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7 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 3 APRIL 2016 News TAĦRIĠ F'GĦAWDEX GĦALL- KOMUNITA' KUMMERĊJALI FUQ KIF GĦANDHOM ISIRU OFFERTI ELETTRONIĊI Il-Ministeru għal Għawdex b'kollaborazzjoni mad-Dipartiment tal- Kuntratti ser jorganizza żewġ sessjonijiet ta' taħriġ f'Għawdex għal operaturi ekonomiċi fuq kif għandhom isiru offerti elettroniċi. Dan it-taħriġ ser jagħti opportunita' li min ser jattendi sabiex isir familjari mal-metodu ta' kif isiru u jiġu sottomessi offerti elettroniċi fuq is-sistema elettronika tal-Akkwisti Pubbliċi. Dan it-taħriġ ser ikun mingħajr ħlas u ser jingħata il-Ġimgħa 22 ta' April 2016 u il-Ġimgħa 29 ta' April 2016 mid-9:00 ta filgħodu sas-1:00 ta' wara nofsinhar. Dawk interessati għandhom japplikaw permezz tal-posta elettronika fuq jew bit-telefon fuq in-numru 22100266 bejn it-8:00 ta' filgħodu u s-2:00 ta' wara nofsinhar sa mhux aktar tard minn nhar il-Ġimgħa 15 ta' April 2016. Ministeru għal Għawdex Fashion Wear & Souvenirs LIVE MUSIC LIVE MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT & MORE & MORE & MORE 15, 16 17 APRIL Stalls, Giveaways Stalls, Giveaways & FREE ENTRY 15, 16 17 APRIL & Coast Road: old stretch to be restored to 'natural state' Site is where new road veers away from coast, which has already attracted interest for the development of a private beach and car park JAMES DEBONO TRANSPORT Malta will be is- suing a tender for works to re- turn a redundant stretch of coast road to its "original state". The stretch of old coast road was left redundant after the completion of the coast road widening project and the re- alignment of the road in Bahar ic-Caghaq. This area has already attracted a planning application for the development of a private beach and car park. But in reply to questions sent by MaltaToday a spokesperson for Transport Malta revealed that the authority will be issu- ing a tender through which the area will be rendered as close to its natural state as possible by removing asphalt and other modern granular material in line with requirements set by the Malta Environment and Plan- ning Authority. According to the TM spokes- person the new road was de- signed in line with MEPA per- mits with the aim of reaching higher and safer standards. The realignment of this stretch of coast road was approved by ME- PA in 2012. "Cars can now take a safer turn along this stretch of road," the TM spokesperson said. The TM decision to issue a tender for the restoration of the area to its natural state contrasts with an application presented by a private developer in Janu- ary which included plans for a huge car park for 346 vehicles – over two levels on both sides of the roundabout, that lies on disturbed land facing the sea. Beach facilities included two five-metre-high gazebos on top of the parking area. The area has also attracted an application for a petrol station and two kiosks located opposite the new roundabout. Plans for a parking area on an- other redundant stretch of coast road were approved by MEPA in 2015 on the southern flank of the Sukkursu channel which had been rendered redundant by a road diversion at il-Gonna tal-Barbier. The original permit issued in 2012 had specified that the stretch of old road had to be scarified from asphalt but this condition was changed.

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