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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 5 APRIL 2015 19 declare their 2013 vote will be voting against spring hunting. In this category 41% will vote no while 24% will vote yes. 40% of those who had not voted in the 2013 election will also vote no while only 20% will vote yes. A question of age and education The survey indicates that the younger and the more educated respondents are the more likely to oppose spring hunting. In fact the only groups in favour of Spring hunting are males aged over 55 and respondents who lack a post-secondary level of educa- tion. The survey confirms the strong lead of the No camp among university-educated and post secondary educated voters, a small Yes lead among respondents with a secondary education and a strong Yes lead among respondents with a primary education. The latest survey shows 64% of university educated respondents opposed to spring hunting. Support for spring hunting is strong- est (42%) among those with a primary level of education. Interestingly the survey shows that young educated females are the most inclined to oppose Spring hunting. Only 23% of females aged under 35 years of age support spring hunting. The percent- age in favour of spring hunting increases to 31% among males in the same age bracket. Males aged under 35 years of age are the most likely not to vote in the referendum. In this category 13% won't be voting in the referendum. Younger females are the most likely to be undecided. Among females aged under 35 years 28% are undecided. Among females aged over 35 one fifth are still undecided. While the yes camp enjoys a 12-point lead among males aged over 55, the no camp enjoys a four-point lead among females aged over 55 years of age. This suggests that the attempt by the Yes camp to appeal to female voters by putting females like Kathleen Grima at the fore- front of the campaign has not paid off. Methodology The survey was held between Wednesday, 25 March and Wednesday, 1 April. A total of 1,572 respondents were contacted by telephone. The survey was stopped when a 1,100 quota sample was reached. The survey has a margin of error of +/-3 percentage points. The results of the survey were weighed to reflect the age and gender balance of the population as registered in the latest census of the Maltese and Gozitan population. MaltaToday Survey University Post-Secondary Secondary Primary M 35-54 M 55+ F 55+ F 35-54 F 18-34 M 18-34 41.7 31.3 12.5 12.5 44.1 22.5 27.5 43.8 32.6 7.9 13.5 40.3 32 6.3 19.4 33.5 46.4 9.3 9.3 36.8 33.1 7.8 19.2 64.3 18.2 11.7 50.7 26.9 5 15 34.2 36.8 8.8 18.3 26.5 41.5 8.5 20.3 Voting intentions according to educational level Voting intentions according to age and sex still has many undecided PN VOTERS PL VOTERS 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Voting intentions according to 2013 voting pattern 67.3 17.4 4.4 10.4 0.5 19.4 55.4 7.9 16.1 1.2 Change since March -5.2 -1.2 +4.4 -2.6 -0.5 Change since March -1.4 +1.2 +1.5 +1.5 +0.3 While the yes camp enjoys a 12-point lead among males aged over 55, the no camp enjoys a four-point lead among females aged over 55 years of age

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