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46 maltatoday, Sunday, 15 november 2015 Events The Malta Institute of Accountants launches online CPE service Since its inception way back in 1942, the Malta institute of Accountants (MiA) has served as the official voice of the ac- countancy profession on the island, supporting Accountants from their formation years and throughout their careers. As Malta's economy expands and more eU and international regulations are transposed local- ly, the pressure on accountants to stay abreast with the latest regu- lations and quality standards, while keeping their professional skills up-to-scratch, becomes ever so challenging. not only do accountants have to go through rigorous studies and examina- tions to obtain their warrant, but once graduated, they are re- quired to sit for a minimum of 25 hours of continuous Profes- sional education (cPe) annually to secure both their warrant and their MiA membership. every year there is a substan- tial number of students who are pursuing the accountancy profession and they are not only qualifying, but passing their exams with f lying colours. Tes- tament to this was the recently held graduation which saw the induction of 211 graduates by MiA last month; in spite of Mal- ta's small size, a good number of these students ranked amongst the top 10 worldwide in their AccA studies, with the majority of these high f lyers hailing from the institute's educational arm, AiM Academy. now joining the working world, these new accountants will soon find out that their job involves long hours and working against an ever-increasing list of tight deadlines; within such a scenario, coping with cPe hours is no mere task. Speaking to MaltaToday, the re- cently appointed MiA President, Franco Azzopardi said that MiA has thought of helping its mem- bers cope with their cPe obliga- tions. "in an effort to streamline this mandatory process, we have launched an initiative that al- lows members to complete their hours via an online service from the comfort of their home". This initiative, branded 'cPe- online – Your time!' is a first for MiA, and will serve as a boost to those who previously had to completely reshuff le their per- sonal, and professional sched- ules to cover their minimum training requirements. "We are pleased to be launch- ing a service that will help busy professionals meet their cPe re- quirements, at their own pace," said the institute's ceO, Mark Abela, "While reducing stress from our members' work, this service offers a wide array of quality training resources" "cPeonline - Your time! offers courses in audit & assurance, financial management, eth- ics, legal & regulatory, financial reporting, tax, and soft skills amongst others," continued Abela, "and all this is accessible online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week". This new CPE system is exclu- sively available to the over 2700 Institute members via MIA's website, MIA president Franco Azzopardi delivering his speech at the graduation ceremony GO employees entertain Roseville Home residents GO employees turned out in force recently to entertain residents at the Roseville Home in Attard. The GO team, in fact, put on a whole morning of activities in- cluding a tombola, which proved extremely popular with the elderly residents of the home. Josephine Grima, Senior Man- ager – HR Operations, said, "GO employees have a great track record of actively helping out in the com- munity. Through the GO cares committee, employees organise events regularly to support chil- dren, the elderly, animal sanctuar- ies, supported nGOs and other fac- ets of society. This latest initiative to organise a morning of events at Roseville Home continues to dem- onstrate the GO team's commit- ment to being caring towards one another, which is one of our four key values." Mario DeBattista, Facility Man- ager at Roseville, commented, "On behalf of all the residents that at- tended, i would like to thank GO employees who dedicated some of their free time to come and organ- ise this wonderful occasion. This event was surely a success with our residents and we were pleased to see a lot of happy faces on the day." Roseville is located in Attard, ad- jacent to San Anton Palace and is a unique architectural gem featuring an early 20th century house, which is one of Malta's few Art nouveau villas. The façade boasts floral sculpted windows surrounded by painted motifs, recalling the Art nouveau houses found in places such as Brussels, Antwerp and across central europe. The home offers elderly residents all the care and attention they need whilst offering them all the support required to continue to live inde- pendently as possible. Steves&Co. announces rebrand and relocation BRAnDinG and Marketing Firm, Steves&co., presented the company's recent endeavours and re- freshed identity at an event held on Friday 30 October at its new of- fices in Lija. Steves&co. has launched its new serv- ice line in the field of branded interior de- sign. its own offices were described to be an exhibition of this new service offering, proving to be an extension of the brand and a reflection of its culture. Following such growth, both in terms of the broadening of serv- ices as well as in physical presence, Steve ciantar-Barbara, the execu- tive Director, said: "it was befitting of Steves&co. to mark this move in the form of a new, content-rich website and refined brand image." The company also released its second edition of the Steves&co. book, The Second Journal, as well as its first ever supplement, titled TOAST. The rebrand will continue to demonstrate the company's un- paralleled, innovative approach to commercial endeavours whilst si- multaneously reflecting its refined image. Emirates SkyCargo's new Freighter Terminal officially inaugurated eMiRATeS Skycargo's state-of-the- art cargo terminal at the Logistics District in Dubai South was offi- cially inaugurated by His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Mak- toum, chairman and chief execu- tive of emirates Airline and Group, further establishing Dubai as a lead- ing global air cargo and logistics hub. named emirates Skycentral, the cargo facility is the home of emir- ates Skycargo's fleet of 15 freighter aircraft, and was officially opened on the side lines of the Dubai Air Show. "The opening of emirates Skycentral is an important mile- stone for us, as it represents our vi- sion for future growth and firmly establishes emirates Skycargo as the world's leading air cargo car- rier across all its operational areas. The space it currently occupies on the land allocated to us at Dubai South is part of a much bigger area, which we can develop over time to increase our cargo handling capac- ity to achieve our vision of 12 mil- lion tonnes annually by 2050, from the current 2.3 million tonnes," said nabil Sultan, emirates Divisional Senior Vice President, cargo. Mohsen Ahmed, Vice President of Logistics at Dubai South, said: "With the launch of the emirates Skycar- go facility, Dubai South begins an exciting new chapter in its journey towards establishing Dubai's excel- lence as a logistics hub. Dubai South offers the ideal connection point for sea and air cargo, which calls for rapid movement to the markets of the Middle east, Asia and Africa." With emirates Skycargo's dual operation of belly hold cargo being managed at its cargo Mega Terminal at Dubai international and freighter cargo at DWc, cargo is moved 24/7 by truck between the two airports via a bonded virtual corridor. emirates Skycentral is a dedicated freighter facility, and with 12 aircraft stands directly in front of the ter- minal, one of its key features is the close proximity of aircraft to the re- ceiving docks, which enables quick movement of goods. The freighters that operate from emirates Skycen- tral fly to more than 50 destinations around the world. emirates operates a daily sched- uled flight between Dubai and Mal- ta via Larnaca, cyprus. For further information and flight schedules, one can visit the site: www.emir- emirates Skycargo is located on the First Floor at MiA Departures and can be contacted on tel. no 2166 0102, or at skycargom- GO employees who entertained residents at Roseville Home Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum (centre) inaugurating Emirates' cargo ter- minal in Dubai Steves&Co employees at their social occasion

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