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MW_11 November 2015

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4 MiriaM Dalli On the eve of the Valletta Sum- mit taking place in Malta, Eu- ropean and African leaders are being encouraged to respect the rights of all migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. In a statement, the LGBTIQ consultative council also advo- cated for the introduction of safe and legal routes for those seeking protection, with dignified recep- tion modalities and access to fair, sensitive and thorough proce- dures to determine eligibility for refugee protection, wherever and whenever it is sought. Council chair Gabi Calleja said wars, conf licts, regional in- stability, serious human rights violations and extreme poverty were some of the factors leading people to leave their homes and seek refuge and asylum in Europe in large numbers. Thousands have lost their lives undertaking treacherous journeys in search of a better future for themselves and their families. Many others remain at risk. "We recognise the challenges such a movement of people places on governments and communi- ties, however we also recognise the opportunities of migration to our countries and region," the council said. It said that the protection of fundamental human rights and respect towards the diversity of the peoples of Europe were found at the heart of their European identity particularly when faced with complex and challenging developments. This is clearly enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights, EU Treaties and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights that address and affirm the rights, but also the responsibilities and duties of States to preserve and protect the human rights of every person and community. "We express our solidarity with all migrants and refugees, and call upon all governments to place the lives of people at the centre of their discussions and decisions," Calleja said. "Migrants and refugees are not a burden to our region, countries and communities; they are hu- man beings deserving respect, equal rights and solidarity to- wards whom we all carry an ob- ligation. We are all called on to ensure that their fundamental human rights and freedoms are respected at all times." In an open letter sent to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, the Peo- ple for Change Foundations and five other nGOs called on Mus- cat to "show the leadership neces- sary to move the debate forward, and to place respect for human rights and human dignity at the forefront of the discussions with EU and African leaders, and of the way forward in implementing the decisions of these negotia- tions. While underlining the im- portance of having an open and equitable dialogue between par- ties, the nGOs urged leaders to respect the fundamental values of the European Union including respect for human dignity, hu- man rights, rule of law and soli- darity. "In particular, measures to ad- dress the current crisis should not detract from the obligations emanating from international human rights and refugee law," the letter said. The nGOs also urged Muscat to approach migration with a "wider and more positive" outlook and appreciate the benefits of diver- sity to both the social and eco- nomic spheres. They also called for an intercultural approach to primary services including health education, and the labour market. Insisting that a humanitarian and just approach must be ap- plied, the nGOs said a dialogue with African countries "should not become a tool to further limit the opportunities for people in need of protection to seek such protection." They also called for the realisa- tion that human smuggling has become increasingly profitable due to the failure of European and other safe countries to provide legal and safe avenues for seek- ing international protection, and argued that "the strongest and most sustainable tool combating the role of such illicit activity in the area is of ensuring that those who require protection are given legal and safe avenues for seeking it from States that can offer it." maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 11 NovEmbEr 2015 News The Privatisation Unit ('PU'), acting on behalf of the Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture,Fisheries and Animal Rights, is issuing a public Request for Proposals in connection with the concession for the Set-up and Operation of Aquaculture Farms in the South East Aquaculture Zone. The PU is inviting submissions for the Request for Proposals (RFP) from reputable persons and/or entities with the necessary experience and resources to undertake such task. such task. In the first instance, interested parties are invited to communicate with the PU, at the email address shown below, expressing their interest to undertake the task. Once this initial communication takes place, the PU will forward a process letter inviting interested parties to collect the RFP document. The process letter will explain the procedure to be followed for the collection and submission of the RFP document. Date fo Date for collecting the RFP: 4th November 2015 to 11th January 2016 (12.00hours CET) Closing date for the submission of the RFP: 3rd February 2016 (12.00hours CET) The Chairman Privatisation Unit Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business 4, Clock Tower, Level 1 Tigne Point Sliema Sliema TP01 Tel: (+356) 22209572 Email: Website: GOVERNMENT OF MALTA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ahead of Valletta Summit, leaders urged to respect people's rights

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