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Events 49 maltatoday, Sunday, 25 OctOber 2015 GO Fibre-To-The-Home now in Gzira and Ta' Xbiex GO's roll-out of nationwide Fi- bre-To-The-Home (FTTH) con- tinued over the summer with an additional 5,000 plus homes passed in Gzira and Ta' Xbiex. More than 25,000 households in different localities have been passed, delivering the next gen- eration of internet services to Maltese homes. GO Fibre is the only service in Malta which delivers a real su- perfast fibre optic connection directly into customers' homes. GO Fibre offers seamless con- nectivity across multiple users and devices and the opportu- nity to download movies, mu- sic and files at speeds of up to 500Mbps and more. Kurt Camilleri, Chief Com- mercial Officer at GO, said, "Thousands of GO customers have already been enjoying the vastly improved speeds and data capacity of a real super- fast fibre connection. superfast Internet opens up a new world of opportunities in home en- tertainment, delivering the ul- timate home TV and gaming experience, changing our lives for the better." More information on GO Fi- bre is available at https://fibre. GO fibre is now available in Gzira and Ta' Xbiex €43M Luxury Retirement Village nearing completion AX Holdings today announced that the €43M Hilltop Gardens Retirement Village in Naxxar is nearing completion and will soon be opening its doors to the public in November, this year. During a press conference, which was attended by Hon. Kon- rad Mizzi – Minister for Energy and Health and Michael Farrugia – Minister for Family and so- cial solidarity, it was explained how, this is a new concept to the Maltese islands, that addresses a growing need and recognises the valuable input that the elderly make to society. Angelo Xuereb, Chairman, AX Holdings said that, "No expense as been spared in making sure that The Hilltop Gardens Retire- ment Village is the best retirement option in Malta. The Village offers a vast choice of independent liv- ing arrangements with 133 deluxe luxury apartments and penthous- es, spread over a 17,000sqm, all surrounded with extensive views, and beautifully landscaped areas." Within the same development, Hilltop Gardens also has a li- censed residential care home to cater for higher dependency pa- tients requiring short term respite services or long term care. Convalescence, rehabilitation and palliative care services will also be catered for by the profes- sional multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals within the Village. Moreover the Care Home includes a purposely built dedicated Memory support Unit for persons with dementia as well as physio-hydrotherapy pool and physiotherapy hall. Jacqueline Camilleri, CEO ex- plained that Hilltop Gardens has been designed to address the changing needs and dependencies of the elderly. "Our ethos is entire- ly based on flexibility, choice and individual needs. This means that there's no one size fits all but that a tailor-made care plan is set up for each and every resident; this changes over time depending on a resident's current situation and circumstances." Facilities also include, a fitness centre, a library, a superbly de- signed water chapel, a restaurant backed by a fully fletched in house kitchen, a billiard room, a crafts centre, darts room, multipurpose hall, a wellness spa including an indoor heated pool, an outdoor swimming pool with jacuzzi and relaxation area, children's indoor and outdoor play areas, a con- venience store and a hairdressing salon, transport services to the Village core, garden allotments as well as a clinical centre includ- ing a wide spectrum of services, amongst others, a treatment room, dental clinic and a 24 hour Gener- al Practitioner (GP) services. The Hilltop Gardens Retirement Village is set to open its doors to the public in November. For more information about Hill- top Gardens Retirement Village visit www.hilltopretirementliving. com Gasanmamo joins the movement of Pink October GasanMamo Insurance has joined the movement to help fight breast cancer by taking part in the activi- ties of the Pink October campaign. The Pink October campaign is a philanthropic initiative aimed to raise awareness and funds for the fight against breast cancer. As part of the various activities undertaken during the month of October, GasanMamo organised a dress down day for its entire staff to generate the much-needed funds needed for this good cause. Breast cancer is the most com- mon form of cancer and the lead- ing cancer death in women above the age of 30 in Malta. If detected in the early stages, it can be treat- ed successfully and it is therefore very important for woman to begin regular self-breast exami- nations in their early twenties. This way, women can familiarise themselves with their breasts and will be able to detect any unusual lumps that might develop over time. "The aim of the campaign is to help and support women world- wide, who have had or may have breast cancer. As a company, we believe strongly that awareness is key, and that it's the first step to- wards making informed choices," said Julian Mamo, Managing Di- rector at GasanMamo Insurance. The funds that are collected through the various activities in- cluding funds collected by Gas- anMamo Insurance during their dress down day will be used for the purchasing of medical equip- ment that will facilitate breast cancer treatment. The medical equipment will also be used to take x-ray of breast cancer speci- mens removed at surgery, allowing the surgeon to be more precise in removing cancers from the breast, leading to better results. Anyone who wishes to make a difference and pledge the move- ment can donate by sending an SMS on 50617912 for a donation of €4.66 or 50619291 for a dona- tion of €11.65 or online on http:// Din l-Art Helwa organising 'save the countryside' debate The little that is left of our coun- tryside is beautiful and precious. Malta's countryside is threatened by the conversion of natural areas for other uses, such as housing, roads, industry and the expansion of ur- ban areas. Din l-Art Helwa's 'save the Countryside' campaign seeks to raise public awareness of the threats to biodiversity through the over- development of the countryside and the destruction of habitats and eco- logical corridors. Biodiversity loss is a growing problem. As part of this campaign, Din l-Art Helwa is organising a public debate on Wednesday 28 October at 7pm, at the Old University in Valletta. The panel will be chaired by jour- nalist Caroline Muscat. Participants include the Michael Falzon, Parlia- mentary secretary for Planning; the Marthese Portelli, shadow Minister for the Environment; and the Mar- lene Farrugia, chairman of the Par- liamentary Committee on Environ- ment and Development Planning; as well as the president of the Malta Developers Association Mr san- dro Chetcuti; and Din l-Art Helwa Council member Prof Alan Deidun. The title of the debate is 'Il-Futur tal-ODZ. Ghall-Maltin kollha jew ghall-ispekulaturi biss?' (The Future of ODZ. Just for speculators or for everyone?). The debate will be held in Maltese and the general public is invited to attend. The 'save the Countryside' cam- paign highlights the importance of the countryside, and the biodiver- sity that it sustains, to the daily lives of the Maltese community and for future generations. The campaign aims to inspire people to take ac- tion to conserve the countryside. Our natural heritage includes many plants and animals and their diverse habitats. They depend upon the countryside to survive. The coun- tryside also provides scenic beauty and educational benefits to Maltese society. 'save the Countryside' is an internet-based campaign, mainly engaging with audiences on social media through a Facebook page provides regular news and updates. This project is part-financed by the EEA Grants NGO Malta Pro- gramme 2009-2014 Nestlé raises breast cancer awareness with 'bracam' video Nestlé Malta, through its Fitness brand, has launched a bracam vid- eo on digital and social channels to support the worldwide effort of raising awareness about the im- portance of regular check-ups to help prevent breast cancer. The video shows a woman roam- ing a few busy streets and shops across Malta. she was asked to wear a pink bra fitted with a hid- den spy camera to capture people's reactions when she walks by. An on-screen counter keeps record of the number of times that her Pink bra is "checked out" by passers-by. The key message embedded in this social media campaign rein- forces the need to remind every- one that the best way to prevent breast cancer is to check oneself regularly. Proper check-ups by competent medical practitioners are widely available from estab- lished clinics. One can also con- duct monthly self check-ups to help in early detection. self check- ups can be done at home, at any time and more frequently. "We wanted to find a different way to engage with our audiences. We are posing a simple question: your body is regularly "checked out" by passers-by, so why not have your breasts checked out properly by medical practition- ers for prevention or early detec- tion of breast cancer? The answer could save lives. At Nestlé Fitness, we support the health and wellbe- ing of everyone. That's why we've been proud supporters of the breast cancer awareness initiative for the past 6 years and we will not rest before this simple mes- sage reaches everyone," Melania Calleja Pellicano, Group Product Manager at Nestlé Malta Limited, said. Nestlé Fitness is also running a parallel social media campaign on Facebook using hashtag #checky- ourselfmalta designed exclusively to provide educational informa- tion on the prevention and early detection of breast cancer aware- ness.

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