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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 11 NovEmbEr 2015 5 News A ONE NIGHT STAY AT HILTON WITH DINNER AT BLUE ELEPHANT We are nearly at 100,000 LIKES! Like our page and create an online account with to be in a chance to win. Executive lounge facilities include: î3ULYDWHFKHFNLQ FKHFNRXW î%UHDNIDVWLQWKHORXQJH î$IWHUQRRQ7HDZLWKFDNHVDQGSDVWULHV î3UHGLQQHUGULQNVLQFOXGLQJFDQDS«VDQGDOFRKROLF drinks î7HDFRIIHHDQGQRQDOFRKROLFGULQNV available throughout the day 7+(5220 $FFRPPRGDWLRQLQRQHRIRXU&RQWHPSRUDU\([HFXWLYH5RRP including breakfast and Executive Lounge facilities Vella calls for urgent action to counter Mediterranean swordfish decline Tim Diacono EuropEan Environment Com- missioner Karmenu Vella has called for urgent action to coun- ter the decline of Mediterranean swordfish through overfishing. "We must not delay action to ensure the sustainable exploita- tion of this stock," Vella said in an opening speech at the annual meeting of the International Commission for the Conserva- tion of atlantic Tuna (ICCaT) at the Hilton hotel in St Julian's. "The European union intends to adopt a far-reaching plan for swordfish conservation in 2016, and such a plan would greatly benefit from a new stock as- sessment. In the meantime, we should ensure effective enforce- ment of the rules already in place and continue to monitor this fishery closely." ICCaT is responsible for set- ting fishing limits and quotas on tuna and tuna-like species. particularly relevant to Malta's fishing sector, ICCaT officials will today discuss fresh resolu- tions on bluefin tuna, and on swordfish tomorrow. In his speech, Vella hailed the success of their quotas on bluefin tuna, that were relaxed in 2014 following tuna stock recovery. "This progress is the result of sustained sacrifices, efforts and determination," he said. "It has not been easy, but it has worked." The conference was also ad- dressed by fisheries parliamen- tary secretary roderick Galdes, who appealed for any resolutions to take the particular needs of traditional, small-scale fisher- men into account. "Malta's fisheries are predomi- nantly small and artisanal. al- though this form of fishing is renowned for its high sustain- ability, its economic resilience is limited. The bluefin tuna recov- ery plan was a very big challenge and our sector endured long years of tremendous sacrifice," he said. Labour says opposition has 'no credibility' on good governance marTina Borg HIGHlIGHTInG the findings of the national audit office's report on encroachment per- mits issued on the eve of the 2013 election, labour Mp and justice minister owen Bonnici blasted the opposition's record in good governance. accusing former lands min- ister Jason azzopardi of acting inappropriately in issuing en- croachment permits days be- fore the 2013 election, Bonnici said the pn has no credibility in criticising the government over the same matter. He said that some of these "last minute concessions" were even given hours before election day. Bonnici further added that on the eve of the election, az- zopardi used his power to issue an encroachment permit for a garage in Santa lucija. Bonnici explained at a news conference how all of this happened while current opposition leader Simon Busuttil was pn deputy leader. "Simon Busuttil has a lot to answer for," Bonnici said. In reference to the opposi- tion's calls for the head of plan- ning parliamentary secretary Michael Falzon about his re- sponsibility for a controversial €1.65 million expropriation awarded to businessman Marco Gaffarena, tourism minister Ed- ward Zammit lewis, said that if the tables were turned in the encroachment permits issue, the nationalist party would be asking for resignations. "Busuttil is not in a position to talk about good governance", the minister said. Zammit lewis also pointed out that according to the report, the previous government was comfortable with using public funds for other purposes. according to Zammit lewis, the government intends to re- vamp the lands Department with a reform which will be an- nounced in the near future. asked whether he condoned the Gaffarena expropiation, Zammit lewis said that he would like to wait the nao in- vestigation over the case before passing political judgement. Edward Zammit Lewis (left) and Owen Bonnici Karmenu Vella