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MT 15 November 2015

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Events 49 maltatoday, Sunday, 15 november 2015 Marsovin chosen as official wine supplier for Les Rendevous Relais & Chateaux The first week of November has seen Malta host the Inter- national prestigious event Les Rendevous Relais & Chateaux 2015. The scope of this event is to create an opportunity for stakeholders of this exclusive niche within the hospitality sec- tor can meet and discuss ideas. Over 540 property owners, Michelin Star Chefs and gen- eral managers attended the conference, which was hosted by the Xara Palace Relais & Chateaux, part of the Infinitely Xara group. Local winery Marsovin was the official wine supplier for most events held during the prestigious Relais & Chateaux Congress. Being the largest pro- ducer of local premium wine, the Marsovin Winery was a natural partner for this event. Marsovin CeO Jeremy Cassar said, 'It is was an honour hav- ing our wines served during an international event of such high caliber and to an audience who is accustomed to nothing but the finest'. The selected wines also included Marsovin's lat- est premium release, Blanc de Cheval, which was very well received by those who got the chance to taste it. GasanMamo ratifies its commitment to local sports GaSaNMaMO Insurance is spon- soring a tennis tournament organ- ised by Vittoriosa Lawn Tennis Club. The participation of the firm in this event ratifies the company's commitment to support local sports activities, in line with its mission to share the same values of passion, re- sponsibility and teamwork. The tournament, which started on Sunday 25 October, is being played between players of VLTC in mixed doubles. all games are being played on Sunday afternoon and the tournament is scheduled to last till the end of this year. all games are being played on two sets and a super tie break can be played to determine the winner after two sets. The players are being seeded by the tournament's com- mittee according to players' level. "For the past years, GasanMamo Insurance has been committed to the development of sports and pro- moting sports persons. The compa- ny's ambition is to keep on support- ing sponsorships of sports events and individuals, and upkeep numer- ous talented sports people as we be- lieve that participating in sports im- proves your health in many ways," said Mark Mamo, General Manager of GasanMamo Insurance. St Monica students tap into water conservation efforts of HSBC Water Programme The primary and secondary school students of St Monica School Birkirkara have swapped disposable water bottles with plastic flasks as part of a water conservation project of the hSBC Water Programme – Catch the Drop campaign. The flasks replace plastic bottles on a permanent footing, reduc- ing the school's carbon footprint considerably. The school received a total of 1,000 high-quality flasks for students and staff to further entrench the message of water con- servation in the community. St Monica School has been supporting the hSBC Water Programme – Catch the Drop campaign enthusiastically. The ekoSkola students of the school have worked to create awareness about water conservation and have participated in various campaign activities such as the 400th anni- versary of the Wignacourt aque- duct, the environmental Summit, and setting up of posters during the Parents Day. a water conservation sticker de- signed by Sr. Marica Cardona has also been selected by the hSBC Water Programme – Catch the Drop to be placed in the school's facilities. The stickers urge users to close taps and save water. Future plans for the school include water- saving press taps. The hSBC Water Programme - Catch the Drop is the largest ever national environmental and educa- tional campaign of its kind in Mal- ta, and aims to forge a blueprint for progress on sustainability of water as a resource. Meanwhile, the campaign is in- viting submissions from all stu- dents, schools, and local councils in Malta and Gozo to propose a water harvesting project for scholastic year 2015-16. Proposals submit- ted by individual students will be evaluated under the 'School Out- reach Programme', while those by schools and local councils will be evaluated under the 'Community Outreach Programme'. Contemporary Art Biennale kicks off in Mdina FOR the next two months, the Mdi- na Cathedral Contemporary art Biennale will showcase art, in all its forms, from 27 countries. Many of Mdina's beautiful sites will double up as an art space when the Mdina Cathedral Contempo- rary art Biennale kicks off. Leading artists from all over the world will have their pieces hanging in Malta's first capital city between last Friday and 7 January 2016. The Biennale, with aPS Bank as its main partner, opened officially with the prestigious aPS annual Con- cert at 8pm on Friday, at the Metro- politan Cathedral in Mdina, where all the venues with the exhibits were also open to the public. The concert featured the premiere of the Stabat Mater composed by euchar Gravina. The Malta Philhar- monic Orchestra was conducted by Mro Christopher Muscat, accompa- nied by soprano andriana Yordano- va and Coro Bel Canto, directed by Mro hermann Farrugia Frantz. This new edition of the Mdina Bi- ennale, with the theme, Christian- ity, Spirituality and the Other, takes a different approach to art and reli- gion, and is being hailed as a bridge between different cultures, faiths and even non-faiths. The new conceptual direction for the event has been developed by artist, art critic and academic Dr Giuseppe Schembri-Bonaci, the ar- tistic director of the Biennale. The Biennale is going to emphasise crea- tivity, with high-quality artworks by top artists from 27 countries, in- cluding Malta. "What we are witnessing is a Bien- nale of international standards giv- ing visitors a lot of food for thought. In today's world, we encourage mul- ti-cultural heritage. Spirituality goes well beyond religion and through this Biennale we are exploring it in all its facets," says Dr Schembri- Bonaci. "Mdina has a history of multi- culturalism and this rebirth of the Biennale, which knows its origin to the Christian and Sacred art Bien- nale which The Cathedral Chapter established to encourage artists in this field. Under the artistic direc- tion of Schembri-Bonaci, this will take us beyond what we usually perceive when we refer to art and spirituality," said Mdina Cathedral archpriest Mgr anton Cassar. "Sacred art is artistic imagery us- ing religious ispiration and motifs and is intended to uplift the mind to the spiritual. In this respect, the Bi- ennale acts as the ideal platform to connect many people, giving Mdina a truly international feel that em- braces different religions, ideologies and creed." The long list of artists features names from across the artistic dis- ciplines. among the big names in the international artistic field, the Biennale features 23 works of art, which are the private collection of Schembri-Bonaci from Nobel-prize winner Dario Fo. all pieces exhibited have also been studied very well and will be displayed in ways that make the art respect the surroundings while al- lowing the visitor to have an enjoy- able and highly illuminating tour of the art. The Mdina Biennale does not sole- ly focus on representational art and its display. Besides making many sites more accessible and visible to the public – thus provoking interest in Malta's heritage – the Biennale will also present a full calendar of events throughout its eight weeks' duration. These include musical, literary and audio-visual events. Performances will also be held in Mdina and other venues outside the medieval city. Lectures, conferences and jazz will also be held during this eight-week extravaganza of art in its various manifestations. Venues are interest- ing and varied and include St Paul's Cathedral, Cathedral Museum, Pal- azzo de Piro, and the Church of St Peter in Chains, Chapel of St Roque, archbishop Square, Greeks Gate and Vilhena Palace. Opening hours of the different venues are available at php/participation/visitor-info. For more comprehensive infor- mation about the Mdina Cathedral Contemporary art Biennale 2015, visit Launching the Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale

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