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16 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 15 NOVEMBER 2015 WHO's scared of processed meat? MaltaToday Survey 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 47.5% 52.5% 33.2% 66.8% 40% 60% 48.6% 51.4% 30.4% 69.6% 36.6% 63.4% 27.3% 72.7% 48.4% 51.5% 38.3% 61.7% Yes No Males Females Aged 18-34 Aged 35-54 Aged 55+ AB group C1 group C2 group DE group AB • Professional, managerial and administrative C1 • Clerical, technical, vocational and supervisory C2 • Skilled workers DE • Unskilled and on benefits Did you eat any processed meats yesterday? 95.2% 98.6% Males Females Yes No Are you aware of the WHO report linking the consumption of processed meats to colon cancer? Yes No Don't Know Males Females 95.2% 31.7% 11.6% 98.6% 25.8% 7.7% Do you intend reducing the consumption of processed meats after hearing about the report? A MaltaToday survey has found that 29% of Maltese men and 19% of females are con- suming processed meats on a daily basis. Apart from eating less processed foods, females are more intent on cutting down on processed meats like ham, sausages, salamis, bacon and corned beef. While 57% of males intend cutting down on processed meats, the percentage is 10 points higher among females. The same survey also showed males and middle-aged respondents consuming more processed meats than females and older respondents. But the survey shows that cheese beats processed meats as the most popular ingredient in toasts and sandwich- es. Moreover chicken, pasta and vegetable soups are more popular than both red or processed meats. Men's eating habits put them at peril The survey clearly shows that males could be at greater risk of developing colon can- cer because of their eating habits. When asked whether they had consumed any processed meats the previous day, only a third of women interviewed replied in the affirmative, while nearly half of the males interviewed did likewise. When asked about the frequency of their consumption of processed meats 29% of males compared to 19% of females replied that they do so on a daily basis. Moreover while 5% of females consume processed meats every two days, 11% of males do the same. While 19% of females never consume processed meats only 9% of males exclude processed meats from their life. Males are also more likely to consume red meat on a daily basis – 8% of males com- pared to 2% of females. The survey shows that nearly 40% of women compared to just 27% of males consume meat at a frequency of less than once a week. Moreover when asked what they had eat- en the day before 21% of males mentioned red meat while only 5% of females did so. Females are more likely to eat chicken, pas- ta and vegetables than men. In fact while red meat was the most men- tioned food item among males, chicken was the most popular item among women. When asked about the ingredients in the last sandwich or toast they had eaten, males were more likely to have eaten their bread with ham, luncheon meat or bacon than fe- males. Bad habits in middle age The survey suggests that older people are more careful about what they are eating than other categories. In fact, when asked whether they had consumed processed meats the day before only 30% of over 55 year olds replied in the affirmative, the per- centage is 10 points higher among under- 35 year olds and nearly 20 points higher among 35 to 54 year olds. The survey suggests that the most at risk category is the middle-aged bracket, which is most likely to consume processed meats. The survey suggests that younger people and older people are more careful on what they are eating. Maltese eating less corned beef A legacy of a war ration diet, which turned tinned, preserved "corned beef" into a staple food alongside Cheddar cheese and tinned milk sees two thirds of the population still consuming these at least occasionally. Per- vading many now traditional Maltese reci- pes like baked rice and pasta, corned beef may well have become a tradition in its own right. But it may well be that this colonial legacy is now in decline. The survey shows that since 2009 there has been a drastic decrease in the consump- tion of corned beef, a processed food that became popular as a substitute for fresh meat in the Second World War. Consumption of corned beef dropped drastically by 24 points since 2009, in a survey held at the peak of the economic recession. The percentage of those who shun corned beef com- pletely has gone up by 11 points in the past six years. This may suggest both Men could be at greater risk of developing colon cancer because of their eating habits Are your salami days counted? Has supermarket trolley sped past the counter? MaltaToday and JAMES DEBONO the public on its reaction to the WHO processed meat and its carinogenic ABs are more likely to consume processed meats than C1s. In fact consumption of processed meats was lowest among the latter category and highest among C2s The survey suggests that older people are more careful about what they are eating than other categories. In fact, when asked whether they had consumed processed meats the day before only 30% of over 55 year olds replied in the affirmative, the per- centage is 10 points higher among under- 35 year olds and nearly 20 points higher The survey suggests that the most at risk category is the middle-aged bracket, which is most likely to consume processed meats. The survey suggests that younger people and older people A legacy of a war ration diet, which turned tinned, preserved "corned beef" into a staple food alongside Cheddar cheese and tinned milk sees two thirds of the population still consuming these at least occasionally. Per- vading many now traditional Maltese reci- pes like baked rice and pasta, corned beef may well have become a tradition in its own right. But it may well be that this colonial The survey shows that since 2009 there has been a drastic decrease in the consump- tion of corned beef, a processed food that became popular as a substitute for fresh meat in the Second World War. Consumption of corned beef dropped drastically by 24 points since 2009, in a survey held at the peak of the economic recession. The percentage of those who shun corned beef com- pletely has gone up by 11 points in the past six years. This may suggest both to consume processed meats than C1s. In fact consumption of processed meats was lowest among the latter category and highest among C2s