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MT 15 February 2015

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Events 28 maltatoday, Sunday, 15 February 2015 GasanMamo boosts wellness of employees Senior Management Development Programme: The essential course for senior managers Powered by Powerade, GSD employees take part in Malta Marathon 2015 JA-YE presents the Hyundai Challenge at Smart City GasanMamo firmly considers better health to be vital to human content- ment and well-being. Furthermore, health makes an important impact to economic progress, as healthy populations live longer, are more productive, and save more. Gasan- Mamo have the overall wellbeing of its employees at heart and as a result of this the company endorses and encourages a healthy lifestyle. GasanMamo embarked on two different initiatives to upsurge health awareness. 'Get the World Moving' is one of the challenges which is help- ing many employees implementing a new set of healthier habits which keeps them energized and fit. Another vigorous initiative being taken by GasanMamo is the set- ting up of a consultation clinic at the company's premises. Once a month Dr. John Gauci, who is a specialist in Family and Occupational Medicine, is being stationed at the company's Head Office to serve as a medical advisor and address any individual medical needs of any staff member at GasanMamo. During these appointments, all employees can benefit from general consultations and preventive treat- ment of general medical conditions, counselling on medical problems and the adoption of a healthy life- style, and consultation and educa- tion on occupational health con- cerns. Gauci said that GasanMamo's initiatives are a confirmation of the company's commitment to ensure that their employees are ratifying a healthy lifestyle. "GasanMamo are taking the bull by the horns and promoting wellness as a priority," he said. All consultations are of a com- pletely confidential nature between the doctor and the employee and no information divulged during the ses- sions is being shared with the com- pany unless the employee requests the doctor to do so. This service is being offered by the company with- out charge. MISCO is announcing a brand new course due in February which will cover the most impor- tant aspect of Leader- ship Development in the context of today's new market challenges. The course, aimed at all senior managers, is spread over four three- hour sessions and will be delivered by Joseph F X Zahra, Managing Di- rector of Misco. "Today's increasingly challenging and com- petitive market condi- tions require leaders that not only lead in an effective way but that can also inspire their colleagues and their teams through authority, mo- tivation, delegation and a capability to bring lasting change. This is what we will be tackling in this highly interactive new course brought by MISCO," explains Joseph F X Za- hra. "As the market leaders in profes- sional training, we interact with all the major local companies and organisations on a regular basis. This has helped us identify what challenges are being faced by to- day's company leaders and we have sought to base this course on their more important concerns. This is why this course is highly recom- mended to all those who are or who aspire to be leaders," added Zahra. The four sessions that make up this course will focus on some of the most critical areas of leader- ship including communication, problem-solving, decision making and change management. The first session will help participants un- derstand the most important traits, qualities and skills required of to- day's leaders, the second session will help participants assess their posi- tion and authority, decision mak- ing techniques and for to communicate effectively, the third session will take a deep look at motivation, corporate culture and personal challenges and the fourth session will look at the challenges of change management, the value of introspection and confidence. "Our aim will be to de- liver a course that will be experiential and highly interactive with a mix of individual and team exer- cises that will ultimately help participants answer one of their most important ques- tions – am I good enough to take up the challenge as a leader? What can I improve upon? The first session of Leadership De- velopment will be held on Wednes- day 18 February followed by a sec- ond session on Thursday 5 March. The third and fourth sessions will be held on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 respectively. All sessions start at 9.00am and finish at noon. For more information and to apply for this course, kindly contact MIS- CO's Training & Development Cen- tre via email training@miscomalta. com GSD Marketing Ltd employees from differ- ent departments are taking part in the Malta Marathon 2015 on Sun- day February 22. GSD employees will be join- ing a record number of participants aiming for the finish line after either the full 42-kilo- metre marathon or the 21-kilometre half mara- thon in aid of Inspire. GSD Marketing Ltd, local agents for Pow- erade in Malta, are an official partner of the marathon and will be setting up two stations, one in Pieta' and anoth- er one at the finish line in Sliema, from where athletes can grab a Pow- erade to replenish their strength levels during and after the run. Powerade ION4 isotonic sports drink is best suited for those who compete in endurance events. It helps athletes to perform at their best for longer. Powerade ION4 isotonic sports drink contains both sodium, which is lost in sweat, and carbohydrates. In combination, these help the body absorb fluid more effectively from the stomach into the bloodstream. Because Pow- erade ION4 is isotonic, it's balanced with body fluids and absorbed at an optimal rate. "Powerade is a product of The Coca-Cola Company, which is al- ways at the forefront to support sport events and promote an active lifestyle," said GSD Marketing and Sales Manager Martin Agius. "It is part of our product's philosophy to support these athletes with the drink they need to keep going till the very end." On Saturday 28 February 2015, ten teams from the Junior Achievement (Young Enterprise) Malta Founda- tion Start Up Programme will be participating in the Hyundai Chal- lenge to be held at Smart City Mal- ta. During this day event, the par- ticipants will be tasked to solve a challenge set by Hyundai intended at guiding these university students towards a working investment pro- posal, which is the ultimate aim for The JA-YE Start Up Programme. To guide the participants through- out the day, various speakers from different business backgrounds and expertise will be sharing their knowledge on how to address the challenge by putting together a business plan. This is yet another activity where participating students get the op- portunity to learn by doing; im- mersing themselves in the world of business by solving a real problem in an innovative manner, all the while under the expert guidance of some of Malta's foremost business lead- ers. The Hyundai Challenge will cul- minate in the awarding of the Bril- liant Young Entrepreneur (BYE) Award at the end of the Start Up Programme in May. The winning team will be presented with €15,000 in seed funding by Hyundai togeth- er with professional mentoring for the projects actual Start-Up. "We are proud to have such an ac- tive involvement in this event and we are especially looking forward to this forthcoming Hyundai Chal- lenge where we will be watching the participating teams rise of to the occasion and present us with their innovative solutions. At Hyundai, innovation has become a strong pil- lar in its global strategy and it is in- novation which we will be seeking during this event," added Francesca Mamo, Managing Director of Me- ridian Enterprises, representatives of Hyundai in Malta. Such an event would not be pos- sible without the support of local businesses, most particularly The JA-YE Start Up Programme busi- ness partners including HSBC Malta Foundation, Hyundai Malta, PricewaterhouseCoopers, ICAEW, Chartered Institute of Marketing, and TAKEOFF. The organisation would also like to extend its grati- tude towards Smart City who have offered their venue in support of this initiative. Over the last 26 years Junior Achievement (Young Enterprise) Malta Foundation, a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, has helped more than 8,700 young students savour their first taste of entrepreneurship education, fi- nancial literacy and employability skills from Primary school through to University. A number of Malta's leading busi- ness champions have gone through the JA-YE flagship programme - The HSBC Company Programme which targets 6th form students and gives them a platform to start their own company, gain entrepre- neurial knowledge, skills and expe- rience. For more information on The JA- YE Start Up Programme please visit or call us on 21244991.

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