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MT 30 August 2015

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 AUGUST 2015 42 This Week Gozitan fashion designer launches new collection with short film IF You Ask Me, I'm Yours narrates a person- al story. Shot in various scenic locations around the island of Gozo, it introduces Luke Azzo- pardi's upcoming trans- seasonal artisan collec- tion. While presenting the collection as a work in progress, the fashion film explores aspects of primitivism, love and womanhood. The Luke Azzopardi Resort Collection 2016, composed of 43 looks, was launched on Au- gust 26. The temples at Hagar Qim served as an organic backdrop for the designer's vision of primitivism in contem- porary art practice. If You Ask Me, I'm Yours takes into consideration Maltese and Gozitan landscapes and how the human form interacts within such landscapes. This project seeks to help establish Luke Az- zopardi as a Maltese luxury brand name, creating exclusive one- off pieces of elevated aesthetic proportions. It also seeks to push lo- cal artisanal couture as a self-sustainable industry within the arts sector. Herons and egrets are generally biggish birds. The goliath heron can peck a worm off an adult human's head from a standing position (don't try this at home!) but there are small ones too, such as the little bittern. The squacco heron stands more or less midway and like most birds in this group, it is a long-legged, long-necked and long-billed animal. All these features come in handy to spear frogs, fish, etc. from shallow lakes and riversides. Squacco herons (M. Agrett Isfar) are migratory and they are seen regularly in spring and autumn. They are not hard to identify in flight, with brownish yellow body, brilliant white wings and that rather languid flight typical of herons. They like to travel in groups, and a bunch of them flashing their pale plumage in the sunlight as they sail overhead can be quite a spectacle. Like other herons, squaccos haunt watery places in search of their aquatic prey, so places like Ghadira and Is-Simar nature reserves and Salina are good places to watch out for them. 469. SQUACCO HERON GREEN IDEA OF THE WEEK 372: FIND OUT MORE – VISIT THE FACEBOOK PAGE FOR THIS EVENT TO FIND OUT MORE HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ EVENTS/704766082962787/ Visit Friends of the Earth's website for more information about our work, as well as for information about how to join us. You can also support us by sending us a donation - Text and photo Victor Falzon Luke Azzopardi transseasonal collection launched with two-minute short entitled, If You Ask Me, I'm Yours For more information log on to Stills from Luke Azzopardi's If You Ask Me, I'm Yours Join us – Today at Zonqor Point! Friends of the Earth Malta together with Why Not? and Koperattiva Kummerc Ġust are jointly organizing a gathering at Żonqor Point this evening. The aim of the event is to get Maltese people closer to nature, and to enjoy Żonqor Point in its natural state. In light of the recent announcement regarding the Jordanian development which threatens 18,000 square metres of land which is designated as ODZ, the NGOs believe that it is imperative for people to visit the area, and experience first-hand what it is that we will be losing should the project go through. Although there is some disturbance due to human influences in some areas, the general landscape is unique and already enjoyed by regular visitors in the area. The marine landscape at Żonqor point is renowned for its high aesthetic value; containing fertile reefs, and man-made wrecks (Le Polynesien and HMS) just a few kilometres offshore. Divemed, a popular diving school situated at Żonqor point will be organizing a dive in the area on the day so that attendees can also witness the beauty of Żonqor below sea level. Any land reclamation in the area could have serious repercussions on sensitive reefs and also areas of ecological importance on the shore. Koperattiva Kummerc Ġust will be providing fair trade snacks and beverages to the people present. BottleGreen drinks – natural no-additive cordials - will also be available for purchase. We invite you to join us this evening after 6pm. Persons wishing to bring a BBQ are advised to apply for a permit with the Marsascala Local Council, keeping in mind that no BBQs are allowed near the salt pans. There will be a clean-up organised on Monday morning to ensure that the area is left pristine.

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