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MT 28 June 2015

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Events 47 maltatoday, Sunday, 28 June 2015 ROCS Group powering MFCC Malta Trade Fair 2015 ROCS Group strikes again. This year at the MFCC Malta Trade Fair 2015, ROCS Group together with the MFCC will be giving the possibility to a lucky winner to walk out of the fair a millionaire. This year, like many before, ROCS Group has a number of outstanding offers for the visitors to the fair, with many attractions to suit everyone. ROCS Group has given everyone all the right reasons to visit the fair at the MFCC Ta' Qali and the ROCS stand. Also, the much known Splash and Fun offer has once again made it to the fair. Meet the ROCS Team at the MFCC, learn more about your future, and in return get complimentary Splash and Fun entrance tickets when the ROCS Team meets you in the comfort of your home. Exclusive for the fair, ROCS Travel will be giving away 10,000 free tickets to Cyprus in conjunc- tion with Emirates Airlines dur- ing the MFCC Malta Trade Fair. One should definitely not miss out on this unbelievable offer. Besides amazing packages, ROCS Travel will be giving one of its clients an unforgettable Christmas. With every €50 spent when booking a Disney Holiday with ROCS Travel, you are in with a chance to win a brand new Renault Captur, worth €20,000. Winner will be announced on 24 December 2015 Fun and games will be another highlight for this year's MFCC Malta Trade Fair, with ROCS Group incorporating fun games at their stand ensuring that eve- ryone visiting the fair will enjoy the stay as much as possible and also walk away with hundreds of prizes. Moreover ROCS Group will be having the famous Gorg and Pawlu buzzing the night away and hosting all the fun and games, making this another good rea- son to choose to visit the MFCC Malta trade fair and the ROCS stand. Rachel Vella, ROCS Group di- rector, commented, "We believe that we have given all the right reasons why people should visit our stands at the MFCC Malta Trade Fair 2015. I am very con- fident that we will be delivering the very best to our visitors at this year's edition of the MFCC Malta Trade Fair. "Starting from our amazing travel packages around the world, our investment plans, and the en- tertainment which suit all ages. This year we are also giving the incredible chance for someone to make all his dreams come true by winning €1,000,000 making this probably the first competition of its sort in such an event. Obvi- ously, you cannot miss the ROCS Group stand at the MFCC Ta' Qa- li which will be jam packed full of activity and carefully selected of- fers designed for everyone," Vella concluded. For more information, you can also visit ROCS Travel offices in Floriana or Mellieha. You can also call ROCS on 20151515, or check out our website or email directly on info@rocs- additionally you can find us on facebook – ROCS Group. *terms and conditions apply. Frank Salt Real Estate beach clean- up activity in Mgiebah Bay 25th edition of Malta Journalism Awards to be held at SmartCity Malta sponsors of e-journalism category To help keep our beautiful is- lands and its beaches clean for all to enjoy particularly during the summer months, a group of em- ployees and friends from Frank Salt Real Estate's St Paul's Bay and Mellieha branches organized a clean-up activity in Mgiebah bay and during this activity the vol- unteers managed to collect over 20 kilograms of litter left on the beach and washed up debris. Mgiebah bay, limits of Selmun, is truly one of Malta's coastal treasures where one can enjoy a picturesque bay with pristine blue sea which may be reached from a quiet sandy beach on the inner part of this bay. To find this beach, one must drive down a long winding country road fol- lowed by a few hundred meters of beaten track which must be tack- led on foot. Alternatively one can also reach the bay by boat. The sandy beach is usually frequented by a few locals and the occasional tourist, lucky enough to find this secluded bay while exploring the area. This stretch of sandy beach tends to be forgotten probably due to the restricted access and this oversight together with a lack of litter bins in the area, sadly left behind by people as well as the occasional washed up debris, to gradually accumulate and spoil this hidden treasure. As a contribution towards the company's social and environ- mental responsibility, on Satur- day afternoon after a hard week's work, this group of volunteers geared up with gloves and garbage bags, tackled the whole beach over a period of four hours and in the process picked up over twenty kil- ograms of broken glass, beer cans, plastic bottles, bottle caps, plastic bags and other bits and pieces left behind. Helping to protect the envi- ronment has always been part of Frank Salt Real Estate's agenda and policy. Although the com- pany has set ambitious targets for the future and is confident that these targets will be met and su- perseded, the company remains committed to participate and en- courages its staff to join in such activities that may improve the environment. This was a great team building and family event, which the company hopes to do on a regular basis. "Participating in this event has not only inspired but also set a new tradition within my team," commented Patrick Xuereb, Re- gional Manager for Northern Mal- ta. "This beach clean-up activity brought together our employees and their families and friends to collectively volunteer for an envi- ronmentally worthy cause." The 25th edition of the Malta Journalism Awards will this year be held on Saturday, 10th July at SmartCity Malta. This was an- nounced by Anthony Tabone, Chief Executive Officer of Smart- City Malta during the sponsorship presentation for the e-journalism category to the President of the Institute, Karl Wright and the or- ganiser of the awards ceremony Roderick Agius. Whilst thanking Mr Tabone for the long-standing sponsor- ship to the Institute, Wright an- nounced that the finalists for the e-journalism award for this year's edition are Charmaine Attard, Catherine Aquilina and Jesmar Baldacchino. Your first click of the daY HSBC Malta launches €75m Malta Trade for Growth Fund HSBC Bank today announced a new €75 million Malta Trade for Grow th (MTFG) Fund fol- lowing the success of the first €50m trade fund launched in December 2013. The aim of the €75m MTFG Fund is to help Maltese compa- nies take their business beyond Malta to new frontiers and achieve international grow th thanks to the HSBC Group's abilit y to capture value from its global presence, in particu- lar through the creation of new trade corridors in the emerging markets. The first MTFG Fund, launched in 2013, was snapped up by eager businesses in just under a year in what stands as a clear demonstration of the Maltese businesses' desire to grow globally. A number of businesses in various economic sectors benefited from the first €50m fund. During the launch of the sec- ond tranche of the MTFG Fund, HSBC Malta also unveiled its "Why Malta?" video on Malta in five international languages: Arabic, French, German, Ital- ian, and Mandarin – in addi- tion to the already-available English version. The video promotes Malta as a business destination and highlights the way HSBC can help businesses set up base in Malta as well as local businesses to thrive inter- nationally. The launch at the Saluting Batter y at Upper Barrakka Gar- dens was led by Minister for Finance Hon. Prof Edward Sci- cluna, who was joined by HSBC Malta CEO Mark Watkinson, Head of Commercial Banking Michel Cordina, Head of Glo- bal Banking and Markets James Woodeson, and a number of in- vited guests. HSBC Malta Head of Com- mercial Banking Michel Cor- dina said: "The €75m fund helps investors, traders and businesses in Malta to f lourish by connecting them to interna- tional trade opportunities, par- ticularly within growing and emerging markets and also by encouraging international in- vestment in Malta. This fund and the 'Why Malta?' video are aimed at continuing to support the Maltese economy to pros- per." In fact, from an average of 1.5 per cent annual grow th bet ween 2012 and 2014, world merchandise trade should in- crease by about 8 per cent a year from 2017, according to a recent HSBC Trade Forecast report. Trade grow th is set to accelerate on emerging market rebound and a series of game- changing trade liberalisation agreements. "With offices on the ground in 60 markets, and more than 7,000 relationship managers operating worldwide, HSBC is in a unique position to connect potential customers in new markets, provide local insight through people on the ground, and offer the financial support for businesses to expand glo- bally," Mr Cordina added. HSBC Malta CEO Mark Wat- kinson spoke about Malta's strategic location in the Medi- terranean. "Malta's location is ver y close to one of the world 's largest trade corridors, con- necting Asia, the Middle East and Europe. HSBC has a role in supporting Malta's grow th and adding value to its economy, as well as using its global connec- tivit y to help companies pros- per at home and overseas. This fund is yet another step in the right direction to place Malta on the global trade map." From left Anthony Tabone, Karl Wright and Roderick Agius

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