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MT 12 April 2015

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 12 APRIL 2015 4 News Hunters' street-leaders mount pressure on voters ABOUT twenty-two kilogrammes of what is believed to be cannabis resin were seized yesterday evening following weeks of investigations by the Drugs Squad. The suspected narcotic was found following the arrest of a 37- year-old man by the Drugs Squad and Rapid Intervention Unit. The suspect was stopped upon driving out of Delimara, limits of Marsaxlokk, after he was observed collecting something from the nearby bay. It was during a search of his vehi- cle that two large packets contain- ing brown blocks of cannabis resin were found. Another man, 31, was arrested in connection with the find today, fol- lowing further investigation. The two men are expected to be arraigned tomorrow. Further investigations are under- way while several experts have been appointed to assist with a mageste- rial inquiry headed by Magistrate Dr Francesco Depasquale LL.D. Twenty-two kilograms of cannabis resin seized THE day during which the Maltese electorate was asked to determine the fate of spring hunting in the country was characterised by pres- sure mounted by hunters, who sta- tioned themselves next to polling stations across Malta and Gozo. As early as 7am, the MaltaToday newsroom – as well as other news- rooms – started receiving reports of pro-hunting campaigners stationed outside the polling centres armed with leaflets encouraging voters to vote Yes. Throughout the day, the hunters made sure that their presence was felt, even if just by being present outside the polling stations. SHout, the No camp, also received reports of hunters approaching members of the electorate – mostly elderly – telling them how to vote. According to SHout, incidents were reported in Haz-Żabbar, Għargħur, Siġġiewi, Iklin, Santa Venera, San Ġwann and Sliema among others. "Individuals were distributing sample ballot sheets showing how the voters should cast their vote while some people were also talk- ing to elderly people and instructing them how to vote," it said. SHout added that both the Police Commissioner and the Chief Elec- toral Commissioner had been in- formed about these cases. A reader from Gozo told MaltaTo- day that he had identified canvass- ers in Qala, Nadur, Xewkija, Sannat, Gharb and San Lawrenz, campaign- ing and telling people to vote yes. "Some were carrying the IVA badge and telling people to vote 'yes'," the reader said. The Yes camp yesterday deployed what they called "locality leaders" to monitor the flow of the people in and out of the polling stations. The reports slowed down in the after- noon but gained frequency again af- ter the Electoral Commission issued the approximate voter turnout at 2pm. It reported a 34% turnout. The Times of Malta said it received a report from a man who was visit- ing his parents in St Paul's Bay say- ing that while he was there someone who claimed to be from the Labour Party had called, "reminding" his parents to vote Yes. In the evening, at around 8, sourc- es informed MaltaToday that two Assistant Electoral Commissioners were involved in a punch-up. The incident reportedly took place at the Paola primary school, in room 167. The media of the Nationalist Party reported that some seven AECs were suspended in Qala and Xaghra after voting documents were submitted in the wrong ballot boxes. AECs are stationed at polling stations to assist voters and, in cases where there is more than one vote to be cast, guide them as to which ballot box the votes must be submitted in. In certain instances, voters report- ed seeing both green (local coun- cils) and white (referendum) ballot sheets submitted in the same box. Norman Vella – who ran for MEP on the PN ticket – uploaded a post to his blog saying that police were asking voters to hand in their mo- bile phones before going inside the voting booth. He noted a large number of mobiles being kept on a window-sill in the polling station's corridor. After reporting the matter to the Police Commissioner, the police officially informed Vella that an "investigation" was carried out, and that the police officer who was ask- ing for these mobiles was removed from the polling station. DISTRICT Registered voters Final undelivered votes 2011 referendum: national turnout 2015 referendum: national turnout % point change national turnout 1st district 24179 2012 71% 68% -3% 2nd district 24721 1554 71% 69% -2% 3rd district 26011 1659 72% 68% -4% 4th district 24489 1260 73% 74% 1% 5th district 26962 963 72% 81% 9% 6th district 25505 883 70% 81% 11% 7th district 26754 1069 72% 76% 4% 8th district 25944 1397 73% 72% -1% 9th district 25546 1932 71% 71% 0% 10th district 24969 2151 71% 70% -1% 11th district 27747 1067 75% 80% 5% 12th district 27320 3433 69% 69% 0% 13th district 28299 1557 70% 81% 11% 338446 20937 72% 74% Locality 2015 2012 Il-Birgu 70% 69% L-Isla 71% 73% !al Qormi 78% 68% !a"-#ebbu$ (M) 77% 65% Is-Si$$iewi 81% 72% !'Attard 76% 61% !al Balzan 72% 55% Bir"ebbu$a 69% 63% !ad-Dingli 87% 81% Floriana 72% 70% Il-G"ira 50% 48% G%ajnsielem 70% 62% !al G%arg%ur 76% 64% Il-!amrun 72% 66% L-Iklin 78% 68% Ta' Ker&em 82% 73% !al Kirkop 79% 77% !al Luqa 80% 66% Il-Marsa 69% 66% Marsaxlokk 77% 70% Il-Mosta 73% 66% Il-Munxar 66% 61% In-Nadur 78% 64% Paola 72% 66% Il-Qala 74% 67% !al Safi 86% 85% San 'iljan 40% 37% San Lawrenz 62% 71% San Pawl il-Ba%ar 39% 35% Santa Lu&ija 80% 77% Is-Swieqi 52% 42% Ix-Xag%ra 76% 65% I"-#ebbu$ (G%) 61% 46% I"-#urrieq 80% 66% National turnouts in 2015, 2011 referenda Local Council turnouts (left) show improvement in PN areas over 2012

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