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MT 20 April 2016

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8 maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 20 APRIL 2016 News IN ALL LEADING BOOK SHOPS HISTORY OF ORNITHOLOGY IN MALTA PA announces summary procedure rules on developments MATTHEW VELLA THE Planning Authority has an- nounced new 'Summary Proce- dures' rules which it says will sig- nificantly reduce the range and types of development exempt from requiring planning permission, when they satisfy certain criteria. The proposed Development Noti- fication Order (DNO), which is be- ing issued for public consultation, will do away with the right to carry out works without the public not having a right for an appeal. The DNO legal notice has been revised on several occasions with the purpose of increasing the classes and types of works that were considered as permitted de- velopment, which included certain works carried out out through a simple notification process or in many cases where no notification was required at all. "While this process may have worked well for the applicant, it left the public and many residents without the right to even know, let alone object or appeal against such development works," the PA said. Through the new Procedure for Applications and their Determi- nation rules which will come into force in the coming days, the PA will be introducing a new type of planning application which will sit along the familiar full development application and the DNO. In an interview with MaltaToday on Sunday, the authority's CEO Johann Buttigieg said that the fast track procedure will apply to ap- plications for development within development zones but not located in urban conservation areas and will be limited to any development which amounts to fewer than 16 apartments. "If you are proposing a develop- ment in the development zone, you are not in the urban conservation or villa area and your proposal is in line with plans and policies, the ap- plication will be assessed through this procedure," Buttigieg said. Buttigieg pointed out that the new system has safeguards against abuse because each application will still pass the scrutiny of three persons: the case officer who will consider whether it conforms to existing policies, his senior who will endorse the report and finally the chairperson of the Planning Commission. He also said that the public will still be able to present objections. To make the new timeframes binding, the PA will even be fin- ing itself in case of delays: €25 a day in the case of applications issued through the summary procedure, €100 a day in the case of normal ap- plications, a €500 a day in the case of major projects. These amounts will be automatically deducted from the bill paid by the applicant. This Summary Procedure will incorporate a number of develop- ment types which have been re- moved from the present DNO. This new procedure ensures that a notice is affixed to a property where the intervention is proposed to be carried out, the public is given 15 days to submit objections and a registered objector has the right to make an appeal against the de- cision. A 'Summary Procedures' application will be decided within 42 days. The proposed DNO legal no- tice is eliminating certain types of developments which today are considered as permitted develop- ment, these include water cisterns and reservoirs, installation of LPG storage tanks, extensions to sin- gle-dwelling building, basements, backyard developments and swim- ming pools. The notice also pro- poses the entire removal of Class 14 for the reservation of public land for the placing of tables and chairs. The Planning Authority will con- tinue to receive DNO requests in accordance with the current DNO regulations until the publication of the new legal notice which will be regulating the Authority's pro- cedures for Applications and their Determination. The public and interested parties may view the proposed DNO legal notice on the Authority's website Submissions may be sent in writ- ing to the Authority, through email address The public consultation closes on Monday, 2nd May, 2016. Planning Authority CEO Johann Buttigieg has said the fast track procedure will be limited to development which has fewer than 16 apartments Home affairs minister highlights Maltese interest in EU resilience HOME affairs minister Carmelo Abela highlighted the impor- tance of EU resilience for Malta. Speaking during the opening of a seminar on global security at the University of Malta on Mon- day, Abela said that the need for such resilience was amplified for member states situated in the midst of complex geostrategic positions in Europe. Abela continued that the re- cent terror attacks perpetrated on neighbouring member states are a cold reminder that the EU cannot refrain from taking ac- tion. "The EU cannot afford not to be prepared and member states cannot hide behind their na- tional borders if their objective is to strengthen their citizens' social security while simultane- ously having an inf luential role in global affairs," Abela said. He explained that this was why Malta endorses the strategic re- f lection period launched by EU foreign affairs representative Federica Mogherini with the objective of having a Global EU Strategy for Foreign Affairs and Political Security by June 2016. "The EU's challenges are linked to those of the surrounding re- gions as issues such as political instability, poverty, inequality migratory inf luxes, radicaliza- tion, access to education, un- employment and violation of human rights in neighbouring countries will inevitably affect the EU," he said. "When these effects start to surface, we need to be ready to address the situation with a common vision and strategy, based on a sense of unity and solidarity," he said, adding that efficient communication and sharing of information could also help to meet these ends. Minister Carmelo Abela addresses seminar on global security at the University of Malta

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