maltatoday, Sunday, 19 OctOber 2014
Energy, LNG and Enemalta on Reporter
@reportermalta reporterontvm
Enemalta Corporation and the Delimara power plant will be discussed on the current affairs
programme 'Reporter' tomorrow evening on PBS, immediately after the House of Representatives'
debate on the future of Malta's energy policy and the Delimara LNG plant.
Saviour Balzan's main guests will be Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi and shadow minister George
Pullicino. Issues to which answers will be sought will include the expected completion date of the new
power station, who will be fi nancing the cuts in consumption tariffs, what stage has been reached
in connecting Malta with Sicily through an interconnector, and what exactly does the contract say
which has been entered into with the Chinese on energy, seeing that the contract has not been
presented in parliament so far.
Reporter is broadcast live and aired on TVM on Monday at 9:55pm. Saviour Balzan is assisted by
lawyer Ramona Frendo.