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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2015 This Week 41 Jack's Fusion burst onto the Maltese music scene with debut single FRONTED by vocalist Emma Grech, with Jean-Luc Camilleri on drums, bassist Kurt Bezzina, and Jacob Spiteri and Luke De- guara on guitar, the band Jack's Fusion has kickstarted its record- ing history with the release of their first single – 'Electric'. The song marks the beginning of the musical journey of Jack's Fusion, and will form part of the band's upcoming EP. From the punchy initial riff, all throughout the entire song, 'Electric' gives off an undeniable energetic vibe; emerging from the driving rhythm of the drum beat, to the bold guitar chords, mixed with lyr- ics which complement the spirit of the song itself. "When writing lyrics, we tend to pay attention to what the music wants to con- vey first, and work from there," says vocalist Emma Grech. "This song is about empowerment and breaking free from something which is tying you down in life." With regards to the meaning behind the song, the band feels that 'Electric' will be found relat- able by innumerable people who have passed through something similar. A music video, directed by James Spiteri, is due to be re- leased on the same date. Although this is the band's first single to be released to the pub- lic, the members of Jack's Fusion have been experimenting with their sound for a number of years. The band officially established it- self in the summer of 2014, and is driven to continue making music – a passion common to all mem- bers of the band. The past year has kept JF's members on the go, with con- tinuous rehearsals, recording in the studio, as well as a heap of live gigs. The band has performed at venues all over the island, most memorably at Amplified, a self- organised gig put together with other bands, as well as at the Far- son's Great Beer Festival, Rock Stage in the summer of 2015. As Jacob Spiteri, guitarist of JF describes it, "Performing a full electric set with all our energy at its highest level can be exhaust- ing, but super rewarding and fun. I give all my energy and spirit on stage so that the audience can feed off the energetic vibes." And what lies ahead for the band? "We are aiming at expand- ing our fan base, and we're also focusing quite a lot on original content right now – it's then when we can showcase our sound best," says bassist Kurt Bezzina. "Our upcoming EP is also some- thing we're working towards," adds Jean-Luc Camilleri. "We'd love to perform at even bigger events, and perhaps even gig abroad – whatever the outcome, we want Jack's Fusion to become a sought after band." Fronted by Emma Grech, Jack's fusion have just released their debut single 'Electric'

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