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MT 24 December 2016

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maltatoday, SATURDAY, 24 DECEMBER 2016 Retirement & Elderly Care VII Choosing to help others in retirement FOR some retirement is a blessing and for others its is a time of anxiety and foreboding. Many people really begin to enjoy their free time and occupy them- selves with activities and pastimes that they truly enjoy. Others struggle to feel useful and sadly fall into apathy, this unfortunately usually leads to depression or alienation from their immediate family. In both cases an option one could explore is helping out in the community. Finding purpose and fulfilment in using your life experiences to bring happiness to others. The satisfaction this brings to both the person helping and those being helped is quite magical and creates a whole new dimension in ones life. There are many ways one can help and many people and groups who need help and assistance. One could choose to volunteer, start helping a neighbour or family or perhaps even help for remu- neration. One demographic that requires a great deal of help are the elderly, they are vulnerable, at times lonely and suffer many physical limitations. Helping the elderly in retirement is a great way to get in touch with the next phase of ones life while keeping active and fulfilled. Many a time strong friendships are cre- ated between the person providing care and the family in need, and sometimes all it takes is sharing a cup of tea or helping someone with their shopping or giving much needed respite to a family member who may be exhausted and overwhelmed with their new found situation. We all need help from time to time and certainly more and more as we age. Using this time given to us in retirement opens up our communities the great opportunity to remain active in giving. Helping others is a great way of help- ing oneself remain active and needed in society. The goal of Seniors Helping Seniors® In-home Services is to match active seniors who can provide a service in our community to other seniors who would benefit from receiving those services. The character of the seniors both pro- viding and receiving services is key to ensuring the safety and security of all. We do our best to match personali- ties and activity levels and to encourage a strong friendship that is developed as seniors complete various activities throughout the day… together. Like getting a little help from your friends® Simon Fiorini Lowell, Seniors Helping Seniors, 9947 3334

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