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43 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 10 JANUARY 2016 Survey finds that 93% who resolve to eat healthier fail in their resolution IN general, we appear to stick to our New Year's resolutions, as almost two-thirds (63%) of people keep the promises they make to themselves at the start of January. Mobile casino, www.LeoVegas. com, conducted research into New Year's resolutions to find out the type of resolutions peo- ple make, how quickly they're broken and if they have the will power to keep it up all year. The resolution to lose weight is the most popular for both women (45%) and men (34%), however the focus of other reso- lutions differs between the gen- ders. Men focus on giving up their vices by drinking less alco- hol (29%) and quitting smoking (27%), whereas women focus on self-improvement with eating healthier (42%) and saving or paying off debt (31%). Money-based resolutions are also common among 18 to 24 year olds, with over a third (38%) promising to save money or pay off debt, including student loans. This becomes less of a focus for the older generations, as only 17% of over 65 year olds make these money-based resolutions. The ten most popular resolutions are: To lose weight (40%) 1. To go on a diet or eat 2. healthier (35%) Saving money or paying 3. off debt (28%) Quit smoking (24%) 4. Drink less alcohol (23%) 5. Taking up a new activity 6. (18%) Learning a new skill (15%) 7. Spend more time with 8. family (14%) Developing an existing 9. skill (10%) Getting better at a sport 10. (8%) Although 63% of people have stuck to a resolution in their lifetime, only 15% have kept every one they've made. Over a third (39%) have been broken in less than a week, with 14% last- ing less than 24 hours. When it comes to quit-ting smoking, more than one in four (27%) give up on giving up within the first day. Despite good intentions, 93% of those who make weight-based resolutions, to lose weight or go on a diet, quit before the year ends. Yet the most com-monly kept resolutions involve taking up a new sport, with 72% seeing it through. The main reason for breaking resolutions is lack of will power (62%), followed by being overly optimistic with the resolutions made (28%). 18 to 24 year olds are most likely to give into peer pressure, as one in ten admit to break-ing their resolutions due to the encouragement of family and friends, com-pared to the national average of 4%. Top three reasons for breaking resolutions: Lack of will power (62%) 1. Overly optimistic with the 2. resolutions made (28%) Laziness (23%) 3. Shenaly Amin, UK Country Manager of www.LeoVegas. com, said: "Every year January presents us with the perfect time to make promises we have every intention of keeping. Un- fortunately, as the results show, a lack of will power and being overly optimistic are the big- gest barriers to keeping our New Year's resolutions. Maybe if we keep this in mind when prepar- ing for 2016 and set achievable goals more of us will be able to keep our resolutions." Survey carried out in the UK in December 2015 with 1,002 re- spondents who have previously made a New Year's resolution. TWO HSBC customers, Yana Car- dona-Vella and Martina Vella, have each won €1000, two of the four €1,000 prizes in HSBC's Spend and Win competition, which got underway on the 15th November 2015. The winners were presented with their prize at the HSBC Head Office in Qormi by HSBC Malta's officials Kenneth Barbara and Joanna Bajada, as well as Global Payments's Stephen Teuma. All HSBC customers can take part in the competition to win the remaining two €1000 prizes sim- ply by paying for their shopping, restaurant bills or other services with their HSBC Debit Cards on Global Payments' point-of-sales terminals in Malta and Gozo. The competition comes to an end on the 15 January 2016. From left: The first two winners of the 'Spend and Win' competition with HS- BC and Global Payments officials First two winners of HSBC's Debit Card competition announced Faceworks offers seminars for drivers of large goods vehicles FACEWORKS Ltd. a leading company specialised in demo- lition and excavation works is committed to invest in the most advanced technologies in order to offer the safest solutions on the market. To keep abreast with competi- tion and in conformity with all EU laws, the management of the company has organized a set of seminars for Faceworks Ltd.'s employees, which enabled them to achieve the Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) for drivers of large goods vehi- cles (LGV). This qualification has been developed as a requirement of the EU Directive 2003/59, which aims to improve the knowledge and skills of professional LGV drivers. An emphasis is made on road safety to promote the con- cept of efficient driving. Moreo- ver drivers are made aware of the regulations applicable and of the significance of a customer oriented service. Faceworks Ltd.'s cutting edge is in the ability to guarantee peace of mind, particularly for development in residential ar- eas. Our modern f leet of exca- vators and trucks is equipped with the latest technology that is designed to avoid accidental damages and prevent excessive noise levels. For more information, please send an email at info@face-, visit our Face- book page, or call us on 9997 5377. Maltese representatives participate in Real Estate Services Training Camp in Antalya, Turkey TWO delegates from Coldwell Banker Malta, Hermann Mallia and Russell Schembri recently attended a four day internation- al broker training seminar in the southern district of Antalya, Turkey. The second International Broker 'Blue Camp' which was organised by Coldwell Banker Turkey between the 10 and 13 December 2015, gathered a large number of local brokers from all around Turkey and internation- al master franchisors from dif- ferent countries. The event showcased Cold- well Banker Turkey's success in their homeland, which saw the network growing at exponential rates during the last two years. It was also an excellent network- ing initiative for all participants who gathered in Turkey to learn from the networks' fastest grow- ing leader. Amongst the notable speakers at the event were David Riker and Rick Gregory, Vice President for Global Operations and Network Development Vice President at Coldwell Banker respectively. From Coldwell Banker Turkey's side, speakers included: Gökhan Taş, President, Rodman Gil Os- trander, Training Director and Management Consultant and Ms. Eda Bahadir, Training Man- ager. Since 1906, Coldwell Banker has been a leading provider of full-service residential and commercial real estate broker- age services. Coldwell Banker Real Estate is the oldest real estate brand and franchisor in the United States, and today has a global network of approximately 3,000 inde- pendently owned and operated franchised broker offices in 43 countries and territories with more than 86,000 affiliated sales professionals. Coldwell Banker Malta is cur- rently offering franchising op- portunities to selected real es- tate services brokers who would like to take their game to a whole new level. Careers in real estate services are also available to the right candidates. If you would like to benefit from Coldwell Banker's indus- try-leading tools , technolo- gies and training programs or would like to learn more about the Coldwell Banker brand you are kindly invited to contact us on 2339 2299 or on info@cold- or visit our website at w w w.coldwellbanker. The broker training seminar in progress in Antalya, Turkey Faceworks Ltd employees have obtained the CPC for drivers of large goods vehicles

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