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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 29 JANUARY 2017 6 EU Summit The perilous crossing across the central Med T he growing instability in the EU's southern neighbourhood has increased the number of people trying to reach the European Union and EU member states are intensif ying efforts to establish an effective, humanitarian and safe European migration policy. Migration will be the main subject on the agenda of the summit of the heads of government of the EU member states, which will be held in Malta on 3 February. The European Council plays an im- portant role in this effort, setting the strategic priorities, upon which the Council of the EU then establishes certain lines of action and provides the mandates for negotiations with third countries. It also adopts legislation and monitors the definition and implementation of specific programmes. Over the past months, the Council and European Council have worked to build up a strong response in several areas. The presidency of the Council has also activated the integrated political crisis response arrangements (IPCR). These provide tools to step up support to the Council response in the event of a crisis, both at political level and at working level, with the Commission, the EEAS, and relevant agencies. Preventing illegal migration flows Responding to the root causes of migra- tion flows requires a broad approach and strong cooperation with countries of origin and transit. Council action in this area seeks to address the reasons causing people to flee, including conflict, political and economic instability, human rights violations and poverty. The EU supports the response to the ur- gent needs of Syrian refugees through as- sistance to UN agencies, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. It also provides humanitarian aid to migrants on the Western Balkan route. In October 2014, the Council welcomed the launch of the EU funded Operation Triton, which supports search and rescue operations in the central Mediterranean. A second one, Operation Poseidon, has been patrolling the eastern Mediterra- nean since 2006. The EU also seeks to target the criminal