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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 AUGUST 2015 4 News Valletta residents seen and heard in communal artistic project TEODOR RELJIC NOW in its second annual iteration, the Valletta International Visual Arts (VIVA) Festival was launched yesterday at the Heritage Malta of- fices in Valletta with an inaugura- tion of the photographic, commu- nity-based exhibition Beltin. Comprising silver gelatin lith prints by Zvezdan Reljic, Beltin was put together with the help of an- thropologist Elise Billiard, who in- terviewed Valletta residents about their perceptions of the city, while Reljic took their portrait. Inaugurated by the Minister for Culture Owen Bonnici and VIVA Artistic Director Raphael Vella, the launch was also presided by Vallet- ta 2018 Foundation Chairman Ja- son Micallef, as VIVA is organised in collaboration with the Founda- tion and prides itself in being "an excellent example of cross-entity collaboration", also incorporating St James Cavalier and Agenzija Za- ghzagh. VIVA will open for the public on August 31, with some exhibitions open until November 6. Reiterating his statement last year, Bonnici said that VIVA is crucial to the local cultural scene since, unlike other large-scale events happening in Valletta during the summer sea- son, it gives priority to visual arts over all. "The Malta Arts Festival is now a staple part of the cultural calendar, but it's primarily focused on per- forming arts. This is why VIVA is so important – it places a very nec- essary emphasis on the visual arts," Bonnici said, thanking the Valletta 2018 Foundation for "making the festival a reality". Bonnici added that VIVA, which also invites local artists to travel abroad to showcase their works and collaborate with other artists and curators, is an example of the direc- tion that the Ministry for Culture is trying to take, particularly when it comes to the "internationalization" of Maltese culture. "We make an effort to promote local culture because we truly be- lieve in its potential. But at the same time, we need to remember that Malta is small, and that we can't re- main limited to the local sphere." To this end, Bonnici said that the ministry has been at work in setting up a Cultural Export Fund which local artists can make use of to take their work abroad, as well as initia- tives for the internationalization of Maltese artists. Describing 'Beltin' in particular as being an example of a "sustain- able" project for Valletta 2018 – through which artistic projects can have a social ripple effect – Jason Micallef praised the way the exhibition brought out the varied and sometimes even "contrast- ing" views that its participants ex- pressed about Malta's capital city. In fact, captions placed along- side each portrait reveal how to some, Valletta is simply about "love" or about strong childhood memories associated with par- ticular landmarks; while others praise the city's still-extant com- munity spirit and others still la- ment the encroaching threat of gentrification. "However, it's also clear that underlying these divergent per- spectives is a genuine love for the city. And it's a further indication of how willing Valletta residents are to participate in Valletta 2018 projects," Micallef added. Vella said that this year's VIVA programme is "more comprehen- sive and more inclusive". "We have a stronger emphasis on communities in Valletta, with films in residential buildings and exhibitions that come to terms with the realities of people's eve- ryday lives. We also have a more expansive educational and out- reach programme, which involves people from different sectors more directly in the development of knowledge," Vella added. The Government of Malta through Projects Malta Ltd in collaboration with Transport Malta, aims to gather ideas and information on possible alternative modes of commuting between the localities of the Grand Harbour and Marsamxett Harbour Areas. The idea/s and proposals put forward must present a mode of commuting which is technically feasible and financially viable and that makes the best use of the resources and landscape of the region. The Request for Proposals document can be downloaded from Projects Malta's website through the following link: The closing date for the submission of this RFP is the 30 th October, 2015 at 16:00 (Central European Time). Late submissions will not be accepted. A non-refundable participation fee of €5,000 must be made prior to the submission of the RFP. The proof of payment must be included with the Request for Proposals submission. Submissions are to be delivered by hand to Projects Malta Ltd on weekdays between 9:00 and 16:00 (Central European Time) at the address below: Projects Malta Ltd The Clock Tower, Level 1 Tign� Point, Sliema Enquiries or requests for clarifications relative to this RFP shall be submitted by e-mail to Projects Malta Limited on under the subject title "Request for Proposals. Design, build and operations of alternative transport links within the Grand Harbour and Marsamxett Harbour areas". Verbal questions will NOT be accepted. Such queries or request for clarifications shall be received by not later than the 11 th September, 2015 at 12:00 (Central European Time). Objective of the Request for Proposals: Request for Proposals Concession to design, build and operate alternative transport links within the Grand Harbour and Marsamxett Harbour Areas REF: PML /02/2015 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Output file.pdf 1 Monday/August24/2015 6:2332PM Community-based photography project 'Beltin' inaugurates this year's edition of the Valletta International Visual Arts (VIVA) Festival VIVA Artistic Director Raphael Vella 'Beltin' exhibits a collection of silver gelatin lith prints by Zvezdan Reljic, accompanied by captions from interviews conducted with the participants by anthropologist Elise Billiard PHOTOGRAPHY BY RAY ATTARD

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