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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 AUGUST 2015 26 Letters Government is asking citizens to send an SMS when spotting a vehicle emitting excessive exhaust fumes. Sensibly and quite correctly, motorists are being asked to be prudent and not to message while driving. In principle this suggestion is laudable, empowering people while putting an onus on the transport authority to take action, including fining polluters. But pollution does not only arise from visible pollution. Much pollution is invisible and without a smell. If a complaint is followed up with immediate enforcement action it could help in no small manner to reduce air pollution. Government's rhetoric in favour of the environment is being given significance. The suggestion backed by an advertis- ing campaign both in the media and by means of public billboards should go a long way to creating the necessary awareness on air pollution. The initiative warrants citizens' full-hearted support. We support the campaign, yet have our doubts on the effectiveness of its success for various reasons. The campaign as expressed so far needs some fine-tuning and further thinking. It is strange that this initiative was not added to the chores of the dozens of war- dens around the island. The success of such a campaign depends entirely on the determination of the authorities to take draconian action against the defaulters irrespective of whether they are private or commercial users, contractors or indeed government owned vehicles. Passing from words to action may not be so simple. Government's position in this matter is conflicting as it is both the enforcer of the law, via the authority and the potential defaulter of the law via the emissions from government owned cars. This potential conflict of interest places a burden on government. We believe government must set the example as the model employer. It should lead by example. This involves with immediate effect voluntarily testing the emission levels of its own cars, both private and commercial. The amount of government cars is pretty numerous. Testing them with immediate effect could be an excellent starting point to get this sterling campaign off the ground. This simply involves government commit- ting itself over a period of time to testing its cars for levels of pollution emission. Regrettably, to date, government did not have the foresight and it is expecting civil responsibility from its citizens while it passively stands on the sidelines. Effectively government is turning citizens into wardens when it could fairly simply have given this role to the war- dens, who can easily position themselves strategically at a number of vantage points and jot down car registration numbers of the polluters. But pollution is not always visible. They should be asked to take note of govern- ment cars too! This prompt approach by government could have avoided the nu- merous messaging which citizens may be tempted to make reporting government cars low standard levels. Government can also pro-actively limit pollution from the hospital incinerator by concluding the long delayed award of this contract. Simply stating that the award is in the pipeline and the new hospital incinerator will not be a polluter is neither here nor there. And what about the pollution from the Marsa and Delimara power stations and Maghtab? Air pollution also emanates from the privately run public transport system. One needs only monitor buses to notice the pollution they cause. Yet traditionally all governments have been most reluctant to discipline public bus drivers or taxis. This section of the public transport sys- tem appears to be privileged in the eyes of the law. The clearest case of government being strong with the weak and soft with the strong. Editorial • 28 August 2005 Are we serious enough over emissions? Pets on Virtù Ferries I have been working in Sicily for some eight years. Thanks to Virtù Ferries not only do I get to see my family on a regular basis, travelling in comfort without the slightest hassle, but I also enjoy my pet dogs wherever I am. Bobby has now passed away at a grand old age. To the very end he would join me in Sicily whenever the family came over. Patch, my devoted companion in Sicily, comes with me to Malta whenever I join the family there – I wouldn't dream of leaving him behind. Whether in the car or in a cage, Bobby and Patch, both very large dogs, have always received an excellent service from the Virtù Ferries crew. Thank you all. Denis Bartolo Via email The glory of womanhood For a moment, I thought that J. Guillaumier had declared a ceasefire which could perhaps make him eligible for God 's for- giving grace – with the ensuing peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gen- tleness, self control, love and joy, but no, he prefers to vent his spleen passing vile comments and expos- ing toxic misogyny. I cannot conceivably fathom what satisfaction and pleasure he could derive by antagonising himself so forcefully and insultingly against wom- anhood. Without any pretence of reaching the heights of his inspired tirade against women, I'll just pass on a comment: Whilst in the Old Testa- ment women were a figure of weakness they were redeemed by our Lord spiritually and socially. By His special care and attention, especially through His Mother, Christ has become a special saviour of woman- hood. Such is the ethereal dignity of women that one of them, the new Eve, is now elevated to the unique privilege of being the Mother of God! And please don't tell me that She never lived her earthly life as the skeptics used to maintain about Christ's historic exist- ence. John Azzopardi Zabbar Application for fireworks factory A Malta asset envied by the world On behalf of the Mellieha fireworks group, known lo- cally as Ghaqda tan-Nar Mar- ija Bambina, I would like to clarify certain inaccuracies in the article 'Mellieha farmers fear fireworks time-bomb" (MaltaToday, 30 August) and also on the online edition, while at the same time clari- fying other points. The Mellieha fireworks group has every right to apply for the necessary permits to build a fireworks factory for the manufacture of fireworks for the feast of Marija Bam- bina, held every September in Mellieha. This locality, which is the second largest in Malta area-wise, does not have a fireworks factory and we believe it is within our right to apply to construct such a complex. Fireworks in Malta are an integral part of the religious feast celebrations, with the feasts in themselves being a unique aspect of Maltese culture. The application for a fireworks factory should be judged against the new policy published recently by the government. The Mel- lieha group are not expecting special treatment from the authorities but simply to have their application judged on the same criteria applicable to other existing fireworks complexes. At the time of submission of the application to MEPA, the surrounding fields were not agricultural fields but rugged terrain. There is photograph- ic evidence that show how the area stood at the time of the application, in photos which were taken during a MEPA site visit three years ago. We are conscious of the fact that there are now farmers plying their wares next to the land in question, but this was not the situation back then, when we applied for a permit. The Mellieha group is ap- pealing to the local authori- ties to conclude their studies and assessments so that a decision on this long stand- ing appeal is resolved once and for all. We would also like to thank the community of Mellieha for their support in our cause over the years. Trevor Vella Secretary, Ghaqda tan-nar Marija Bambina, Mellieha The set of 17th century Flemish tap- estries of the St John's Co-Cathedral Museum is the largest complete series of tapestries in the world and covers a total area of 730m² with a length of 120 running metres. The 29 tapestries of the collection measure 6.3 metres in height and 6.2 metres in width for the most part. They are also the tallest ancient tapestries ever to be woven. Ordered by the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, R. Perellos y Roccaful, they are mostly woven after cartoons by P.P. Rubens, the artist who prob- ably left the most indelible mark on baroque art in the whole of Europe. Many of the compositions of this wall hanging, such as the Crucifixion, the Adoration of the Magi, the Triumphs of Caritas, Faith, Eucharist etc., are among the most representative icons of this master's art. This series was intended to deco- rate the chancel and the nave of the Co-Cathedral on specific occasions. The aim was to create an overwhelm- ing effect on the faithful through its sheer dimensions, its colours and its exceptional baroque style and vigour, and leave a lasting impression on the congregation. At the end of the 20th century, the tapestries were in a disastrous condi- tion, with tears and large gaps in the perished silks and in the corroded brown wools. Exhibited in wretched conditions in the Cathedral's museum, with practically no room for viewers to stand back and admire the quali- ties of the artwork, the tapestries were pitiable to see, whereas the donor's aim was exactly the opposite. Since that date, a huge conservation campaign on the initiative of the St John's Co-Cathedral Foundation has been undertaken and I had the honour of conducting it. It will be completed in January 2018. On that date, Val- letta will be the European Capital of Culture and all eyes will be focused on the city. The question that should be asked is what might be the role and conse- quently the importance of this wall hanging for Malta, its citizens and its economy? Malta cannot merely evoke a picture of sunshine, beaches and summer pleasures. Malta is a nerve centre, where Europe and the East come face to face, as represented by the Order of Malta; it has considerable cultural potential. This is increasingly what visitors to the island are looking for and Malta can develop its attractive- ness and find its true place on the map of Europe by promoting these unique cultural qualities. If Malta is to consolidate this cultural profile, the country needs strong imag- es that make it immediately recognis- able in the other countries of Europe. Among those images, the Cathedral's Rubensian wall hanging could be at the forefront in playing a prominent role; unfortunately, it has been completely forgotten because of the poor condi- tion in which it was left. This gigantic work of art of the first rank has such a potential attractive- ness for the public that it may be placed alongside two others of Malta's artistic highlights, the Co-Cathedral's baroque decoration and the two paint- ings by Caravaggio. There is no doubt that all the 29 tapestries hanging side by side over a perimeter of 120 metres will leave quite a unique impression in the world. This grand series can become one of the key elements in the country's cultural landscape and an asset envied by the world. There is, of course, a prerequisite, and that prior condition is to be able to exhibit all the 29 pieces at the same time as was imagined at the outset by the Grand Master. It is the only way to obtain that overwhelming awesome effect on the public which the Grand Master of the Order of Malta wished to achieve. The St John's Co-Cathedral Founda- tion has put forward plans to extend and refurbish the museum. I can only advocate that it should be possible for the future museum to exhibit the entire wall hanging and for sightseers to step back and appreciate this series of outstanding tapestries. Such a decision would do honour to the basic concept that underlies their creation and so make it possible once again to captivate a larger audience and enrich the country's cultural profile. Yvan Maes De Wit, President of De Wit Royal Manufacturers of Tapestry, Belgium Download the MaltaToday App now

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