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MT 15 February 2015

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 15 FEBRUARY 2015 10 JAMES DEBONO THE possession of cannabis ac- counts for 45% of all 678 drug pos- session cases heard in the law courts in 2013 and 2014. Cannabis was also the drug of choice in 42% of the 223 drug traf- ficking cases heard in the courts in the same period. This emerges from a MaltaToday analysis of information presented in parliament last week, which lists the charges levelled against persons ar- raigned for possession and traffick- ing in 2013 and 2014. The statistics show that more peo- ple are arraigned for possession or trafficking of cocaine than for pos- session or trafficking of heroin. While cocaine accounts for 27% of possession charges and 22% of traf- ficking charges, heroin accounts for 15% of possession and 18% of traf- ficking cases. A prison penalty was imposed in only four of the 678 possession cas- es. These included a 15-month prison sentence for a relapser found in pos- session of cannabis, a €15,000 fine and a six-and-a-half month prison term for possession of cannabis and cocaine, a 30-month sentence and another six-month sentence, both for heroin possession. The vast majority of drug posses- sion cases are handed a suspended sentence of between six months and three years. Such a sen- tence was handed in 257 cases of drug p o s s e s - sion. In 24 other cases a probation order was issued. Under the proposed law on drug decriminalisation, which is awaiting approval by parliament, drug users will no longer face a court sentence but instead appear in front of a jus- tice commissioner and, if deemed necessary, a social board made up of experts. An exception for can- nabis users is being proposed, with the white paper recommending that cannabis users, including repeat of- fenders, only appear in front of the justice commissioner. News Approval looks unlikely for Wied iz-Zurrieq kiosk application PLANS for a controversially-situated kiosk overlooking the picturesque Blue Grotto have received a blow after the Planning Directorate advised the Malta Environment and Planning Au- thority to turn down the application. A final decision is expected to be taken on 18 February. The 21 square metre kiosk is be- ing proposed on vacant public land in Congreve Road at the entrance of a belvedere which overlooks the pictur- esque sea views of Wied iz-Zurrieq. The application proposed by Paul Farrugia and presented by architect Robert Musumeci has created a storm of controversary in the locality, with the Labour-led Qrendi council taking a firm stand against the proposed de- velopment. The case officer has deemed the pro- posed kiosk's terracotta coloured cast iron roofing and green cast iron frame and shutters as being out of context with the surroundings. The case officer report states that the kiosk would be in breach of the lo- cal plan, which excludes any further development in the area. Moreover the proposed kiosk is deemed to be in breach of MEPA's policy on kiosks as it will block seav- iews for a stretch of more than five metres. And the case officer notes that the services offered by the pro- posed kiosk are already provided by numerous establishments in the area. Qrendi local council has unani- mously voted against the construc- tion of the kiosk. Qrendi mayor David Schembri had objected to the proposed development as this would obscure the sea view as seen from Triq il-Congreve overlook- ing the belvedere, to the detriment of visitors to the area. The council also expressed fear that the application would encourage fur- ther encroachment on public land. Architect and Nationalist MP An- thony Bezzina has also presented an objection on behalf of the owners of various commercial establishments in the area. In his letter of objec- tion Bezzina claimed that the kiosk presents health and safety issues. This is because prospective cli- ents of the new kiosk would have to queue and wait to be served on the road, which lacks a pavement, thus causing a health and safety hazard to pedestrians and motorists alike. He also notes that since the road is a two-way carriageway a pavement cannot be constructed. Cannabis accounts for 45% of possession cases tried in court Possession cases 2013 and 2014 combined Charges filed % of total charges Cannabis 304 44.8 Cocaine 182 26.8 Heroin 100 14.7 Ecstasy 66 9.7 Mephedrone 21 3.1 Other 5 0.9 Trafficking cases 2013 and 2014 combined Charges filed % of total charges Cannabis 94 42.1 Cocaine 49 21.9 Heroin 41 18.4 Ecstasy 19 8.5 Mephedrone 3 1.3 Others 17 7.8 sentence of between six months and three years. Such a sen- tence was handed in 257 cases of drug Marsalforn kiosk proposed on public pavement AN application has been presented to place a three-metre high kiosk occupy- ing 18 square metres of the Marsalforn promenade on public land overlook- ing the sea. The proposal by Joseph Tanti is for a mobile kiosk to sell ice cream, hot and cold drinks and snacks on the proposed site, which lies opposite an existing ice-cream shop. The government's official policy on applications involving public land is to allow developers to apply and then decide according to what MEPA de- cides. Objectors have pointed out to MEPA that the promenade is already occu- pied with tables and chairs set out by seven restaurants facing the front. A petition against the proposed ki- osk is calling on Gozo Minister Anton Refalo, and Tourism Minister Edward Zammit Lewis to stop the uglification of Marsalforn bay.

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