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XIII maltatoday, Sunday, 5 april 2015 This Week Wirja ta' Strumenti Mużikali Antiki f 'Malta APPELL Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti qed taħdem fuq wirja ta' strumenti mużikali antiki. Din il-wirja, li se tkopri strumenti minn zmien il-qedem sa l-aħħar tas-seklu 19, se tagħmel parti minn proġett kbir bl-isem A Musical Journey through the Mediterranean. Dan il-proġett ser iseħħ tul l-2018, meta il-belt Valletta ser tkun Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura. Qegħdin nagħmlu appell lil kull min jixtieq isellna oġġetti għal din il-wirja. Qed inttxu kull tip ta' strument mużikali, strumenti tan-nifs, tal-kordi, tat-tastieri, strumenti tar-ram u perkussjoni fosthom tnabar, qniepen, ċuqlajti, ċekċieki u sfafar kif ukoll kaxxi tad-daqq u strumenti oħra folkloristiċi u artiġ janali. Aħna interessati wkoll f 'oġġetti li għandhom x'jaqsmu mal-mużika bħal partituri u pitturi b'tema mużikali. Min hu interessat għandu jikkuntattja lil Angela Ghirxi fuq 21231515 jew fuq Kull informazzjoni mogħtija tibqa' kundenzjali. Grazzi. Masquerade Theatre 'sounds off ' with classic farce at the Manoel Masquerade Theatre Company will be staging a new production of Michael Frayn's witty award-winning farce, Noises Off, at the Manoel Theatre this month. Noises Off contains all the essential elements that make it one of the funniest plays ever written. It is a glorious comic romp, which offers two plays for the price of one. Whilst the traditional British farce Nothing On is being performed, a real life farce unfolds backstage during the show's final rehearsal and the ensuing tour. Nothing On and Noises Off interlock as the actors make their exits from one play only to find themselves making entrances into the other and back again. English farce might not be every- one's cup of tea, but Noises Off enjoys a long and illustrious pedigree. Its door slamming farce-within-a-farce is a must-see for anyone in the mood of a hearty laugh. This show boasts some of the most innovative comic business ever dreamt-up, and it's no secret that the Maltese audiences love a good comedy. Masquerade's production of Noises Off is being staged at Manoel Theatre over two weekends opening on April 17 and running until April 26. Direction is by Anthony Bezzina, Masquerade's artistic director. The cast includes Alan Paris, Polly March, Stephen Oliver, Jo Caruana, Victor Debono, Tina Rizzo, Stefan Farrugia and Thomas Camilleri. Booking can be made through the Manoel Theatre booking office by phoning 21 246389, email: bookings@, or online booking through www.teatrumanoel. For more information, please phone Masquerade on 7979 3737, email:, website: Tickets are from €14 The ninth edition of Gaulitana: A Festival of Music opens on April 11 with a semi-staged performance of Rodgers & Hammerstein's most-loved musi- cal The Sound of Music. Also celebrating the 50th anniver- sary of the immortal movie, the event will be held at the Grand Hotel, Mgarr and starts at 20:00. Entrance is free on a first-come- first-served basis. The cast, featuring a good number of Gaulitanus Choir soloists, will be led by Annabelle Zammit as the novice-turned- child governess Maria and Terry Shaw as Captain Von Trapp of the Austro-Hungarian Nav y. Marthese Borg as the Mother Abbess will be accompanied by Miriam Curmi, Tricia Azzopardi and Stephanie Buttigieg as Sister Sophie, Sister Margaretta and Sister Berthe respectively. Patricia Buttigieg will inter- pret the wealthy Elsa Schraeder with David Jones as the impre- sario Max Detweiler. The seven children of Captain Von Trapp will be led by the elder daughter Micaela Bajada whose first taste of love is found in David Mario Fenech's Rolf. The Gaulitanus Choir female section of course also appears. Rob Ricards will narrate the proceedings. The singers will be accompa- nied by a combo orchestra made up of the Keats (String) Quartet (who will be featured in some other concerts in the festival as well), the Gaulitana Wind En- semble and Gaulitanus resident pianist Stephen Attard. Gaulita- nus' own Colin Attard and Terry Shaw will conduct and direct respectively. The former was also responsible for the musical arrangements and the latter for the show's adaptation. The Sound of Music opens a 28-event international festival whose highlight is the full-scale production of Verdi's opera Rigo- letto, being staged at the Aurora Theatre, Gozo, on May 22 The Sound of Music to open Gaulitana music festival Download the MaltaToday App now Jo Caruana and Alan Paris in Noises Off

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