in giving security. Youth rugby also helps in solidifying the future of the ladies scenario in rugby. "The ideal situation would be that one day we would have a school of Rugby where parents send their chil- dren so they specifically learn rugby, apart from their normal curriculum. Another option would be that a school contracts a qualified Rugby coach and this sport is practised as the school mains sport – during or after school hours," continued De Marco. For further information about Girls Rugby in Malta call the MRFU on 21221492. Banif launches Casual Fridays in aid of charity

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