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maltatoday, Sunday, 30 auguSt 2015 News President emeritus eddie Fenech Adami was yesterday rushed to Mater dei Hospital fol- lowing a mild heart attack. the 81-year-old nationalist former Prime Minister was out on a boat with his son, Beppe, and their family when he suffered pain in his chest and temporarily lost consciousness. "He had a slight heart attack but he is now stable. He is being kept under observation," Beppe Fenech Adami told Maltatoday. Fenech Adami was taken to shore where a waiting ambulance rushed him to Mater dei Hospi- tal. Fenech Adami has had heart problems in the past. in 2013 he underwent surgery after suffering a heart attack. Previously he had heart bypass surgery and a pace- maker fitted. Fenech Adami was first elected in Parliament in 1969 and became Pn leader in 1977. After leading the party in opposition during a turbulent period, marred by po- litical violence and a toxic politi- cal scene, he was elected as Prime Minister in 1987. Upon being elected to power, Fenech Adami embarked on a reform programme which trans- formed the country's economy into an open and free market economy while modernizing the country's infrastructure. Under his guidance, Malta also began a period of integration with the eU, formally applying for membership in 1990. He also in- troduced local government. Following a two-year-stint in op- position between 1996 and 1998, Fenech Adami led Malta into the eU in 2004. Before Malta's official accession in May of that year, Fenech Adami was appointed President of the republic. REGISTER ONLINE & GET DIRECT DAILY DEALS INTO YOUR INBOX! THE ABOVE DEALS CAN BE PURCHASED ONLINE AT GET 50% OFF! 3 Course A La Carte Dinner €21.95 (Worth: €43.90) GET 50% OFF! 3 Course A La Carte Lunch or Dinner €22.50 (Worth: €45.00) 81-year-old former Prime Minister and President Emeritus Eddie Fenech adami stable under observation at Mater dei Hospital following a minor heart attack Eddie Fenech Adami in hospital

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